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i think someone didnt read a dictionarywhen deciding to name it......

quantum ju jitsu = extremely small ju jitsu..... unless of course he was talking about circles.

Yeah, in physics, quantum refers to the smallest measure of something. But in regular english it can be used as an adjective to mean "significant," or "great." Remember the show Quantum Leap? Or "I just made a quantum discovery!"

I think they mean that this is a "significant" form of jujutsu.

Overall, I wasn't too impressed with his moves. I mean they were flashy as anything but it wasn't anything I haven't seen before (other than the fact that he was really hard on his students).

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I was actually asking about this school recently myself. My understanding is that (I could be a year or so out of date) the teacher is only a BJJ white belt. He teaches his own style of jujitsu, not jiujitsu.

This is not to denigrate the teacher, who by all accounts is a great guy teaching some great stuff, just clarifying that this is not a Brazilian jiu jitsu school, despite what the demos may lead some to believe.

The demos are pretty sweet, though.

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any one ever seen pedro sauers site. He has a SICK flying arm bar. Where the guy is stancing up and pedro has his arm straight up in the ear almost sitting on his shoulders crankcing on the arm. THat is by far the coolest arm bar I have seen.

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Most of what was demonstrated is standard judo and wrestling takedowns.

Some thoughts. Seems he's practiced a bit with his uke, for those demonstrations. His uke performed weak attacks, no defenses, poor posture and stances, and basically 'cooperated.' That is the idea behind demonstrations though, to impress people with how good it 'can' be, if all things were perfect.

Real life isn't perfect and many of those techniques/actions could have encountered some serious difficulties. Many of the ones he demonstrated, required a 'space' between him and the opponent. Many strong grapplers don't provide that space. There are escapes and reversals available for most every technique he presented, especially with that presentation, where gaps were evident, shoots were too 'head forward,' and 'demo pauses' were noted.

As a whole, i found it nice to see someone show what 'takedowns' can do, and that a fight can effectively be decided during a takedown, rather than at a full-standup, or 'during' groundwork. It is one of the phases in a confrontation, and one that should not merely be considered transitory.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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  • 4 weeks later...

lol, it is funny that someone saw this site.

This guy is a sham. He sucks. He is not legit and tons of forums make fun of him as well as his students. Don't buy into it, good BJJ schools are all over the place now, find one and train.

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