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KSW - integrating

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For all of you practicing / teaching Kuk Sool, how bad of etiquette is it, or is it bad, to integrate other things from other martial arts into your teaching of Kuk Sool? I'm not talking about adding a form or technique or anything. I more mean things such as stretching exercises, information about Ki, etc. My instructor always came off seeming (but never saying) that this was a very, very bad thing to do. Yet Kuk Sa Nim seemed fine with similar things whenever I saw him (talking about meditating, even bringing in a monk to do a different style of it, ways to practice slowly, etc). Even more telling, Kuk Sa Nim has said that he studied with other people to form Kuk Sool.


This comes up because I may someday want to open another school in another martial art along with (not instead of!) Kuk Sool, and it has things such as "Silk Reeling" exercises. They teach many things, including counter-joint locking, but you can very easily use them as just an effective stretching and range of motion increasing exercise.

Fetch Daddy's blue fright wig! I must be handsome when I unleash my rage.

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I'm going out on a limb here, but I think that Doug and others will back me up in saying that, Kuk Sool Won was originally based on Kuk Sa Nim's influences from other styles, and that is how Kuk Sool is so comprehensive compared to other Korean arts (so I have heard).


So I really don't see any problem with incorporating other styles exercises into Kuk Sool, as long as your Kuk Sool still looks like Kuk Sool.

Kuk Sool Won Jae Jah

Jah Ddi (Brown Belt)

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When you apply for a permit to open a KSW school, you have to sign a document that states you will teach KSW in the same manner as is outlined in their policies.


They might not complain about adding a sprinkle of non-standard teachings in, like extra ki "exercises" or stretching. However, you better not show or allow your students to show, any of it in the presence of Kuk Sa Nim. That would just be disrespectful.


On the thought of an additional school, that's a little more tricky. I doubt they would look farvorably on you running two arts out of the same school, while having the KSW logo on it. However, these are all things to be discussed with Kuk Sa Nim and Sa Mo Nim when you get closer to being ready to open something.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Thanks Doug. I hadn't planned on adding in anything as syllabus material, just a stretch or workout exercise, something akin to that.


With the other school, I don't think I would even hold it in the same building. I would probably hold it outside in a park, or in a public space. I would never run a non Kuk Sool school out of a school with the Kuk Sool logo on it. That seems wrong to both Kuk Sool and the students.


Now for a really stupid question. Sa Mo Nim? Is that another way of spelling Sa Beom Nim? I've never seen anyone mention or spell out "sa mo nim" before.

Fetch Daddy's blue fright wig! I must be handsome when I unleash my rage.

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Now for a really stupid question. Sa Mo Nim? Is that another way of spelling Sa Beom Nim? I've never seen anyone mention or spell out "sa mo nim" before.


Mrs. Suh


(Mrs. Kuk Sa Nim)


But I may still not have the middle word spelled right. I've never seen it written down, only spoken.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Although I do not belong to the Kuk Sool Won organization it is my understanding that they are very strict as to what you can teach or can not teach. Although i'm nt sure how open they all are there are a few organizations that teach almost the same thing such as the Kuk Sul Do org, the World Dahn Moo Do Association and the NKMAA(Kong Shin Bup).

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Dahn Moo Do 7th Gup

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Kuk Sool Won is such an extensive system that focuses on everything I don't really see the need why someone would want to integrate other arts into it.

What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others. - Confucius

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Yes, that is my problem, is it seems very closed off. Though I am mainly just wanting to add stretches, to talk about things such as how to avoid knee problems that I learned outside of Kuk Sool (from differenty health classes). Not adding in joint locks or anything.


krzychicano - KSW is an amazingly extensive ma, I'm not trying to put a whole new ma into it. Just the types of things I said above.

Fetch Daddy's blue fright wig! I must be handsome when I unleash my rage.

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