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Dissarming a Gun


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If your not within arms length, or there is alot of space between you, I wouldnt risk it, unless of course I felt he/she is squeezing the trigger regardless. Then I would suggest remembering the gun is useless without the human. Never attack the weapon, attack the human. Before I get too flamed, I know there are circumstances that may allude to dealing directly with the assailants weapon, but Im speaking in the broader sense.

"Enemies you threaten make armies. Enemies you destroy make graves."

"Even though you hold a sword over my heart I will not give up."

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I wouldn't take my chances against a gun-man, but what would I do if I didn't have a choice? Probably some nasty stuff for the guy's thumbs, eyes, throat, knees, pretty much anything I can get my other hand into. I'd lock my another hand onto the gun and try to twist it so, that I wouldn't get a bullet through my head and with a great amount of luck, twist it so that the opponent's finger would break.


This is all hypothethical tho. I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't risk it unless I was 110% sure that I'm not going to walk away from it. Same goes against just and about every weapon out there. "Do as I say" sounds way better than a "John Doe" patch stitched onto my toe at the morgue.

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I've seen several different techniques to disarm a person with a gun. Unless you are in very close, and are pretty d*** sure he is going to fire, and have practiced these techniques over and over every day for years and years, my favorite one is "here's my money."


Don't let your ego get you killed.

Fetch Daddy's blue fright wig! I must be handsome when I unleash my rage.

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I would most likely say, don't try to do it. Unless you are absolutely positive that he is going to fire it at you, I wouldn't attempt anything, because then he will fire it.

He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.

- Tao Te Ching

"Move as swift as a wind, stay as silent as forest, attack as fierce as fire, undefeatable defense like a mountain."

- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

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If he is holding it to, or close to, your head the important thing is to portray complience. Don't look your opponent in the eyes because that is a threating action to him, and say clearly "whatever you want"... Then you can carry out your technique and catch him completely off guard. There's alot of pschological technique you must have in an armed encounter. I don't really want to explain any techniques, that would take too long...

"One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say."

- Will Durant

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Alright, I'll give a discription of how to disarm someone pointing a gun at you, should you feel that your life is in danger, and there and there is no reasoning with the person or escape.


1) A person is holding a handgun in his/her right hand and is pointing it at your stomach/chest area, telling you to raise your hands.


2) Only raise your hands to head level. Keeping your elbows bent, place your hands just slightly in front of your face (finger tips should be in line with your chin/lower lip). These actions will let you use your hands to grasp the weapon quickly, without telegraphing your intentions.


3) Quickly, thrust your right hand toward the "top" of the gun above the handle, while simultaneously twisting your body to the right. Twisting your body to the right should remove you from the line of fire.


4) Firmly grasp the top of the gun with your right hand. Grasping it firmly will prevent it from turning. Also, as you grasp, push the weapon to your left, moving it yet farther away from you.


5) Having grasped the weapon with your right hand, prepare to grasp the barrel with your left hand. You will reach somewhat open palmly, your thumb facing upward.


6) Grasp the barrel of the weapon with your left hand. The barrel should be placed against the web of your left hand.


7) Twist the barrel toward the person by pushing on it with your left hand, while simultaneously twisting it with your right hand.


8) Having twisted the barrel of the weapon into the person, forcefully pull the weapon toward you, barrel facing away from you. Simultaneously, step backward with your right leg. These actions should break and/or amputate the person's right index finger, assuming it was on the trigger.


9) Use appropriate follow-up procedures.


Again, this is the very last thing you should ever do and is intended to be a worst case senario kind of thing.


Hope this helps! :D

"Beware the fury of a patient man."

- John Dryden

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dingyuan, I agree, but there may be a time when someone won't care whether you die or not.


Some people are simply out to kill, regardless of if you appease them or not.


A situation like this may be highly, highly unlikely (especially here), but in my opinion it's good to know what measures to take as a "what if?" senario.


And no, someone may not initially be that close to you when aiming a gun, however they could come closer to take a wallet or something else - or even you as a hostage for some reason.


But, yes, over all agree..and this situation is highly, highly unlikely to happen if you're a civilian.

"Beware the fury of a patient man."

- John Dryden

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