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What does BB really mean to you?

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Ok, folks. As of right now, my boyfriend is taking the first part of his BB test (the 8 hours of h..... I mean, power camp). The 2nd part is in three weeks. He wasn't actually going to test. He was worried about some of the physical requirements that he knew he had trouble with (mainly just some kicks and a few other techniques). But our instructor talked him into it. He basically told him, mentally he is a BB already.


Then there is me. I can do all the physical stuff easily (except the running part LOL). But I heard that I don't have the mental part down. Not that I'm testing anytime soon. I'm just wondering about this.


Anyways, for instructors, what do you look for before you consider someone for a BB test? Is it mental attitude? Physical? Both?


For everyone, what does BB mean to you? I did a google search and came up with these two articles (I could have found more, but these will do for now).


This one is about being a BB: http://uechi-ryu.com/oldsite/bryan_lowe.htm


This one is a emotional one (I thought) from a kid: http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/kids_korner/113655



Laurie F

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For me, getting my black belt meant that I had just graduated from high school in my chosen art. Now the real learning and work was to begin. Yes, it felt REAL good to get and wear that belt after 3 1/2 years of very hard work on my part. However, other than emotionally feeling satisfied with the achievement, I've never felt it made me any better skill-wise than I was the day before I got it.


Now...nearly 27 years later, a black belt to me means that I have done some good, serious work, but that the journey never ends and I will never truly master what I have learned. It also means that I have an obligation to myself, if not others, to pass on my knowledge and experience to others so that it is not lost.

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To me the black belt symbolises years of hard training and accomplishment.


I think of the black belt as the end of a long trial period and the start of a new beginning.


I do not have a black belt yet, but I disagree with the people saying that it all starts with the black belt. The road to becoming a black belt is just as important; if not technically then mentally.


Just my 2 (euro)cents

The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence,

but in the mastery of his passions.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

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Im not so eloquent as to know all the right words to say, so I'll borrow a quote I once read:


"A Black Belt is more than something you wear, its more than something you earn, a Black Belt is something you become."


Considering my past, and my life, it is one of the most remarkable events of my life.

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For me, my black belt is just a piece of cloth. ANybody can have a black belt if they buy it from a store or something. I think more important is what you learn.

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I see black belt as a tough goal to shoot for. It will open new challenges when I get it, and will continually be a challenge to work for it.


What can I say, I'm a sucker for challenges I enjoy... bring it on!! :)

Just my 2 (euro)cents

You do realize this is worth about 4 U.S. cents? Hmmm... :P

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

- T. S. Eliot

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Ok, maybe I should be more clear on this .... By my post, I was refering to the mental side of BB. Not the "belt." If you read the articles I posted, it would shed some light on what I was getting at.


I know BB is a goal for some and/or just the beginning, which I agree with. But I was trying to go a little deeper into the mental part. The physical part, I don't have a problem with. It's the mental part.


Ok, here's a new question ... How should a black belt be or act? Should they live by the tenets and creed of their art? Should they be good people, ect? What is important to you as a BB (other than the physical stuff, belt, ect)? Think about the mental stuff before you answer, not the physical stuff.


Sorry if I seem rude, but I seriously need advice about this. I wanna know your opinions (without flaming, that is ... thanks).


Thanks in advance.

Laurie F

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Ohh... ok. Since I'm not a black belt, I'll throw out my thoughts on how I see black belts...


The black belts (and even a few senior students, who I know will eventually reach bb) that I know are essentially my karate "roll models". They understand karate very well for their respective levels. Even with that though, they are still very personable, easy to talk to, willing to help you. They are not just my teachers, I also consider them my friends.


Is that what you meant? If not... umm.... oops? :uhoh: :P

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

- T. S. Eliot

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