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your school's kata requirements


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10th Gup (White Belt): Kibon Hyung Il Chol, Kibon Hyung Yi Chol, Kibon Hyung Sam Chol


9th Gup (Orange Belt): Kibon Hyung Sa Chol, Kibon Hyung Oh Chol, Palgue Il Jang, Bong Hyung Il Jang


8th & 7th Gup (Yellow Belt): Pyung Ahn Cho Dan, Pyung Ahn Yi Dan, Palgue Yi Jang, Bong Hyung Yi Jang


6th Gup (Green Belt): Pyung Ahn Sam Dan, Pyung Ahn Sa Dan, Palgue Sam Jang, Palgue Sa Jang


5th Gup (Blue Belt): Pyung Ahn Oh Dan, Palgue Oh Jang, Danjon Hohub Hyung


4th Gup (Purple Belt): Palgue Yuk Jang, Sypsoo, Koryo, Tae Baek


3rd Gup (Purple Belt): Dan Kwon, Doju San, Bong Hyung Sam Jang


2nd Gup (Brown Belt): Bassai Tae, Palgue Chil Jang


1st Gup (Brown Belt): Jee Tae, Palgue Pal Jang


1st Dan (Black): No Hai, Chulki Cho Dan, Chang Kwon (Offensive), Bong Hyung Sa Jang


2nd Dan (Black): Ahm Hak, Chulki Yi Dan, Chang Kwon (Defensive)


3rd Dan (Black): Chulki Sam Dan, Bassai So, Wan Shu


4th Dan (Black): Kong Son Kun, So Ho Yon, Tai Jo Kwon, Ban Wol, Cha Un


5th Dan (Black): Jin Soo, Oh Ship Sa Bo, Ship Pal


There are more forms 6-8th Dan, but I don't know which are required.


R. McLain

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We only do six kata.


Pinan Nidan


Pinan Yodan




Naihanchi Shodan






Isn't 27 a bit excessive?


Not if you intend to train forever and ever :karate:

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


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White to Orange -Fuji Kata di ichi


Orange to Gold -Fuji Kata di Ni


Gold to Purple -Pinan nidan


Purple to Green white stripe - Pinan Shodan


Green w/white to green -Nihanchi Shodan


Green to Blue -Pinan Sandan


Blue to Brown 1 -Pinan Godan


Brown 1 to Brown 2 - Anaku


Brown 2 to Brown 3 -Rohai


Brown 3 to Black all of the above - fluidly

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My school does things slightly informal by comparison to all these I see. We've never gone by strict kata requirements for testing. We have katas, but they're just a suppliment to our training, the only real kata requirment we have for promition is that we need to know all of the first thirteen kata for black. The accepted order to learn these is


Kihon 1-9


Naihanchi Shodan, Nidan


Pinan Shodan


Naihanchi Sandan


Pinan Sandan






Pinan Yondan




Pinan Godan




Bassai Dai


Bassai Sho




Et cetera. But like I said, we are very lax on requiring any of these, as they are just a suppliment to our training. As a testiment, I'm a brownbelt in my form who knows Kussanku, I haven't mastered it, nor have I really come close to making it even look good, but my sensei taught it to me as a learning and training tool.

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White: Basic Form


Orange: Taeguek ll Jang


Yellow: Taueguek Ee Jang


Green: Taeguek Sam Jang


Purple: Taeguek Sar Jang


Blue: Taeguek O Jang


Brown: Taeguek Yuk Jang


Red: Taeguek Chil Jang/ Koon Shu 1 (bo)


Sr. Red: Taeguek Pal Jang/ Lien Bu Chuen


1st Degree Black: Koryo/Kuem Gang/Koon Shu 2(bo)/Pao Chuen


2nd DegreeBlack: Taebaek/Loong Fu Chuen/Kung Li Chuen


3rd Degree Black: Pyong Won


Junior Ranks (under 12) have an additional belt (sr. Brown) and all forms are one behind until that level


: 8)

"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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For Dahn Moo Do it goes (belt names are belts being tested for)


Yellow Belt- Kicho Hyung parts 1-3


Orange Belt-parts 4-5 of Kicho Hyung


Purple Belt-Dan Bong Hyung Part 1


Green Belt- Cho Geup Hyung Part 1


Green Stripe- Cho Geup Hyung Part 2


Blue Belt- Dan Bong Hyung Part 2


Blue Stipe- Bong Spin Set


Brown Belt- Joong Geup Hyung


Brown Stripe- Joong Bong Hyung


Red Belt- Jang Bong Hyung Part 1


Red Stripe- Go Geup Hyung


Black Stripe- Jang Bong Hyung Part 2


Black Belt- Dae Geup Hyung

"always a white belt and never a black belt" a new take on "always a bridesmaid and never a bride"

Dahn Moo Do 7th Gup

Freestyle Karate 7th Kyu

North American Nunchucks White Belt

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