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Hello everyone,

I recently stumbled upon this forum and have found it to be filled with very thoughtful serious practitioners of many styles of martial arts. I hope to add what I can to the discussions here.

Here is a brief introduction of myself:

I started training in Tsuruoka Style Karate in Canada when I was in Junior High School. After entering university I trained at the local Goju-kai Dojo on and off for a few years. In 2000 I came to Japan for the first time and stayed for one year. There was a instructor close by who practiced Kuushinaki (not very well known outside Japan, in fact only one international Dojo in Spain) and started training under him. Due to my past experaince I was able to progress quickly and achieved Shodan before heading back to Canada. Now I am back in Osaka and training under the same Sensei. I have been training here for 2 years and will test for Nidan this June. My sensei really pushes me as he wants me to start a Dojo when I get back to Canada this July. I practice as much as I can during and outside regular classes when I have free time and hopefully won't disappoint him and myself when I get back to Canada.

Some intresting Karate experainces in Japan Thusfar:

1. Getting my clock cleaned at the Osaka Municipal Tournament by a well practiced University student

2. Watching one of the Spanish students (when they visited here) try to tough it out at an enkai (party). One of the Senior Senseis likes to torture drunken students by having them hold out there arm while he strikes it with a shuto again and again.

3. Visiting my friends Goju-ryu dojo, his Sensei believes in downing a few cups of shochu (30-40% alcohol) before practice. Needless to say I don't think I will be doing that too often!

Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was destroyed in one!

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Hi there! :)

Welcome to Karate Forums.

It sounds like you're having some great experiences there in Japan. Maybe you'd considering writing about them for the Articles section?

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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Welcome to KF. Do you speak Japanese? I was born there and I go there about once a year, visit my family, and sometimes train.

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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Welcome to KF. Do you speak Japanese? I was born there and I go there about once a year, visit my family, and sometimes train.

Yeah I speak and read enough to get by. I can understand a lot more than I can speak. Hopefully I won't loose my speaking ability once I get back to Canada. When I have some time I will write an article, topic still undecided.

Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was destroyed in one!

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