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Thinking of starting Muay Thai

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Thinking of starting muay thai, what does a typical training session involve? when do u start sparring etc.?

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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Thinking of starting muay thai, what does a typical training session involve? when do u start sparring etc.?

Hi, I just started muay thai for about two months now, my background was karate, and im doing very well, it depends on gyms and the Instrutor, my second day I sparr with a good muay thai,he was teaching me how to use corect techniques posture etc, a while ago I ran to the corner shop I was out of breath now I can run till 1.5 hours your fitness will improves as long as you stay active.

Before I come to mauy thai i've done 3 months of kickboxing archived my white sash in the NAK, I was doing very well, so i moved to muay thai if you want to box train if you want to be a champion train hard!

Why do you think? you should say I want to do mauy thai, becsue out of every art out ther mauy thai has alot to offer, knees, kicks, punches, elbows, clinch also I have a phuhuyuth muay thai book of mae mai...

If you get the chance to sparr, try to sparr with the guys that is stronger and better than you, so you can improve, no point of beating a guy when his down or weaker than you...the techniques you will lern isn't hard but its not easy anyone can used muay thai techniqes.

There will be a day that you can't cope with your life, I want you to look at the star and remember, I always smile back at you. luV u lots Jen

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Thinking of starting muay thai, what does a typical training session involve? when do u start sparring etc.?

you can do a search on the forum for some of the workouts you'll see - I've posted a few, as have some others. I'm short on time now, but maybe tomorrow I'll post the workout I'm putting my group through tomorrow.

As for sparring, you will typically begin sparring after 2-3 months - long enough for you to have learned basic offense and defense and to have had time to apply them in drills. If you have prior experience, the time may be shorter. When are you intending on starting?

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Thx seven, not sure when i'll start, i've got a friend who has no martial arts experience at all, he wants to start boxing. I'm trying to get him to give Muay Thai a go, but i dont think the idea of kicking apeals to him, i think he thinks that its all fancy high kicks, which it obviously isn't. He's a big powerful build and would do well in muay thai, he's after boxing style training for fitness which is very similar to thai. I'f i can get him to watch a lesson, i know he would fall in love with it.

Just want to get some feedback on what kind of stuff i'll expect.

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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keep in mind that the length of amateur rounds is 2 min, so each round is 2 mins. there is also one minute of rest between rounds.

jump rope - 2 rounds, 4 mins a piece

between rounds, 40 squats, 40 pushups


-1 rd. normal

-1 rd. interval - ali/frazier

-1 rd interval - normal and speed punching

combinations - 3 rds

skill work - 36 mins

thai pads - 4 rds

sparring - 4 rds

ab work

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i am going to try this this saturday(day i dont have formal class) with my training partner.

but what is ali/frazier shadow boxing

i am also to assume that combinations are on the focus mitts should i use heavy bag?

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frazier had an agressive style - ali was elusive.

I have an interval timer - I set the round length, and then set the duration for 15 seconds. every 15 seconds, it will beep. when the bell rings, shadowbox aggressively - lots of head movement and forward motion. when the bell sounds, switch to an ali style - lots of movement, plenty of jabbing. stay in one place only long enough to throw a quick combo, then move again. when the bell sounds, go back to the frazier style. Do this until the final bell at the end of the round.

This gets fighters used to various styles of fighting, and the ali style is great for endurance.

do the combinations where you want - pads, bag, air - doesn't matter.

Monday, let me know what you thought about it. I'd like the feedback.

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frazier had an agressive style - ali was elusive.

I have an interval timer - I set the round length, and then set the duration for 15 seconds. every 15 seconds, it will beep. when the bell rings, shadowbox aggressively - lots of head movement and forward motion. when the bell sounds, switch to an ali style - lots of movement, plenty of jabbing. stay in one place only long enough to throw a quick combo, then move again. when the bell sounds, go back to the frazier style. Do this until the final bell at the end of the round.

This gets fighters used to various styles of fighting, and the ali style is great for endurance.

do the combinations where you want - pads, bag, air - doesn't matter.

Monday, let me know what you thought about it. I'd like the feedback.

i hate you

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Hich rich, a amatuer fight is 3x2 mins round and 1 minute of rest,

if you do this:

30 sec of burpee add a pushup squat back jump up

30 sec sahdowbox, you should hit hard to fight from your fatique

Repeat - till 2 minutes

Remember rest 1 minute, you should make it harder don't add rounds a few of that your begging to collaps.

Its more realistic everyone in muay thai start 6-8 weeks of building up stamina...

There will be a day that you can't cope with your life, I want you to look at the star and remember, I always smile back at you. luV u lots Jen

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frazier had an agressive style - ali was elusive.

I have an interval timer - I set the round length, and then set the duration for 15 seconds. every 15 seconds, it will beep. when the bell rings, shadowbox aggressively - lots of head movement and forward motion. when the bell sounds, switch to an ali style - lots of movement, plenty of jabbing. stay in one place only long enough to throw a quick combo, then move again. when the bell sounds, go back to the frazier style. Do this until the final bell at the end of the round.

This gets fighters used to various styles of fighting, and the ali style is great for endurance.

do the combinations where you want - pads, bag, air - doesn't matter.

Monday, let me know what you thought about it. I'd like the feedback.

i hate you


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