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There are so many questions like this....which style is fastest/strongest/best for.... and my answer will probably never change. It depends on the practicioner.

"To win a fight without fighting, that is the true goal of a martial artist."

-Grandmaster Nick Cerio

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True, but with their centerline theory and their really straight punches (which can produce surprising power for such technique) Wing Chun has to have my vote for the quickest martial art. As many have said, it depends on the practitioner, but truth is, some martial arts rely more on speed than others.

I agree with it being down to the practitioner. Come to think of it are there any slow martial arts, apart from Tai Chi :-?

One of the fastest guys I know has trained in Tai Chi for 27 yrs .


There are many types of speed application . Some styles lend themselves to some applications more than others . I also agree with alot of it coming down to the pactitioner.

We are not so much individual beings as individual points of perception within one immense being.


Boxers hit with one hand at a time, like they've got all day. Gloves on, Wing Chun is much faster; gloves off it gets left behind by many systems.





** Censor-O-Meter: 9 **


David wrote:

Boxers hit with one hand at a time, like they've got all day. Gloves on, Wing Chun is much faster; gloves off it gets left behind by many systems.


I agree that Wing Chun is very fast, perhaps more so than Boxers, though less powerful. However, I do not agree that many styles are faster with their hands than boxers. Perhaps Wing Chun, but by many, I doubt it


Go back and look at some footage of the rumble in the jungle, Mohammud Ali, he may not have got in as many punches per second as michael chung, but that one punch was like lightning. He was scoring with his back hand and he was a heavyweight.


I wonder is speed of attack the most important thing or speed and technique of defence? starting from hands down position the strike is almost always going to beat the block. Whether it's twice as fast or three times is academic.


In the general field of MA, I think appraising the whole-body application is more useful than admiring the isolated striking-speed of one proponent in one example.


Many here seem (to me) to be visualising gloved sparrers toe-to-toe exchanging 1-2-3's; a drastically reduced battlefied... Without gloves, many styles can strike repeatedly up,down, left, right, forwards and backwards ad infinitum from any hand position in proximity to the opponent. At that level, power becomes the question and it's up to the system and practitioner to utilise correct form and awareness of momentum.


As said much earlier, there's no one way to measure the speed of a style that makes a huge amount of sense in comparison to another. The topic question is ultimately limited by this. On the way, interesting things come up.





** Censor-O-Meter: 9 **

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