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I take Jeet Kune Do, and I am also very interested in Muay Thai. Some of you might know, your power hand is placed up front for stance in JKD, but in MT it is not..

I notice the powerful roundhouse kicks are delivered from the power rear, but my question is, how would I be able to deliver (or try to) just as powerful and quick roundhouses with my power foot placed up front in my stance?

Thanks :karate:

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you gotta get your hip into it. to do this with maximum effectiveness, you have to place your power side to the rear and swing it into place with your hip.

Boxers too, they lead with the weaker arm and keep the strength in back just waiting for the opportunity to land that haymaker.

like Bruce Lee said, "you gotta get your hip into it!"

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Also remember that you only put power into a punch and kick right before impact. Ensure your knee is raised, like when running a 200m hurdle race, and then keeping in mind that your foot on the ground must turn and swing your leg in and before impact give it power and snap it back. You do not want to kick through the person, but rather into him. Be a puppet on strings. ;-)

"You do not truly know someone until you fight him." - Seraph

"To be the best, you must be the best." - Me

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thai kicks don't really raise the knee - there is no chamber. Like was said above, use your hip. Open it up, then turn it over as you strike. Also, learn the switch kick. it involves switching your feet a little, so that your lead foot is in the rear - you get more power out of it that way. It's REALLY easy to completely mess it up though, so you need to have someone show you how to do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
thai kicks don't really raise the knee - there is no chamber. Like was said above, use your hip. Open it up, then turn it over as you strike. Also, learn the switch kick. it involves switching your feet a little, so that your lead foot is in the rear - you get more power out of it that way. It's REALLY easy to completely mess it up though, so you need to have someone show you how to do it.

over and over and over again

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SevenStar is correct, learn the switch kick. Also, I don't think 'power sides' are that important for kicks because you don't really rely on muscle as much as you do when punching (not that punching is all about arm strength, though), it's all about your hips. I can get about the same amount of power in each leg. Btw, I didn't think most people had a stronger leg on one side, lol.


You might also try learning to use muay thai when you have your weak hand forward, and then switch to how you fought in JKD when you have your power hand forward.

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since ur in a right stance thank right leg in front, picture ur oponent is ina left stance and his left leg is in front, ok.....so, take ur right leg and step at almost 45 degrees. more like 35 deg to the right of u roponent, take ur left leg and follow the front leg the same way to that degree, and now kick, what this did is it opened up from where you are an now it will be a much harder kick becasue ur coming from an angle and not straight forward, so you have more room to kick and acelerate that kick which means more power, this only works if ur using ur front leg to kick, so either use this or do thw switch kick.

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Im from a karate background, but guessd what Muay thai is very different from alot of arts, they use alot of kicks, punches, elbows, clinch etc...

When I go to a muay thai lesson I always think positive, its hard to explain a thai kick with oinly a few months of experinced.

1. from my own view, be relax and confident.

2. when i kick the thai pads, my body all losens up swung as hard as I could, drive it through the pad, make sure your partner is holding it corecctly or else the kick going to hurt him.

3. when you kick don't try to swung your hands, rigidly it will come as natural, and about switiching leg it will come natural to you, just focused on the techniqe. I've been abit lazy so my kick is absoulote downhill,

Every person kick differently, if you have a samll partner don't hit too hard, and by grunting abit you will get that extra 10% of power.

You maybe herd a kick from anexperinced thai boxer is like getting hit bya basball bat or a Iron bar, so try to aim for that.

There will be a day that you can't cope with your life, I want you to look at the star and remember, I always smile back at you. luV u lots Jen

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