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Public Apology to Fred Buck


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In a previous posting regarding World Oyama Karate vs Kyokushin, I mentioned that we had one of Sensei Fred Buck's students join our dojo in San Francisco, when the Sacramento Kyokushin school closed down.

I stated that the student thought WOK in San Francisco was more technical than the Kyokushin training he had received in Sacramento and that this student preferred it.

This could be misconstrued as me (or the student) "dissing" Fred Buck's school. This is NOT the case. This student has nothing but the very highest regard for Fred Buck and the school.

I would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight and to publicly apologise to Fred Buck and any of his students who may have thought I was knocking their school or their teaching methods. I hope we have the opportunity to train or compete against each other in the future.


ET :cry:

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