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Hey everybody, I'm just posting to let everybody know I will be taking my 5th Kyu examination in Tae Kwon Do tomorrow. I've practice hard this week, I think I'm going to relax for the rest of this evening and get in a good night's kip, then I'll be up early tomorrow to the all day event :smile:


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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well good luck in your testing :nod:



when you do your best it`s going to show.

"If you watch the pros, You will learn something new"


Good luck to you sweetie! How are things going with you btw? All my best to you, you'll do great!


Lori :grin:



If you think something small cannot make a difference - try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room.


Debs... I mean Lori, thanks for asking hon I'm doing great. on Sunday I finally get to see my sweetheart, who moved away 8 months ago and I havn't been able to see.. so, lifes looking good! Training hard, playing hard, as it were. Yourself hon?? :smile: ta for the good lucks


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


Well, I'm back... I guess my training payed off, out of 70 people there going for various grades I got the third highest grade there :grin: Was great fun, I did quite well and I feel on top of the world. Seeing Jen tomorrow as well! lalala I'm off to celebrate


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


Can you explain these "grades", Jack? At our school people test and youeither pass or fail, but the instructor usually doesn;t test you until he knows you will pass. Anyway, how are you graded?

1st dan Tae Kwon Do

Yellow Belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

16 Years Old

Girls kick butt!

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