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Is this guy for real??

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In looking at Dillman's stuff, it looks more like direct a rip-off (or learning, depending how you see it...) of Oyata's Ryukyu Kenpo rather than Hohan Soken's Shorin Ryu, if you ask me.

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

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In looking at Dillman's stuff, it looks more like direct a rip-off (or learning, depending how you see it...) of Oyata's Ryukyu Kenpo rather than Hohan Soken's Shorin Ryu, if you ask me.


I'm not familiar enough to know which system he is doing, or trying to do, but I know dillman has been making claims for years that he is the sole possessor of OSensei Soken's "Secret" one touch, no touch knockout techniques. He as never been able to verify any of these claims, and the only thing that has been verified (from what I understand) is that he worked out with OSensei for a day or two...period.


Anybody knowing OSensei, and most of my instructors had trained with him prior to his death, knows that OSensei wouldn't pass on ANYTHING of real value to someone just for the asking, or some guy (especially American) that trained with him for a few days.

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sorry ramymensa i wasnt aware there was a disscussion about him before. The website looked relatively new and i thought no one brought it up before

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It still seems a bit fishy though.

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I don't think so.


This is the thing that gets me about MA forums. People so quick to judge when they haven't even trained with these people. Does it make your belts any more better putting down other peoples?

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


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Well, AngelaG, a healthy dose of skepticism is good. It's always important to measure and verify someone's credentials (I'm not saying bash the guy...but it's important to question things like who did he train under, how many years has he been training, etc.). A person with solid credentials doesn't mind have them looked at or being probed and asked; a person with shaky credentials has something to hide. People with shaky credentials need to be held accountable.


Optimisitcally giving martial arts instructors the benefit of the doubt is the reason why we have things like McDojo and websites like https://www.bullshido.com where I get to laugh at the silly things people do :lol: . I've learned over the years in the MA to never take anything at face value.


Edit: the website I'm trying to refer to is bull shido dot com...but for some reason it keeps getting censored...

Do you know who Chosin Chibana is...?

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Cos bull shido is a bunch of... Well that word word would get censored too. I have little respect for the majority of the guys on there!


Anyway I am not saying that you can't look into people, but the constant paranoia does get a bit tiresome. I know people that knew him and said he was very good - I also know some very prestigious organisations have recognised his grades. What sounds fishy about that?

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


Kata, Bunkai, Articles, Reviews, History, Uncovering the Myths, Discussion Forum

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I don't think so.


This is the thing that gets me about MA forums. People so quick to judge when they haven't even trained with these people. Does it make your belts any more better putting down other peoples?


It's not a matter of putting down someone Angela, it's a matter of believing that someone can attain multiple legitimate high Dan's in multiple systems, such as mentioned on Mr. Moneymaker's website.


Founding a unique system gives you the right to claim a high Dan in that system, but IMO, numerous Dans above 4-5th Dan in multiple systems gives me pause to become suspicous of fraud and self-inflation for money making (hey, that was clever! :roll: ) purposes.


IMO, even starting at a young age, and I don't know how old Mr. Moneymaker is, I don't believe that someone can legitimately attain a 9th Dan black belt in ANY system in 25 years. A 9th Dan, IMO, is a rank that is achieved after many, MANY years of study and work in a system, such as 40+ years in just one art.


Mr. Moneymaker is claiming a 9th Dan in Torite-jutsu, which he founded apparently, so that would be OK. Also a 9th Dan in Okinawan Kempo Karate-do...but who from is my question? Then a 8th Dan in World and British Kenpo Arts Federation...again, who from? Not to mention a 6th Dan in TKD, 5th Dan in Isshinryu Karate-do, 4th Dan in Aikibudo and 2nd Dan in Japanese Goju-ryu Karate-do.


How old is this guy...150? Did he train 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 50 years to attain such high belts in so many systems?


I'm sorry Angela...I'm afraid we're going to keep butting heads on this one and I'm going to remain very skeptical about anybody that claims such high ranks in so many different systems. I've seen people that self-promote themselves to high rank, usually starting their own "styles" when they do it, and then exchange high rank certificates in their systems for high rank certificates in other systems with other people that are self-promoted and having their own "styles". I myself was given a 3rd Dan certificate...as legitimate as any in this guys organization (American Korean Karate Association...now defunct) and in return he asked me to give him a 3rd Dan in Shorin Ryu. I flat out refused, but told him if he'd like to take classes, he could get it in about 10-15 years or so. Well...he wasn't interested in that. I still have that certificate he gave me...it's good for a laugh. He had certificates hanging all over his walls claiming he had at LEAST 6th Dans in about 8 different systems, and had never taken a class in any of them. To me, that is a HUGE pile of *, and reflects poorly on the arts. People comijng off the street into your dojo don't know the difference usually, and think "Wow, this guy must be good!"...and he wasn't. Skill-wise, I'd place this self-proclaimed "master" of the MA's at MAYBE a brown belt level...that's it.


Oh wow....got on my soapbox there didn't I? Sorry folks, but a nerve was struck there when I start talking about this subject.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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