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Slaughtered By Sensei?

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I'm always getting thrown all over the mats by my teacher -- for some reason he just loves to toss me everywhere! While it makes me improve my falling skills, it can be a disconcerting at times. But that's a good thing -- one never knows what life will "throw" at you anyway so I guess always be prepared, right? For this reason, I consider it an honor and a priviledge to be tossed all over the mat by my teacher. I admit it, I love every moment of it.

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I'm regularly used as the "demonstration dummy" by my karate Sensei - my Wing Chun Sifu has started demonstrating things on me now, too, so I usually get pretty pummelled almost every day... :P


I've sparred with my Karate Sensei too, but never been seriously injured by him in a sparring match, except for a few bruises and knocks.


However, he once demonstrated a takedown technique on me and ented up chipping the bone in my ankle. It was an accident (these things happen) and Sensei was very apologetic about it - I got a free meal out of him afterwards for it! :lol: Almost makes up for the pain...

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

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I recently called my Sensei evil....yeah, lets just say he didn't deny my statement (although I didn't get a chipped bone!)

"To win a fight without fighting, that is the true goal of a martial artist."

-Grandmaster Nick Cerio

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I have done some "light" saprring with my sensei, and he has never injured me(yet!!) He does let me know with a little "snap" where I should be covering and stuff....but knock on wood, no damage as of yet. :karate:

A punch should stay like a treasure in the sleeve. It should not be used indiscrimately.

Kyan Chotoku Sensei

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He he. Well, if there's any at all (knock on wood again), let us know! :P


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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i've been abnged upa bit too. Once had the wind knocked out of me, with an uppercut to the stomach, while I was exhaling but it wasn't life threatening. the worst came when i wastesting for my brown belt, i tried to slip an oncoming attack witha side step, ridgehand. he blocked with his elbow, and i smashed my thumb on his elbow and broke it. it wasn't intentional though. i actually thought it was badly jammed, but didnt realize it was broken until the next day

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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the old masters used to say it is a great honor to be chosen have the sensei put his hands on you.


at least thats what our sensei would tell me after using me as a throwing tool.

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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It's interesting to see the number of 'demonstration dummies' that are consistantly used by their Trainer (Sensei, Shihan, Sempai, Sifu - pick an appropriate titile). It's actually a compliment to you that your trainer chooses to use you for demonstration purposes.


Consider that it takes TWO to make a demonstration of a 1:1 technique. If your 'dummy' isn't able to stay in control - they could well find themselves 'running on to a fist' that really wasn't headed in their direction.


In other words: "Good trainers don't pick out the same guy regularly to 'beat up on him', it is often because they know he can take the appropriate actions as a 'receiver' of the technique."



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Well, I've never sparred the head instructor, but when I was six, we all got turns with the assistant instructor. Me, being the bright six year old that I was, decided to catch him off-guard by running at him with a flying side-kick. Well, the guy was almost 7 feet tall and I was like 3 feet tall, so he just caught me in mid-air and held me upside down by my legs for a few minutes! :lol: :D

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way. When sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, 'It is well, it is well with my soul.'

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