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Isshin Ryu questions.


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I was just wondering if someone could tell me about Isshin Ryu,I was thinking of switching over to Isshin Ryu,because tha school is closer,cheaper and tha guy there likes to teach just to spread tha system.He said he dosen't even charge for testing,because that's tha way he trained.Any advie or tips or thoughts on this style will be appriciated,Thanks in adcance.


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Isshin-Ryu is a great style of martial arts. lol, I can't say that without being biased. I have been doing it since I was 5, I am 19 now, so if that's any indication on how much I like it. It is a fairly easy system to learn, because there isn't a massive amount of stuff to it. It is a very solid system, and a good base if you want to spread from it. So, give it a shot. I'm sure you'll have fun.

He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.

- Tao Te Ching

"Move as swift as a wind, stay as silent as forest, attack as fierce as fire, undefeatable defense like a mountain."

- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

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Yeah,I think I'm going to.Tha guy only charges 50 bucks a month,I really like Enshin,but I would like to do something more traditional,I may still do a few Enshin classes as well.How are tha katas in Isshin Ryu?are they all traditional katas?


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Isshin-Ryu has 8 open hand katas. 5 of them are from Shorin-Ryu, 2 of them from Goju-Ryu, and one was created by the founder. Sanchin and Seisan kata are two very old katas that are in the system. All of the katas but the one that was created by Shimabuku have a fairly long history.

He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.

- Tao Te Ching

"Move as swift as a wind, stay as silent as forest, attack as fierce as fire, undefeatable defense like a mountain."

- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

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Isshin ryu is a system developed by Shimabuku Tatsuo, as a hybrid of Shuri te and Naha te (Shorin ryu and Goju ryu), with a intention of pulling the techniques and concepts the founder thought were the best of both systems. He added to this his experience in Kobudo (weapons), to complete the system. He studied directly under several of the most respected sensei of the time (Miyagi Chojun, Kyan Chotoku, Motobu Choki, Shinken Taira), and earned enough of their respect that they endorsed his newly founded style, when presented to them.

Isshin ryu utilizes stances, fist configuration and blocking methods which many believe to be better suited to street applications, and the ergonomics of combat. It was originally transmitted to the US through O-Sensei Shimabuku being selected to teach Marines who were stationed in Okinawa.

Disclaimer: Although I have studied a few other martial arts, this is the only style of Karate I have practiced, so my opinion will be skewed. I have worked out with practicioners of other styles, and continued to feel that I was most suited for what I have been doing, but this does not by any means suggest that I have spent enough time with qualified intructors of other karate styles to have a comprehensive understanding of them. As a result of the type of work I have done, and continue to do, I have had to use these skill far more often than I would like, and have always been pleased with the techniques made available through my training.

What art to learn is highly personal. A good instructor, as this sounds to be, will not have any problem with you "giving it a try" for a while, to see if it is right for you. In fact, the best instructors will all but demand this, before you commit years of your time, and thiers, to a given art.

Good luck!

"Tomorrow's battle is won during today's practice."


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Isshin-ryu Karate is a great no non-sense martial art that contains both hard/external and soft/internal characteristics. It's not flashy, but it's practical and effective for self-defense.

I studied Isshin-ryu Karate years ago and left the martial art to study Ji Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do, which I continued to study for 8 years.

After a 12 year lay-off from martial arts, I recently resumed martial arts and decided that Isshin-ryu Karate, in addition to Kodokan Judo, was more suitable for my innate physical attributes.


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