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Humility and respect. If you lose, accept the defeat and learn from it, do not show any emotions or reactions. If you win, remember that your opponent lost, don't show any emotions or reactions.

By this i don't mean walk around with a poker face, but just don't get upset and crazy if you lose and don't rub it in your opponent's face if you win. Always bow and shake your opponent's hand before and after any sparring for forms competitions.

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Humility and respect. If you lose, accept the defeat and learn from it, do not show any emotions or reactions. If you win, remember that your opponent lost, don't show any emotions or reactions.

By this i don't mean walk around with a poker face, but just don't get upset and crazy if you lose and don't rub it in your opponent's face if you win. Always bow and shake your opponent's hand before and after any sparring for forms competitions.


Always remember... a tournament isn't necessarily to win medals. It's a place to learn :) If you lose (and I guess if you win too), watch your opponents, and see what you can pick up for next time. (and remember what everyone else said too :lol: I don't know that much about sparring, so I wouldn't be the one to give tips about that)

Have fun at your tournament :)

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

- T. S. Eliot

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Clear your mind. Focus. Score points. Strech! If you do hit him, where every one can see, yell out KIAI or w/e you say. Then the judges will really know you hit that person.

Determination + Disciplin + Strength - Fear = ONE BLACK BELT! Do the Math!

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If you do hit him, where every one can see, yell out KIAI or w/e you say. Then the judges will really know you hit that person.

Most good judges don't pay attention to the sounds. I never scored somebody based on a kiai/kiyup. If you don't see the point, don't score the point. That's why they have more than one judge.

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