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Hey Guys,

Woohoooo....I just broke my first board with a hand/arm technique other than an elbow! and it feels great!

What technique did you guys first use to break? What's your current favorite technique for breaking?

Take care.


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Dear Fellow,

My first break was with a forefist through one board.

Currently, I am perfecting a flying triple break. This is a break which I can do, I am simply working to make it perfect!

Twin Leg Flying Sidekick w/ turning kick.

Two boards are held on the same vertical plane, one at face height and one at chest height, the third board is over to the side. Twin Leg Kick is a two foot flying sidekick, then the top foot comes across and preforms a turning/round kick through the third board!

Best Wishes...TAEKWON!


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My first break technique was a front snap kick.. I also felt like a million bucks... :)

congratulations on you break...

I will live my life at level 10... Every Day, Every Time, Without fail, No Exceptions!!!

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This is what I had to do for each rank below:

white: spinnig heel kick, elbow strike

8th gup: running front kick, out chop

7th gup: back kick, palm heel strike

6th gup: skip side kick through 2 stacked boards, hammer strike to the side

5th gup: flying side kick over 6 people, vertical punch

4thgup: flying front kick above head high, flying back fist

3rd gup: flying roundhouse (head high), speed punch (drop board with one hand and punch with other)

2nd gup: 180 flying back kick, upper cut

1st gup: flying spinning kick head high, ridgehand strike

Cho Dan Bo:

1st part: Ax kick, head high

2nd part: Hook Kick, head high

3rd part: double flying front kick and double vertical punch striking 4 seperate boards at same time

4th part: knife hand strike through 5 stacked boards.

1st Dan:

1st part: forward roll down with heel kick

2nd part: flying twisting kick (outward front kick?) head high

3rd part: flying double side kick (2 seperate boards)

4th part: down punch through 5 stacked boards

2nd Dan:

1st part: down strike using the middle knuckles of the 3 middle fingers

2nd part: flying roundhouse, hook kick combo with same leg, 2 seperate boards head high

3rd part: flying reverse punch & side kick at same time, 2 seperate boards head high

4th part: while doing a hand stand, double down heel kick, 2 seperate boards

3rd Dan:

1st part: Double Flying Reverse Crescent, 2 seperate boards head high

2nd part: 180 Flying Crescent above head high

3rd part: Flying Front with Roundhouse combo, different leg each kick, 2 seperate boards

4th part: Spearhand Down Strike (finger tip break)

Now, as a 4th Dan, my first break I'm working on is a flyng double side kick, same leg, to 2 boards held at same height.

In demos I would do a break where I was surrounded by 4 people. I did right hand knife hand to the left, then to the right followed by left hand middle punch. Then to the back I would either do a back kick or a right hand downward hammer fist.

when you create the world's largest trailer park, you're going to have tornadoes

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For my most recent test, (just this saturday for my brown belt or 4th gup) I had to do a spinning hook kick.

My first break was a front kick....

The last demo my school did, I did a power back kick to break 3 boards... and for the next demo I'm working on a combination which would take me across a room... three consecutive back kicks, followed by a tornado kick fake into a spinning hook kick...

The back kicks I have alright, but that last bit of spinning and faking a need work on. Our next demo isn't til july though so hopefully I'll get it right :)

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My first hand break was a palm strike.

My first patio brick was a palm strike.

Now, my favorite breaks are spinning hook kick, ridge hand and for bricks a downward elbow strike.

Master Jason Powlette

5th Dan, Tang Soo Do

--Tang Soo!!!

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My first break was a back kick (one board). I was scared, but I broke it. Now I love breaking :D

I've done everything from ridge hand strikes, to punches, palm strikes (all two boards with CTS no less :D ), ect. I've done a lot of kicks, too. Flying side kicks, 360 round kicks, double front kicks, spinning hook kick, ect ... most with two boards, except if they are over my head (which I usually do as a speed break with one board). Basic kicks mostly with two boards, except the side and back kick (I've done three).

Kicks sounds like a mad breaking machine! LOL. I've done some of those, but not at the same time .... sheesh, dude LOL.

BUT I have a fear of doing knifehand strikes :( I saw someone break their hand doing a knifehand strike break. EEEKKKK!!!! I saw his hand swell up instantly :( But that was with three boards no spacers. If I did that, I'd prolly use spacers.

Laurie F

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Kicks sounds like a mad breaking machine! LOL. I've done some of those, but not at the same time .... sheesh, dude LOL.

:lol: I can see where you might think I did all those at once, but actually not. For any of our black belt grading we have to take 4 test (parts) each 2 months apart from each other. You can see what I'm talking about by viewing my 4th dan test page at http://www.livaudaisnet.com/mafit/test/mafit4dan.htm

when you create the world's largest trailer park, you're going to have tornadoes

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I'm personally not fond of breaking http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_7_5.gif

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When a man has lost his luck, he meets a beautiful woman.


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My first break ever was probably just a a stomp...

my favorite break now would probably be a spear hand...but I only do that once in awhile, as doing it too often would be a pretty good way to do permanant damage to my fingers...

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