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How did you get your students?

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At most of the schools I've seen, it seems like the majority of new students arrive through word of mouth, but I was wondering what people on here thought. If you can, I'd love to see what percentage of your new students you get through the following sources:


1) Word of mouth


2) School/Organization website


3) Phone book


4) Drive-by (e.g. someone sees your school while in your area for another purpose)


5) Promotion (direct mail, fliers, newspaper ads)


6) Other (please specify)


I think this data would be useful to the people on this board who are trying to build/expand their programs. Thanks!

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In my experience, radio, television, flyers and posters are a waste of time and money.


Your best advertisement is your students (word of mouth) and your location.


You also can have your worst advertisement being word of mouth also, as if your students aren't crazy about the classes, they will tell people that, or if they're out getting into fights..that can do lots of damage.


On that subject...just for your info...every one of my students is told the first day of training, and periodically thereafter, that the first fight I hear them start...whether physically or verbally...and I hear about it...they're out of my class permanently! They have th right to defend themselves of course, but I will not tolerate any bullies in my class.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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When I was still running a dojo, I inherrited my students because my sensei moved. After that it was up to word of mouth.

He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.

- Tao Te Ching

"Move as swift as a wind, stay as silent as forest, attack as fierce as fire, undefeatable defense like a mountain."

- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

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The school I attend got so big because of Word Of Mouth. People love to talk about something productive they are doing and that is basically all it takes. Everyone in one way shape or form is intrigued by the MA.

What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others. - Confucius

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A large portion of them come from word of mouth, but also I am on a University campus, and so we do demonstrations for the students. That gets a large number of them.

Fetch Daddy's blue fright wig! I must be handsome when I unleash my rage.

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When I was still running a dojo, I inherrited my students because my sensei moved. After that it was up to word of mouth.


That's what happened with my TSD instructor. The previous school owner wanted to retire from teaching. My instructor was teaching/studying at a sister school. I don't know how he heard about it or what have you. But he took over that school. He fixed it up and everything. He retained most of the students, including the previous owners parents. I thought that was cool.

Laurie F

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Word of mouth usually has the best impact, if your students are pleased. After that, a good website and business cards with the link identified are great, as well. Give your senior students a couple dozen, so they can give them to people they are talking with.

"Tomorrow's battle is won during today's practice."


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When I first decided to teach, I was in a new area. It was my home town but I had been away nearly 20 years. So once I decided this is what I wanted to do, I sought out students. As I met people throughout my day to day, I used martial arts as an ice breaker, I would share my love for it, with anyone I met, and anyone who would listen to me. I worked in maintenance, and had a job at a church, where sone of the members began to know me. These were my first three students. From there I gained up to 11 through word of mouth. I created a website to cater to those people looking for private instruction only and gained several more students that way. As a marketing strategy I hired a female jazzercize/pilates teacher. Since I supply the building I charge her rent and 10% of her student tuition. Thus any of my students who have family interested in what she does, I send them to her, and I still earn, and vice versa, when she gets student relatives interested in MA, I sign them up. This works well but word of mouth is still the forwmost way to get poeple in the door.

"Enemies you threaten make armies. Enemies you destroy make graves."

"Even though you hold a sword over my heart I will not give up."

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