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Breaking necks

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Yes I do understand what you are saying and I am aware of the different interpretations of the law depending on which country you are in.


I'm not saying that I agree with the British 'reasonable' force law, however as a British citizen I have no choice but to abide by it.


A very interesting post.



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i dont like the deadly techniques because i can find very very few instances where they would be nessicary. plus every technique can be deadly if done with enough training so why train in techniques that are only deadly.

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i dont like the deadly techniques because i can find very very few instances where they would be nessicary. plus every technique can be deadly if done with enough training so why train in techniques that are only deadly.


I totally agree that it would be a rare occassion that anybody would ever have to use a "deadly technique", and I hope to never have to use one myself.


I disagree that "any" technique is deadly with enough training. A roundhouse to the knee won't kill someone, but certainly can cripple. That isn't deadly, it's crippling. Deadly is where the potential to end someone's life exists.


Also, I, and the majority of other martial artists, don't train exclusively in deadly techniques. They are there in our training, but they are not emphasised. As I said, it is a very rare occurance I think where a deadly tehchnique is necessary.


There have only been two situations in my life where a life threatening technique could maybe have been used, but I didn't because I didn't need to. One was with a man with a rifle in a bank, the other was when I had a fight with 3 guys in a parking lot. Each situation was resolved without using anything more deadly than a punch to the nose or a kick to the stomach.

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You are right there are many techniques that are deadly. However that doesn't indicate that we have to use them. Knowing certain 'dangerous' techniques is all part of being a responsible martial artist. Let's be honest as you rightly say any technique can be deadly if administered by a knowledgable and skillful martial artist.

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To me, choosing to avoid learning such techniques is like choosing to not learn how to swim. Maybe you will never fall off a bridge, river bank or otherwise into a body of water, but how can it hurt to know what to do.


Do I spend a lot of time on those techniques? Not really. A small percantage, but it does happen.

"Tomorrow's battle is won during today's practice."


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I too agree with Shorinryuu.


The knowledge we gain as martial artists is dangerous and there are many many ways of seriously maiming or even killing an opponent. I don't see the reason why we should draw the line at neck-breaking techniques, they are only one of many ways of killing someone.


We as martial artists are learning just that, a martial art. An integral and crucial part of that training is self-control and the ability to judge how much force is needed.


'Dangerous' information is abundant everywhere. If kids/teens/foolish adults want to pick up information about how to kill someone they don't have to look far. I don't see why we should restrict ourselves because of foolish people looking to do harm; we should instead strive to be as skilled, efficient, well-rounded and peaceful we possibly can.

The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence,

but in the mastery of his passions.

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I have learned many ways of killing someone but never have. I have learned to break bones, tear out throats, gouge out eyes...even tear off noses and break the soft pallet in the roof of the mouth, but I've never done it.


Does that mean that I'll never be attacked by someone with the intention of killing me, my wife or one of my children? In any of those cases I will do whatever is neccesary, including any and all of the above. If my life or the life of any member of my family is in jeopardy, the last thing on mind will be what the cops are going to think about it.


Again, the possibility of needing to use deadly force is very remote but I train for it and given no other choice, I would do it.

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Think about it, any kid can come on here, look at a technique that one of us posts, try it, and injure/kill someone. Are we going to stop our learning experience here just because of that meager chance?


And come on, haven't any of you seen the way young teenagers train themselves with knives? Their older peers who've been to jail show them a lot more deadly information than those stoned kids are going to get from here.


Yea, some kid might learn how to break somebody's neck, but they already know how to curb stomp somebody to death. Think about it.

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There have only been two situations in my life where a life threatening technique could maybe have been used, but I didn't because I didn't need to. One was with a man with a rifle in a bank, the other was when I had a fight with 3 guys in a parking lot. Each situation was resolved without using anything more deadly than a punch to the nose or a kick to the stomach.

Forgive me if the question is inappropriate for this forum (or thread) but those sound like interesting stories if you cared to elaborate, Shorinryu Sensei... :)

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what if your children's life were on the line? wouldnt a parent do just about anything for their children? even if it meant sacrificing their own life.. or somebody elses.

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