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does anyone know some cool sparring tricks and maneuvers that are good to use in tournaments? im thinking of going to states after i get my first degree next month and im trying to learn some new tricks by then.

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Depends on the type of sparring so let us know which type you do. I find the reverse side kick can be very sneaky.

Long Live the Fighters!


You need to be very fast with that one, though.


I've caught many with my right arm by stepping in as they turn, and sweeping the other leg.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.


Reverse side kick is used as a counter. I agree if you led with that technique you'd have to be very fast to get it off.

Long Live the Fighters!


I don't have any "prefered" or "favorite" sparring techniques, but here are a few that I have found effective over the years,... assuming point fighting of course...


1) a retreating back kick, where the opponent thinks you are just turning tail and running out of the ring,... and you stick `em with back kick as they chase.


2) spinning hook kick off of any back leg kick of your opponent.


3) turning just slightly to hide the point area (showing more of your back).


4) liberal use of axe and hook kicks off the front leg.


5) kicking simultaneously with your opponent to creat a "clash" situation.


6) "overblocking" to avoid hook and axe kicks that arc past normal blocks.


7) (In head hunting, permitted tournaments) front hand backfist-back hand ridgehand combo.


8 ) side kicks to the hip to keep the opponent at range.


Those are just a few.

Master Jason Powlette

5th Dan, Tang Soo Do

--Tang Soo!!!


outside kick move the hands, followed by front kick to mid section.


opponent attacks with round kick or round house, circle step, side kick to mid section.


fake round to mid section, hook kick to mid section, or if you have the flexiblilty, to the head.


round to side, then immediately raise up round to head.


always use your hands, and watch your opponents eyes, and shoulders.

  KSWDanMan said:

round to side, then immediately raise up round to head.

It amazes me how many times this one works...


I've fustrated a number of opponents by simply starting of in cirgle mode. I tend to bounce lightly, like a boxer, and move in circles around them as they attack, avoiding everything.


Then tend to get mad, and think I'm just scared of attacking. That usually makes them have a lapse of consentration after the first few attacks, as they try to figure a way to get close to me. Bam, jump front kick to the solar-plexus.


Oooo, I'm sorry. Did you want to breath? :brow:


I also like one of our spinning hand techniques that we learn.


Step forward, same side hand reverse knife hand, come back with same hand other dirsection knife hand, step forward reverse knife hand left, step behind w/ right, spinning knife hand w/ right, straight punch left.


With all the hands flying, and moving forward, they usually get caught moving straight back instead of in a circle.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

  KSN Doug said:
I've fustrated a number of opponents by simply starting of in cirgle mode. I tend to bounce lightly, like a boxer, and move in circles around them as they attack, avoiding everything.


Defense: Send a kick against the movement, he will move fast in the oposite to avoid you, send the other leg straigth to his face Finish him w a mom iop or a nakai (or trihorio) for get 4 pts w/ one movement.

Then tend to get mad, and think I'm just scared of attacking. That usually makes them have a lapse of consentration after the first few attacks, as they try to figure a way to get close to me. Bam, jump front kick to the solar-plexus.


Oooo, I'm sorry. Did you want to breath? :brow:


Oh! he got mad, send him a hug, send some smile or eye play. He still breathing, but he is wondering wt the hell are u thinking?


Step fwd and double kick to the back-front (doumbal), followed by another alike.



I also like one of our spinning hand techniques that we learn.


Step forward, same side hand reverse knife hand,...


Here be fast, montom makee and iop shagee. He is just a nice mamaboy trying to seem nice

With all the hands flying, and moving forward, they usually get caught moving straight back instead of in a circle.


Meanwhile u got sick like u were inside the laundry machine, and has loose a lot of time just playing "balerina on dojang"

Live your day as it is the last, think like gonna live forever.

  • 2 weeks later...

jab, cross, lo-hi front leg roundhouse


front snap kick, front hook punch, front side kick

The best a man can hope for

is, over the course of his lifetime,

to change for the better.

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