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Breaking necks

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I've never seen anything posted like this on a martial arts forum before, but that may just be me. :P


I'm the kind of guy who likes to have a bunch of random knowledge like that, even if the odds of me ever using it is one in a million. Such things as 1-hit knockouts (neck pinch thing), how to puncture a lung, or jam their nose up into their brain.

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I am of the opinion that limiting training at all is a handicap. Deadly techniques should be reserved for skilled (and hopefully mature) practitioners of an art, but they should be taught. If there were some hypothetical technique to kill multiple opponents simultaneously, even that wouldn't be out of bounds imho. The odds of ever needing something remotely like that are infinetesimal for most people, but if the one in a million chance turns out to be you, you may really need that knowledge. To quote the old saying, "better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it".

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It is, contrary to popular belief, incredibly difficult to break someone's neck. To do so, one must have a completely firm grip, and use all of one's strength to rip, and even then, it may not break, but tear ligaments and muscles.


If you were able to do so, you would undoubtedly be in a position that either:


a) leaves you exposed to any other opponents




b) means you are in the right spot to control them without doing such vast harm.


The majority of Kenpo techniques can be broken down into multiple levels...Weapons destruction, pacifier, "kill" shot (power strike), throw, control, serious harm (ie. neck break)


A martial artist fluent in their style should be able to end the fight before needing to carry on far enough to break somebody's neck.


Not that I would hold it against you if you accidently did it, or were in a serious combat situation such as the terrorist scenario previously posted. Adrenaline does crazy stuff to you...





American Kenpo Karate- First Degree Black Belt

"He who hesitates, meditates in a horizontal position."

Ed Parker

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There have only been two situations in my life where a life threatening technique could maybe have been used, but I didn't because I didn't need to. One was with a man with a rifle in a bank, the other was when I had a fight with 3 guys in a parking lot. Each situation was resolved without using anything more deadly than a punch to the nose or a kick to the stomach.

Forgive me if the question is inappropriate for this forum (or thread) but those sound like interesting stories if you cared to elaborate, Shorinryu Sensei... :)

I'll give yo uthe Readers Digest condensed version.

The rifleman in the bank was a friend of my fathers. He was going through a bad divorce and was mentally unstable. He had a single shot .22 cal rifle and I could tell that it wasn't cocked. I had several minutes to look at it and determine this. I simple talked to him..told him I was Earl's son..he recognised me and when I offered my hand to shake his my other hand raised the rifle to the ceiling and my opther hand twisted it out of his hands. I passed the rifle off to another guy and pretty much held the man losely until the cops came ijnto the bank. he wasn't trying to rob the place, just needed someone to talk to him. Not a big deal really.

The fight against 3 guys was shortly after my father died and I had been cleaning out his house. I took a break and went and had a beer when 3 guys stopped me in the parking lot as I was leaving. Words were exchanged, the middle guy cocked his arm back in a classic haymaker and went down with his hand still back when I nailed him in the nose. 2nd guy to my left stepped in and I front snap kicked him in the solar plexis and he went down. 3rd guy looked at his friends and didn't want to play.

It was a perfect setup for me, and wasn't that big of a deal, but both situations I probably would have been justified using deadly force.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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