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Show me something

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I usually get the opposite of 'show me something', although i do get that too. Most people want to show me something and ask what it is 'in Karate'. like a sloppy leg slinging kick or a dorky one-legged stance.

Then i get the 'can you do...' also. 'Can you break a board on your head?' 'Can you push this house over?' 'Can you break this counter top in half?'

If someone asks me to shem them 'Karate', i just stand there. They usually lose interest right there, but if they ask what i'm doing, or why i'm not moving i tell them that i am doing 'Karate' by controlling my desire to punch them. 'you see, self-control is very important...' then they lose interest.

I usually don't put on a performance for people wanting to get a free demo. they'd be disappointed that i can't do a flip while shaking a pair of kamas.

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I've had a couple of people ask me to show things to them, but both have been interested - both actually started coming to classes because of what I showed them (I don't think it was anything impressive, either, probably just a bit of punching or a couple of kicks!). Both of the people have been interested enough to stick with training; it was obvious when they asked me about karate that they were interested, or else I wouldn't have shown them anything.

Other than that I sometimes just get dorky comments (usually from people at work) like "Daniel-San" and "can you karate chop this table in half?" :roll:

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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I get asked this alot, I usually tell them to punch me. All I have to do is suck um' in to impress them... They just go Whoa! thats scary... :D

"One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say."

- Will Durant

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all the time. i am in grappling and karate so i ask them what they want to see. they usually say both, so i give them this bunch of hooey from old tv shows, something that they have seen and they just turn around and say "i can do that, wanna see..."

shodan - Shotokan

Blue Belt - Jiu-Jitsu

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care the themself without that law is both. For wounded man shall say to his assailant, if I live I will kill you, If I die you are forgiven-- such is the rule of Honor.

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I usually just get looks that ask "Are you crazy?" One girl has started calling me "karate boy," but no one has really asked me to show them anything.

The best a man can hope for

is, over the course of his lifetime,

to change for the better.

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once or twice. I usually show them wrist locks and ho sin sool (self defense) stuff. People like to see the quick and decisive or immobilizing techniques.

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilites, but in the expert's there are few."

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I have had some people ask me "what would you do if i did this"....

My standard response to this incredibly annoying question is:

a) fix my eyes on theirs - no blinking allowed.

b) smirk a little.

c) Answer with: "I'd just smack my fist into your jaw bone." (Pause) "Hard."

There's something about using the words 'jaw bone' instead of simply saying 'jaw' or 'mouth'. It comes accross a little more... ...clinical.

My old psychology instructor used to tell me that I had a habit of over complicating things. He suggested that I learned to 'Keep it Short and Simple'. I guess I've finally cracked it. :brow:

I think he'd be proud. :D


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