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Show me something

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I've been in TKD over well over a decade. Only once when I mentioned to someone that I practice TKD did anyone ever ask me to show them something. I've had my parents ask that my young kids to do their forms or something for their visiting friends, but I've only been asked once by anybody to give an impromptu demo.

How about you guys? Has anyone ever asked you "Show me something"? If so, tell about it.

My story is, I was walking through the warehouse at work when a worker sees me and says "Hey, can you break this board" (kind of joking and daring me at the same time) as he held up a square of pine board with out-stretched arms. I got into stance, bounced a little, gave a little yell and started my turning for a back kick. When I completed the rotation I saw the guy running down the hallway with the board left on the floor. :lol:

when you create the world's largest trailer park, you're going to have tornadoes

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Yeah some people have, bit hard with Wing Chun. This is a Bong Sau...this is a Laap...just doesn't look impressive lol

"...or maybe you are carrying a large vicious dog in your pocket." -Scottnshelly

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I was asked once, and showed a simple block and counter. Can't remember what it is now, though. I think that of all the ppl he was the only serious person wondering if I could show them something.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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oh yea, I have had that lots of times. Usually by friends or people from school who hear that I do MA. Sometimes even from family members. I usually show one of my favorite or coolest looking joint locks.

Like a midget at a urinal, I'm always on my toes

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Yeah it's hard to show something with Wing Tsun... nothing fancy about it... but when I am with my nephew we can do latsau or some basic chi sau...

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I get that "Show me something" now and then. What I've found works best is where I'll stand in front of them, feet about 2' apart, relaxed, hands out in front of me in a non-threatening manner, with palms facing outwards and tell them "OK, throw a punch or kick at me"...they won't usually because they're afraid I'll hurt them. :brow:

Either that or I'll tell them to grab me and put them in a wrist lock or drop them on the floor maybe. I'm always up to give someone a quick demo if they really want to see something. It's never anything to earth shattering or what they expect to see...but that's the way this system works.

A long time ago a guy at work asked me to show him something (we were on break and having coffee) and I grabbed a styrofoam cup and placed the cup on his head upsidedown and said "Now be VERY still and don't move". For some reason, he changed his mind. :D

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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Just once... by a buddy of mine who started TKD the same time I did, but dropped out after a month.... he just wanted to see how high I could kick... (previous to this I couldn't brink my leg aove my waist.. heh)...and a spinning hook kick...

I did both... one kick at his head and 2 or three spinning hooks (without falling on my rear!) ...and told him he shoulda kept coming to class

He agreed...

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Yeah, my friends used to ask me all the time. The trick is to make sure they never ask you again. But whenever someone asks, I usually just do a fancy lock, "okay, grab my wrist.." What gets on my nerves though is when someone will punch me out of the blue and ask me, "where's your karate kung fu now, huh? Huh?"

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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