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okay, today I was at the dojo and to end the class my sifu maid us sparr with him :D I had been practicing sparring for about a month with the assistant instructor, so I thought I would do pretty well. :) my sifu still can destroy me but I just thought that it was going to be almost imposible at my rank, but than a student who had just taken his test to get his tiger patch about a week ago aND i did not because i had come to class to late to test. we know the same moves and forms but he did better than I did because he used the moves from forms :-?.


can someone give me some tips on using FORMS FOR SPARRING AND ACTUAL FIGHTING. IT COULD REALLY HELP ME IN SPARRING AND HELP ME FEEL EVEN MORE SAFER IF I DO HAVE TO DEFEND MYSELF. :D :) it is not that the assistant instructor has not been teaching me anything but in order to sparr with sifu better AND so that i do not get creamed in the tournement. I know it will work because are sifu uses those form moves and techniques when fights or goes to tournaments and he almost can not be stoped 8) 8).


PEACE :karate: :brow: :D :) :o 8) :lol: :x :lol: :wink: :P :cry: :idea:

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First of all monkeyking I want to let you know that I find all of those icons VERY annoying in your posts.


With that said, forms movements are not designed to be used in sparring...or at least, not in the sense you're thinking of. They are designed to teach your muscles certain movements, and to teach your mind certain principles.


You can't get into a fight and say to yourself "Gee, I think I'll do Pinan Shodan against this guy"...it just won't work.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

First of all monkeyking I want to let you know that I find all of those icons VERY annoying in your posts.


With that said, forms movements are not designed to be used in sparring...or at least, not in the sense you're thinking of. They are designed to teach your muscles certain movements, and to teach your mind certain principles.


You can't get into a fight and say to yourself "Gee, I think I'll do Pinan Shodan against this guy"...it just won't work.


DUH i know that i meen that my sifu and the student are really good because they always are using the techniques that are in forms for a fight. like when i go up to fight him he uses a technique from a form like shaolin1 or tan tuey 3 and that move works on me, and other students. :( kinda like how daniel was taught how to do his practical for the fight in karate kid it may have not been areal movie but the principle still worked. all i is saying is that he pretty much uses form moves in therePRACTICAL form which makes them more useable, you would belive and understand me more if you actualy seen him fight or fight him yourself. 8) :)


P.S. why does everyone have problems with my smiles it is my style of wrightng and pat never said there is alimit of how many smiles a person can use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PEACE :karate: :D :lol: :( :lol:


P.S.S. there, only a few smiles today. :kaioken:


y'know, for a 13 year old you have surprising good grasp of spelling and grammar.....

earth is the asylum of the universe where the inmates have taken over.

don't ask stupid questions and you won't get stupid answers.


I disagree....


kata moves can be used very effectively in free sparring. Espcially if you have a deep understanding of them. I often use preset moves when working with new students on sparring to help show them part of their kata.


My guess is your friend did better than you not becaue he knows more but prob becaue he is a bit better of an athlete. Nothing wrong there its just a fact of life. Thats why some low ranks can beat up high ranks. Just simple athleticism. Thats when understaning your kata and other moves comes in so the non athlete can hold his or her own.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."


He seems to have a 13 year old's sense of respect though. You do not say Duh to someone who is not only of a senior rank than you, but of senior status and age. Respect must be given to be expected. In the Northern Praying Mantis classes I have taken, using techniques from the forms is expected for beginner level sparring so they get a better grasp of the technique. I don't think Son Goku was quite clear on this point. It is more like one step sparring or sparring sets than what we think of as sparring. They are free as far as the techniques aren't preset, but they are required to adhere to using exact techniques as they are taken from the forms. I have seen this yield quite interesting results. When I say interesting I am thinking more awkward looking exchanges between people without the necessary athleticism to pull it off. Before I submit this one last word of advice. Son Goku, you may know that putting things is all caps means that you are yelling, it is impolite and in bad taste to ever yell at someone, especially those who are your seniors.

He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.

- Tao Te Ching

"Move as swift as a wind, stay as silent as forest, attack as fierce as fire, undefeatable defense like a mountain."

- Sun Tzu, the Art of War



Okay, wen i put something in CAPITAL letters like that, i only do it so everyone knows what my main point or topic is so people do not over look it. :) Not to disrespect people the last thing i do is disrespect adults


( why do u think i have a perfect record of behavior in class) :D :D




If you want to be viewed as respectful in forums such as these, you need to have a better grasp on what sounds like it is tactful and what does not. Saying duh to someone who is your senior most definitely does not sound like it respectful.

He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.

- Tao Te Ching

"Move as swift as a wind, stay as silent as forest, attack as fierce as fire, undefeatable defense like a mountain."

- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

If you want to be viewed as respectful in forums such as these, you need to have a better grasp on what sounds like it is tactful and what does not. Saying duh to someone who is your senior most definitely does not sound like it respectful.


To play Devil's Advocate - we can only take somone's word on it that they are a "senior" grade or age... I especially don't like the idea that people can get to pull "rank" in these forums - I thought the idea was to promote open discussions.

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


Kata, Bunkai, Articles, Reviews, History, Uncovering the Myths, Discussion Forum


I don't think anyone is pulling rank here. The point being made is that if you want people to treat you with respect then you must give that respect in return. Saying things like "DUH" is not a sign of respect, senior or not.


In response to his original question: Forms do not always translate well into a combat/sparring situation.


We do not teach using forms for that reason. We teach techniques and combinations first and use forms later to fine tune the student.

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