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what are some of your motivations that makes u want to do martial arts?I have been taking white crane for almost a year now n i have lost intrest in it.when i just started i use to partice until i sweat so much that i cant take it any more.now i just partice 1 form n wait for like 30mins or something before i do others.i partice so little now that i forgot a lot of the forms.

Zhu Hu Drangon Lion Kung Fu & Sports Asst.



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try looking up some really talented martial artists, and use them as your motivation. try feeling like that they are what you have to achieve, watch clips and movies with them, and try and learn some of their skills. or you could try some gymnastics, and learn handsprings and backflips, and try some extreme martial arts, its usually more fun to learn and do.

"you wouldnt care what people thought of you, if you knew how seldom they really did."

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one of my motivations is perfecting my techniques in kata ,knowing the moves is something and knowing the kata is something else, I also started in white crane karate recently these new katas need more attention than my original shorin katas.


I normally do these katas about 20-30 times in each class and more i go in my sensei shows more details in each one that i need to work on so it seems to be endless in perfecting the techniques.

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My motivation is... umm... rather difficult for me to put tangibly (so if this goes off on a tangent, bear with me)


Golf is the only activity I have that can relate to this topic, in the sense that the motivation comes from nearly the same place.. I have always golfed, yet there is always another level of skill for me to shoot for, a new challenge to find, and that helps motivate me to keep working. I see the same things happening in karate for me. There is always something new to learn, some new challenge waiting for me, and I want to face it head on. :)

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

- T. S. Eliot

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my motivation is that this is the way my future is headed. For me, the only thing I can see doing is running a school, maybe a few schools. I want to make my teachers, and especially the grandmasters proud. Perpetuation of the art. teaching my children...starting a new family tradition...something to passed down other than silly stories about what so and so did when they were little.


it's all those and more...seeing how far I can push myself. watching myself do things that I thought I would never be able to do...that others told me I would never do. Doing what people in my family said I was too fat/lazy/compllacent to do. Hearing that I would never follow through only drove me harder...I get BB this year...maybe I'll invite them to my graduation...ask them how it feels to wear their yellow belts...even let them ogle my belt(they are very material individuals with no follow through;also started the same time I did...now I teach at the school and they don't even come in any more).


that about sums it up.

When a man's fortunate time comes, he meets a good friend;

When a man has lost his luck, he meets a beautiful woman.


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try looking up some really talented martial artists, and use them as your motivation. try feeling like that they are what you have to achieve, watch clips and movies with them, and try and learn some of their skills. or you could try some gymnastics, and learn handsprings and backflips, and try some extreme martial arts, its usually more fun to learn and do.


I totally agree with this. I was in a motivation "slump" again recently till I saw these amazing video clips of talented martial artists (there is a thread on video clips in the Korean forum). I said to myself, I have good technique, but these people make me look like a white belt! I started asking myself questions like, "How can I make my kicks better? How can I make my forms better?" ect. I think my technique has gotten better since then.

it's all those and more...seeing how far I can push myself. watching myself do things that I thought I would never be able to do...that others told me I would never do. Doing what people in my family said I was too fat/lazy/compllacent to do. Hearing that I would never follow through only drove me harder....


This is me, also. I never stuck with anything in my whole life as I do with MA. People say I wouldn't stick it out like anything else in my life. But it's going on 4 and 1/2 years now. I test for BB (hopefully) at the end of this year. So, this kind of motivation helps, too.

Laurie F

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would just like to say a big warm hello to everyone!


i've been reading this site for the last day or so, and thought it was time to sign up!


first of all, everything here is great, i cant stop reading :)


second of all, im from australia, its good to see that this is a world-wide website! great stuff!


just my two words on motivation!


when i first started martial arts, it was because of the fighting! i knew how to punch, but not properly, i knew how to kick, but not properly.


then i started watching movies, went to a few classes, and i thought to myself, this is for me!


now i know how to punch, kick, elbow, knee, head-butt, choke, chop, everything, its just great!


once you start seeing other people doing all kinds of different things, you think to yourself, i can do this!


Just remember, if there is a will, there is a way. - Nothings impossible :)

"The best way to fight someone in the street, is to fight them with freestyle, confidence, speed, power & the mind" - All else shall fail.

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I started training in martial arts because I wanted to be active to some degree, and at the same time learn self defence and focus.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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My motivation is all the rewards I recieve from karate. I started in middle school, which I must say were very difficult years. Now I'm in 10th grade and my self confidence, attitude, self control, and whole out look on life has improved. Not to mention it's alot of fun! I know martial arts is a very serious sport, but you cant beat being good, serious, and having fun all at once. :)

Do not fear pain, for when you feel pain you know you are still alive.

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Well the motivations that made me start martial arts again in the first place was getting my * beaten by kid who was currently still boxing and a champion :cry: :cry: So last summer I began studying again. :karate: what makes me continue is the thought that if I stop than I will become fat and week and people will start beating me up again :bawling: :cry: so that is why i press on. :) :) :D :lol:


PEACE :wave: :up: :bigwink: :karate: :idea:

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