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Fed up?


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I have to admit, I don't have a problem with the misconceptions of those that know nothing about the martials arts that they didn't ''learn'' from Jean Claude van Darth Vader. Generally, I only get tired of 'paper tigers' and 'paper black belts' that perceive themselves as martial artists. Typically, I simply smile politely and allow them to reside in their self-created bubble of false confidence.

However, my response (to the 'unknowing') is usually fairly standard:

"Martial arts is a way of life that revolves around the protection of those that I care about, respect for the human mind and body, and a moral code based on honour and dedication in all things."

I quickly follow this with:

"If you'd really like to know something about it, I'm happy to bring you to our training centre and you can join us in a few sessions."

That's usually the point where Daniel-sans second cousin twice removed, starts to notice the scarring on my hands, the scarring on my face, the bruising on my arms, the light shining in my eyes etc. Approximately one second later, they generally start coughing politely and remembering how old war injuries prevent them from getting up off the couch.

The odd few however, follow with:

"Actually, that could be fun. What's involved exactly?"

From this comes a productive conversation and has often lead to shiny new students in our merry little band of wannabe 'Robin Hoods'. :D


More than 200 pictures of Kyokushin technique.

Kata outlined step by step.

https://www.kyokushinbudokai.org (Homepage)

Diary of a Full Contact Martial Artist (Diary)

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When you friends talk about there pearls of wisdom about arts they looked after Bloodsport. Its like wow you know what the word Kumite is do you want a cookie?.Or how when you watch it with your friends there like can you do that back roundhouse to his back of the neck solar plexus(translation:can you use a hook kick to the back of the head) and just ignorant stuff like that but hey ignorance is bliss. Or how they go on and on like there know it alls that makes me get real fed up :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

28 movies, 50 years Godzilla is King of the Monsters

"nothing like a good workout" Paul Pheonix

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Well, so far I've always found I get a really positive response when I mention it. People seem genuinely interested, and sometimes I'm surprised to find that other people study a martial art, and I'd never guessed.

"They can because they think they can." - School Motto.

(Shodan 11th Oct 08)

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Okay, I've had my first run in with the idiots who mock the arts. Three days worth of the morons, for a whole class period each day. "Hey, can you show us some karate?"


"Show us!"

"I am. I'm sitting here in control of myself instead of bashing your heads in, which I am fully capable of."

"That's not karate. Karate is hitting people and knocking eachother out."

"No. It's learning control, discipline, honor, and hard work, while on the side learning how to defend yourself and others."

"Not cool. Show us real karate."

"You've already seen it."

"I bet she can't, that's why."

"No, I could. If you want to see, you can come visit the dojo. Maybe Sensei will even let you participate."

"No way."

Hey, I tried. And I didn't bash their brains in. I was being good. 12 vs me, though, not fair, nor cool. Not nice. Oh well. As long as I avoid them, maybe I'll finally get some peace....(Note: The leader of these idiots had been trying to get me to go out with him for 3 years. I don't know if that applies or not, but hey, I don't think I will ever go out with him.)

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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Which alot of you guys will agree is the overuse of Generic Martial Arts terms.Like I take Shotokan karate but they dont even know any of the main styles and for you Wushu guys it must be worse.This is what the average person reconizes


Kung Fu

Kick boxing and Muay Thai


Tai Chi

But that fact of the matter is that they are ignorant and think if you take Karate and go to another club or dojo you can still keep your rank even though it could be a different Karate style like Shotokan to Wado-ryu

Ps: Now i sounded like them by useing Karate generically to make my point

28 movies, 50 years Godzilla is King of the Monsters

"nothing like a good workout" Paul Pheonix

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When someone finds out that I train, I always get the "HOW HIGH CAN YOU KICK"? My response is "If I have you on your knees in front of my I don't have to kick very high".

More Practice

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