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You know when your obbsessed with martial arts when....

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you know you're obsessed when...

-your idea of a good relationship includes lots of karate moves against each other

Hehehehehe .... guilty. My boyfriend and I both train, so we are constantly doing moves on each other. We don't do it to hurt each other, but for fun and/or practice. We could be in the middle of cooking, and breakout into a one-step practice session or something LOL. Or just walk by each other and throw a technique and the other counters.

I was sweeping the parking lot at work the other day, and I was using one of those push brooms that the handle screws off from the broom part. So I unscrewed it, and started practicing my bo form with the handle part in the parking lot LOL

Laurie F

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I have a funny story about that one Laurie.

My hubby and I used to train on the deck (ju jitsu) and one time the neighbors called the cops because they thought we were having a domestic dispute and beating each other up! It was even more funny that the officer that responded was a buddy of ours that trained with us on occasion! :lol:


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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I am very guilty. My boyfriend does Hapkido and Tang Soo Do and I do Tang Soo Do. He's been doing karate for four years now so a date for us is going in my basement or backyard and sparring. We'll walk down the hall in school and start firing off random strikes and kicks. It's a blast.

-You begin giving your answers in Korean when the teacher asks a math problem

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You are told to sweep the porch and end in doing a bo kata.

You read "sweep the porch" and get confused because you were thinking sweep as in take down...... and it took you a second thinking about bo's to realize it was sweep with a broom!!!!

That was me^ :P :lol:

DORKS HAVE MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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yeah, pretty much guilty on all counts...I go over techniques and corrections I need to do when I'm in bed...I never make it through all of them before I doze off.

Practice kata in your mind incessantly...

Another thign I do is what I call wargaming...while walking around, I think 'what would I do if this guy does this or that guy does that' and come up with counters.

I also do alot of what-if'ing. If somebody did this, would this work as a counter.

Oh lord, I do that so much it's not even funny. Once I was imagining a fight in the car while driving, and I almost went through a stopsign. :roll: Should've been thinking .... "What if I get distracted while driving?" LOL. I used to practice kata in stores when my mom was looking for something and I got bored. lol.

DORKS HAVE MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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and you know you're obsessed when you are talking to somebody and all you can think about is the different ways to move in and take control of the situation...most guys look at a gal's chest, but I look at elbows, knee placement, overall position...man, what's wrong with me...have I gone mad?

I'm sure most girls would prefer your gaze..... elbows don't make us self-concious. :P I do the same thing, thinking about how/where to hit somebody...

.......You walk around with your guard up.

I just did that recently; it was so weird, I looked down and my fists were up. I was like "What the....???" LOL :lol:

DORKS HAVE MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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You are praying and call God "Sensei."

You call your dad, friends, and relatives "sensei."

You call your friends "sensei" outside of class.

You call your sensei "dad." :D


DORKS HAVE MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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