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No need to diss style here. We each need to respect and appreciate one anothers style of martial art or in this case organizations.


The ITF considers itself a traditional martial art while WTF considers itself a progressive martial sport with the Olympics as its primary goal.


The traditionally oriented ITF uses the "Chonji" forms/hyungs originally established by General Choi Hong Hi. The WTF originally used "Palgue" colored belt forms. There was one form for each of the eight-trigram patterns, called "gwe" (four of the eight gwe are shown on the Korean flag). Later, a new series of eight color belt forms called "Taeguk" was developed (named after Eum-Yang symbol on the Korean flag). While the Taeguk forms are now the standard in the WTF, many schools also teach the Palgue forms.


ITF kicks are characterized by a wide trajectory with maximum reach (the classical or traditional technique). WTF kicks are are oriented toward sparring. The foot trajectory is as short as possible...there is no 'wave'.


The WTF emphasizes full-contact competition style sparring, which is why many people call WTF Taekwondo a sport rather than a martial art.


As far as competition goes, in the WTF, participants are not allowed to attack the face with hand techniques, to attack below the waist, or to grapple. Otherwise, they use full contact techniques. They use a scoring system that emphasizes the real delivered power of the technique. Both organizations require competitors to wear protective equipment while training and competing.


Although different in their TKD philosophies, the two associations have several similarities. Due to their common origins, both place a heavy emphasis on graceful, but powerful, kicking techniques, and both use wood breaking as a test of both concentration and technique.


Some differences between traditional Tae kwon-do and sport TKD are as follows:


Traditional TKD seeks self-development and spiritual improvement, while sport TKD seeks superiority over an opponent... to WIN!


Traditional TKD reflects Eastern values while sport TKD reflects Western values.


Traditional TKD is process-oriented, sport TKD is result-oriented.


Traditional TKD is formalized, sport TKD is not.


Might I also add that there is also ATA. The American Taekwondo Association (ATA) is a major Taekwondo organization in the United States. Haeng Ung Lee founded the ATA in 1969. It was smaller than the ITF but had many similarities to the ITF. In the 1970s, the ATA created its own system of closed, member only tournaments where control, variety of technique, and sportsmanship were emphasized over winning, using a style of sparring similar to the point style of Karate.


There are many Taekwondo organizations throughout the world, but the ITF, WTF, and ATA have the most members.




ITF/TKD Black Belt (1st dan)/Fitness Kickboxing Instructor


(KarateForums Sensei)


[ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2002-01-31 06:37 ]

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I personally like WTF better, my school is a mix of both... Although we do go by the WTF ranking system. The WTF site is very nice and helpful... WTF is a nice organization to be a part of. ITF is like old school korean stuff... meaning.... NO YANKEE DOG AMERICANS!





Do unto others, as they done to you.

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  • 1 year later...

my dojang is ITF and i like it better. guess i do not consider WTF as "real" taekwondo for what reason ever... since i am a real noob do not take my opinion too serious ;-)


for me meditation, self defense and everything belongs to TKD and "just" doing sports is not what makes an ART out of the martial.


but thats only how i look at things!

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I am ITF, and I like it better (of course). But we don't do the bouncy thing. It seems there is a division amongst ITF stylists with the sine wave thing. We don't belong to the organization, which I like. I would never be able to stand being told what I can/cannot teach, but that's just me.


I have a question, though. Does WTF have different "sects" (a better word is not coming to mind right now) like ITF??



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I haven't done ITF so i can't speaking for that..


but, about WTF.. If you want to train TKD as a mainly as a martial art, then you should look for the TKD KWANS affiliated with the WTF, than the pure WTF schools that only do sports.


Let me explain... if you want TKD as a martial Arts, you must look on the School who use KWAN names like Moo Duk Kwan; Chang Moo Kwan; Song Moo kwan; Ji Do Kwan, etc.... the Kwans usually joins to WTF for Rank reconitions but they keep the Tradition


The PURE WTF TKD schools are mostly for sports. Period.


Still, not 100% sure, some Kwan have turned into Pure sports and keep there kwan names.


But there's still hopes out there for those who want to train Traditional Kwan TKD.


If you don't believe me, ask karatekid1975. She found a great kwan type TKD school and she's happy with it. lol :)

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All depends on the school. We were WTF with our basics derived from Song Moo Kwan, Ji Do Kwan, and Chang Do kwan. We did sport sparring for those that want to compete and for fun, but the self defense was all the really nasty stuff! Low kicks, sweeps, gouges, head butts, all sorts of hand strikes, locks etc... We spent more time on that sort of thing then sport sparring.


I've seen some Purely sport schools for TKD and it's quite different. Not bad, just different. I can't comment on ITF as I have not seen an ITF school.


One last thing Hwa-rang: How can saying someone "sucks" be construed in any way but negative? In the future try some constructive critisism, it tends to garner better feed back and lessens overall hostility on these boards. ;)


Good luck in your training, Pil Sung!

"Jita Kyoei" Mutual Benefit and Welfare

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It really does depend on the individual school as far as where their emphasis lays. Some WTF schools lean toward tradional MA "values" while others are simply into the "sport of it". It is unfair to generalize just becasue of affiliation with a particular association. Might I suggest the article posted by Kirves under General Martial Arts as some good reading for everyone here.



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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jk jk


Seriously though, I have a problem with the origin of the WTF and the reasons behind it coming into power. The ITF is the original style of TaeKwonDo, originated by Gen. Choi. WTF came around after Korea started to focus on sports and wanted Gen. Choi to allow TaeKwonDo to be under the Korean Athletic Association, he didn't allow this, thus the WTF was formed to have a style of 'sport' TaeKwonDo that would be under control of the Korean Government. Also Korea 'recommended' that Gen. Choi should leave and take his ITF styling with him, where its headquarters remains in Canada. The WTF bullied its way into existence.


I have done both and equally enjoy the variations of each styling. Both of the styles have their pluses and minuses and it matters to what school you go to. However, I have a big issue with how the WTF came into power and I feel that ITF is true TaeKwonDo the way that the originator saw fit.

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interesting read @ nathanjusko - didnt know about that.


could u be a little more specific about this pros and conts? thats what the thread is about :)


in my opinion there is a lack of self defense, meditation, improving ones mind and stuff in wtf. but it certainly all depends on dojang and instructor.

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