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Could someone please help me with my first pattern

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Thank you to everyone who replied :wave:


taezee, your right, I'm stressing out to much and i'm usually sooo laid back, (I tend to be a little competitive) spinninggumby,kickchick,iamrushman, thanks for the input,excellent advice from everyone!


I'll check back tomorrow night after class and tell y'all how it went. My fiance' is going to videotape our workout and I think that will help my cause, not that I'm trying to hard, but I love a challenge.


Thanks again everyone :grin:







Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

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Elliot I know how you feel. There were times in class I just could not rember any of the movements. Some days were fine and some well - downright frustrating.


When we were learning Sakagawa no kon in class I kept getting lost and slowed the whole class down I don't know how many times. It was embarrassing. I finally got it though and so will you.



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