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Poetry Thread

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I don't know how many on this forum write poetry. We have a literature topic now, so why not have a poetry one as well. If you want to post your own poetry or discuss some feel free to put it up. If am asking other to bear their soul through their writing I may as well begin as not to be hypocritical.


You're All Alone


Look at the people on the street.


They've all got somewhere to go,


Someone special to meet,


And I sit here all alone.


You see no lines in my face,


But my age in my eyes,


they stare off into space,


As my throat lets out soft sighs.


I slowly sip my drink,


I look into the bottom of the glass.


I feel my heart slowly sink.


Lonliness makes another pass.


I let my mind start to roam,


To thoughts that there's no place like home.


All Too Lucid


How did you fall in love with me?


I can see you're the one,


I feel your warmth beside my body.


I see your beautiful silhouette created by the setting of the sun,


I can feel the soft tenderness of your lips,


They caress my cheek as I awake.


I see the graceful curve of your hips,


And the soft lines in the sheets they make.


You have beautifully long flowing hair,


It shimmers in the sun,


Your love is around me everywhere,


From you I will never need to run.


But isn't this an evil twist,


For you my dear do not exist.

He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.

- Tao Te Ching

"Move as swift as a wind, stay as silent as forest, attack as fierce as fire, undefeatable defense like a mountain."

- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

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Ill have only written one:


When the Light Fails.


When the light fails,


The journey across,


The bridge passing,


From old to new.


Darkness falls,


And all hope flees.


Vengefulness influences


The mind to condemn.


The old left scorned


And bitter.


The new occupied,


With the uncertainty,


Of living in,


Forgiveness, love,


And harmony.


Or existing with hatred,


Hostility and pain


Left with no purpose


But to pursue revenge.


Yet love remains,


Withstanding the,


Resentment the,


Journey bestows.


Love, the guiding Light


Assures the journey,


Is a Success.

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Those were great poems isshinryu5


Here's one of mine.


Gently shines the sun


On this day bright and warm


Watching friends play


Everything seems norm


Yet far,far away


In a land harsh and dry


Our brave courageous soldiers


Do battle,fight and die.


Not only for our country


Do they do this thing


But for each Iraqi's freedom


And so the people may sing


Of liberty and justice


That brought down their dictator king.


Three cheers for coalition troops


Saddam is now in jail


He'll never,ever rule again


His riegn as tyrant's failed.


And though the war's not over


We can rest a bit at ease


Cuz we know we fight


For what is right;


Freedom and liberty.


Not one of our soldiers


Died in vain they made Iraqs


Dream come true


But we must remember that


Freedom of this world will fade


Away with death, 'tis very true.


For Freedom of this world


Offers nothing in Gods 'ternal land


So now Iraqi's need


Grace from Christs hand.


This freedom from the Lord


Bests all freedom on the world


Releasing us from sins death grip


Making us children of the Lord.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, a spirit of power, and of self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7

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Nice poem and message, greenbeltgirl_15.


And now for some Japanese flavoring...


The winter wind blows,


Birds announce the new morning,


Time to train again.


For the sake of future growth,


the sacrifice of my time.

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

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World's shortest poem; called Fleas:





when you create the world's largest trailer park, you're going to have tornadoes

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The rain comes in spring,


With it the cherries blossom,


This brings my heart joy.




Every couple stares at me sardonically


Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one alone.


They run after moments of fleeting sophomorically,


While I seek for love I can own.


I miss being able to look into your eyes.


They seem to smile softly when you look up at me.


I don't want to say our goodbyes,


Unless youhear my departing plea.


I'll wait for you as long as it takes,


Even if you make me wait for months,


I'll follow my foolish heart to mistakes.


Let's just go out again once.


Why do you make me lose my mind?


And why is love so unkind?


If you haven't noticed I like to write in sonnet form a lot. Just the rhyme scheme though, I don't stick to any beat rules like iambic pantameter.

He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.

- Tao Te Ching

"Move as swift as a wind, stay as silent as forest, attack as fierce as fire, undefeatable defense like a mountain."

- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

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Life's End


As we sit looking into the sky,


With the swift river flowing,


Ready to say our last good-byes,


Knowing it's time for us to be going,


Life's End....


It gives off a grasping fragrance,


Leaving behind memories of reminsence,


The hands of time are already bent forward,


And these chimes are set upon the chord,


Life's End....


A journey that we must all take,


We can only endure for so long,


Yet waiting for something we cannot unmake,


To go home to where we belong,


Life's End....


To where we become free,


And where joy spreads further than the sea,


A land under the golden sunshine,


To our final destination called paradise.


Life's end.

If you take a crooked path and have to go through a cliff. Either hope there is a bridge, or learn to fly.

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World's shortest poem; called Fleas:






:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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