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Slaughtered By Sensei?

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I forgot to mention that our instructors do use us as "dummys." But they don't hurt us. Well, they do show the technique and we "tap" if it starts to hurt (our rule). So that usually stops any injury. With kicking drills, my instructor WILL hit you when showing kicking combos (mostly just the advanced students, though. He said we should be able to handle it by then LOL), but it's more like a quick "tap." Sometimes it stings, but no one ever got injured by him.

Laurie F

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I'm always sparring with my sensei. I get a few good hits on him, but I know he's holding back.As soon as I start to tire or show weaknesses in my defence He lets loose a little and beats the crap out of me.In a nice way of course! Just enough to make me realise what I'm doing wrong, and that I've still got a long way to go, and to help toughen me up.


I appreciate it. My opponents in the ring wont be so forgiving.


I dont think hes ever really injured me seriously.Its usually sparring with other green and brown belts that the injuries happen.

"Today is a good day to die"

Live each day as if it were your last

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I've been a demonstration dummy a few times.


I'll never forget the first time he was demonstrating an escape from a choke hold on me, and he did a pretty standard break and hit. But then he continued to say "That's not the only thing you can do from a choke hold. There's all sorts of things! You can do this!" At that point, I choked him again, and in two seconds I was facing the other way with my own arms tying me up.


I remember one day back when I took Tae Kwon Do (Where we also practiced Hapkido), we were practicing and I was obviously feeling a little less energetic then normal. So our instructor comes up and makes himself my partner for locks. We practiced normally for a little until he realized that I was going through the motions, not really looking at my technique. So, when he had the oppurtunity, he locked and gave just a little extra pull to his grab, which in combination with my lazy stance caused me to fall down, nearly slamming my face into the mats. Sure enough, I woke up.

The game of chess is much like a swordfight; you must think before you move.

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i was at my first class at the rickson gracie academy that was actually being taught by rickson himself (absolutly awesome i might add)


He had already demode a throw and everyone was practicing it. as he was walking around the pairs he was stopping and having the students do the throw on him to make sure it was being done correctly. anways...he got to me and did it on myself. i stubbed my toe on mat and broke it. Seeing as how this was the first time i had ever met him i dared not flinch. i just gritted my teeth and finished class...after class i hobbled to my car. lol...it was awesome...i actually got thrown by rickson himself!!


anways..i have only been going for about 5 months but i love every minutes of it. i just wish i could go to more of ricksons classes.

Rickson Gracie Academy

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LOL. Wowie! Great stories, guys!


My most recent sensei-related injury (the only one, perhaps? Can't remember) was 1 or 2 Tuesdays ago. We were practicing take-downs for the first time and Sensei tried to help me and my team. He asked me to grab him and he did a controlled take-down on me the first time (to which I giggled like a schoolgirl, my reaction when I'm surprised by something kind of dangerous), but actually kicked my leg the second time, causing me to fall onto the mat... hard.


He did it once more slightly controlled, and it all would have been fine, except I had fallen on the ice really hard on the way to school the week before, and the pain in my bum/hip was just starting to go away. As soon as I hit the mat the first time, BOOM! the pain was back. :( Oww....


Honestly, though, I didn't mind all that much since it was so fun! I hope we do it again even if I get hurt! :D


See, that's what MA does to you; it makes you not care about the pain acquired from people tripping you all over the place. :P


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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I haven't had a sensei-related injury yet :P I have been the "demonstration dummy" occasionally, mostly going over the application of kata... its always a nice thought knowing that he's going to (for example) throw a full speed forearm into your throat, just short... first time that happened, I was just sitting there thinking "don't move don't move don't move... phew! :P" Doesn't matter that I know he's been doing this forever and is very routine for him... it still freaks me out a little bit :lol:

See, that's what MA does to you; it makes you not care about the pain acquired from people tripping you all over the place. :P

yeah, no kidding.. I recently elbow struck my drawing arm, full speed.. I ended up putting a small hole in my hand (how did I do that? :-? ), and it started swelling right away... naturally, I start laughing at the sight of my hand getting bigger by the second. :lol:

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

- T. S. Eliot

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Nope never had to fortunately

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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