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Kata or fighting


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Kata is fighting an invisible opponent, sparring is fighting one that's there right now.
I would say a multiple invisible opponents,In kata you have all the riches of katate all the moves, all the secrets. A lot of self defence moves within the kata.


kata isn't about fighting multiple opponents as much as it is about mechanics and application. kata teaches you to link your movements together - footwork transitions. It also principles of the style - movement, technques, etc. not fighting multiple opponents.. think about it - who REALLY attacks that way? one at a time, in a preset pattern? nobody.


the other purpose of kata is to catalog the system. i can tell you every single technique in the system, but it's much easier if you learn it all in a pattern, as opposed to trying to memorize each individual technique, right?



Fighting: pin point fighing is more in a way like touch football the faster the better There is some karate techniques use in fighting,but not as much as in katas (of curse).



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Seven star my friend if you had read the rest of the definition of what i think is a kata it about what you said maybe with some five cents words.


For pin point fighting if you have a better explination I am all ears.

I don't train for belt color I train to survive on the street

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I understand you analogy about pin point fighting - I like it - but I don't get the second part of that post... you stated that some karate techniques are used in fighting, but all are used in kata...

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You can't have one without the other to be good you must learn to fight. However I think you do so though the constant practicing of kata.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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nevermind - when I re-typed it, the meaning hit me. Here's a question - are all of those techniques really necessary? If I don't use them all when I fight, do you think I am at all disadvantaged? For example, heian yondan has a backfist targeted at the bridge of the nose. I would never do that - heck, I don't even throw backfists at all - but I do jab, which accomplishes a similar goal.

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If the question is kata or sparring, then I'll choose kata every time. Sparring is a useful tool which I feel should be done every once in a while, but too much of it builds bad habits in my mind.


why do you think so? Do you not think that too much kata can produce similar bad habits?

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Learning to throw punches and kicks against an opponent is always good for many reasons, but the "secrets" of advanced fighting skills are found within the kata applications.

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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kata isn't about fighting multiple opponents as much as it is about mechanics and application. kata teaches you to link your movements together - footwork transitions. It also principles of the style - movement, technques, etc. not fighting multiple opponents.. think about it - who REALLY attacks that way? one at a time, in a preset pattern? nobody.




Dear friend , Kata is set senario of fighting techniques ,evasion ,block , punch ,kick ,diferrent kata cater for diferrent senarios and techniques


by doing them you condition your mind and body to react to certain moves ,these are designed by masters of the past and go back a long ,long way .Of course doing sparring with a partner has its own advantages ,but doing kata and understanding it and its concepts can prepare you to do partner sparring at another level .


After many years of training ,couple of years ago we were doing one of the heian katas which I thought I knew every thing about ,but our instructer showed us a diferrent concept within that kata that I was so shocked to see ! it opened my eye to see that kata from another angle after years of doing that simple beginner's kata !


And yes ! when I do kata ,I do feel that I am being attacked from 4 corners ! it will look practical to you if you see a master demonstration defence against multiple attackers using the application of kata.

never give up !

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I understand you analogy about pin point fighting - I like it - but I don't get the second part of that post... you stated that some karate techniques are used in fighting, but all are used in kata...
Never mind kata just take the te-waza,there half of the movements that you don't use in fighting or you'll be disqualified.




2)fingers to the eyes


3)elbow to the face etc...


But you use them in kata.


Don't get me wrong, I like fighting, but the type of fighting that we do is far from the real Mc Coy (what going on the street)

I don't train for belt color I train to survive on the street

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