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Staff Article: The Truth About Ki

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Hey, that wasn't fair, it says it was posted on March 31st! Alright, at 11:00 P.M., but still!!!! Oh well. Interesting. I really ought to go look stuff up on this, I don't have a position on ki at all...

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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April Fools jokes can start before and end after. At any rate, that was posted on April Fools day in my time zone (just after midnight). It would be pretty hard not to have that happen as this is an international community and all. :)

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  • 2 months later...
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If the article was not written as a joke, and the people in it can actually do the amazing feats testified in the article, then here's a proposition. The Amazing James Randi has a $1,000,000.00 reward for anyone who can demonstrate under scientific conditions, the validity of anything remotely supernatural. By supernatural I'm not referring to just ghosts, but anything outside of what we generally consider to be normal or natural. Ki would definitely fall within that realm. So if this is real, prove it to the world and become a millionaire.

Here's the website: http://www.randi.org/

But beware, a lot of individuals have made attempts at this reward and despite the offer being present for a number of years, ALL challengers (without exception) have failed to prove the supernatural. Others have just run away for fear of being proven as frauds, such as Sylvia Brown and others.

As for me, I wish it were true, but I ain't holdin' my breath. I'll keep training the good ol' fashion, tried and true way - hours of striking and grappling.

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LOLOLOL: That was great! This sounds just like something I would do!

"Not every tiger will pounce, but every tiger may!"


United States Combat Martial Arts Association International

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  • 4 weeks later...

i can levitate some guy showed me how to do it back in school. they also showed you how to do it on street magic revealed. you have to stand at a certian angle and you have your feet together you lfit your right foor and your left heel and it looks like you are levitating

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Cool article, but some of it is a little hard to believe but i do believe it cause i have seen some crazy things myself. Like my dad got a pinched nerve and if you know what that is it, it REALLY hurts and one of my sensei's does chi therapy for a living and she kinda waved her hands around his neck and touched a few spots on his neck and then he felt all better. I was amazed. Also, in martial arts you get all your power from chi. You move from your center of chi and shoot out the chi through your arm, or leg, etc. and shoot it into the target. Also with the power of chi, people can do things that border the super natural. If you control it and use it for power you can do amazing feets of strength and speed. Stories of Karate Greats like Itoman Bunkichi for example tell of how one time he was walking along a tall stone wall and a man attacked him. Instead of fighting him, he jumped right over the way and kept walking. The same story happened another time except with a house instead of a wall. Itoman bunkichi was also able to jump from over from one side of a wooden bridge to the other side. Some of the stuff you wrote though sounds crazy, but i'm sure its true. What my sensei's tell me is that breathe moves the chi and chi move sthe body but that can only happen if your relaxed and the better a martial artists, the less effort they put in to do juts as much work because its all chi which doesnt tire you. Well cool article too and thanks for putting it up.


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