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how do u know when to test for your next belt in Goju Ryu?Do they just go and tell u or wut?Because I havent seen anyone with stripes on their belts to indicate their knowledge

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Some schools don't use stripes. I don't do Goju, but in most karate styles, they will let you know when you are ready. There might be a pre-test to make sure you are ready (as they do it at my school).

The Goju guys/gals can help ya a bit better than I can, but I hope this helped anyways :)

Laurie F

Some schools don't use stripes.

Yep.. I know we don't (once again though, I'm not goju ryu :P). It's possible that you could just test at certain times during the year.

If you really want to know? Ask your sensei. :)

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

- T. S. Eliot


I have always heard that its the instructor who decides....bit in ryu you have the option of asking to test....wich i was told no one ever does.


Through the night, a raven's schrill cry,

The wind, caressed by darkness, howls through the sky.

The stars in the heavens look upon the corrupt world below,

And as mankind's laid to rest, their fate they do not know.


Your instructor will probably let you know when he/she wants you to test. Just keep training hard and then you will be ready for when the day comes! :karate:

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!


If there's a stripe on the belt of an Okinawan Goju-ryu person, it commonly doesn't mean a dan grade - it means Renshi (i.e. first "teacher grade", usually granted around 5-6. dan).

In traditional styles you won't see dan stripes very often.

Jussi Häkkinen

Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Seibukan Karate-Do (Kyan Chotoku lineage)




There's no one answer here. Sometimes, it's entirely up to the instructor, to tell the student that he will be testing. Other times, a signup sheet is posted, and the student decides when he wants to test. Of course, the instructor can always intervene, and recommend that the student delay testing, or encourage a student to test.


We are informed of our eligibility schedule, and when we become eligible our sensei will tell us if we are ready to grade or not. If we are, we grade.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu


in shorei shobukan go ju ryu karate, there is only stripes at the kyu level. the stripes is the color of the next belt color (example: green stripe on white belt). the stripes in the dan level you are refering to is another thing.from 5 to 8 dan you wear red and white belt, its called "akashiro".

anyway, to the original poster: they will either let you know when you will test or just congratulate you at the beginning of a class for getting to the next belt. it depends on the school and/or the grade.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence thus, is not an act, but a habit. --- Aristotle

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