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Christians and Ki/Chi

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Thanks for the new responses.

Welcome ered101! It really does help to see other christians who don't have a problem with ki, I've heared lots of negativity from other chirstians about anything to do with martial arts, and it hurts me when others who say they know Christ immedietly condem something that they don't know anything about!

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, a spirit of power, and of self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7

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Jesus did not use reiki...it was all God working through Him. Ki/qi is a physical manifestation of the energy within us.

It could be better termed as 'work' than energy.

BTW, I am an Ordained Christian Minister who follows the paths of gifts God has given unto me, one of which was the capacity to learn and teach the Martial Arts.


Current:Head Instructor - ShoNaibuDo - TCM/Taijiquan/Chinese Boxing Instructor

Past:TKD ~ 1st Dan, Goju Ryu ~ Trained up 2nd Dan - Brown belt 1 stripe, Kickboxing (Muay Thai) & Jujutsu Instructor

Be at peace, and share peace with others...

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I was raised in a strict Southern Baptist home. My grandfather is a preacher and my father is a music minister.

First thing the Holy Spirit and Ki is most definitley not the same thing. the Holy Spirit is a part of the Trinity. that is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are all diffierent but they are all the same. Our human minds cannot comprehend this, it is just one of those things that we will have to ask Him when we get there.

Second, Jesus (who is the Son of God) did not use reiki. HIS power came from the Almighty God the Father.

Third I have seen Ki and reiki used but i do NOT believe they should be put before or even close to where God is placed.

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I haven't read all the responses (probably should, but...). I am a Christian and have been training for years. Ki/Chi is, as others have said, a natural force/phenomenon. Utilizing Ki/Chi doesn't mean that you are blowing off God. It is similar to eating carbohydrates before running a marathon to load up on energy in that one is using a natural force to improve one's performance. Ki/Chi doesn't usurp/replace God unless you let it (ie, start worshiping it instead of God). Of course, anything can replace God if it comes between you and your relationship with Him.

As a matter of fact I have trained in rooms that were part of a church campus for years and once performed a demonstration at a church!

Hope this helps,



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what i belive...... my religion is actually a mixture. i belive in chi(being an earth energy), god, jesus, re-encarnation and other stuff. but we actually call it christianity lol, so i couldnt explain this...

"ok, well i must warn you, im an orange belt on karateforums!"

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If god never wanted us to use ki, then he would have never created it. It is a very spiritual energy and it is 100 percent okay to use it. :)

"Nothing is ever truly broken, it only cannot do that which it was meant to do."

-Sensei Chris Parrill-

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I've been a Christian for 12 years and I've been doing some reaserch on Ki lately trying to figure out what I think of it :-? .Is it a real force? Is it okay for Christians to use? What do the Bible say about it?

Any input on the subject would be great. :)

This is a very interesting question. As far as I know the Bible doesn't say anything about energy. I'll have to ask my mother. She knows so much more about the Bible than I do.

If god never wanted us to use ki, then he would have never created it. It is a very spiritual energy and it is 100 percent okay to use it. :)

That's a risky statement. There are plenty of things on this earth that God did not create or ever want to exist or happen. Sometimes, things that come about and things that we do happen because we become succeptible to Satan's temptations.

I'm still on the fence about it. Like I said; I'm going to talk with my parents and see what they think (I don't even think they believe energy exists in this sense).

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