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Conflicted about upcoming promotion...

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I'm really concerned about something...


To explain, my school only has four belts--white, green, brown and black. Inbetween the first three belts, there are two stripes each. It takes a darn long time between promotions because there really aren't that many. I have been going to my dojo for about 14 months now, and I am still a white belt with one green stripe.


When I first joined, I showed a lot of promise, and I quickly learned everything I was supposed to. After 5 months I had my first stripe, and I was very proud of myself, because I finally felt like I was part of the dojo. Not that others had excluded me, but that I had shown a significant amount of dedication where so many others just quit (we seem to have a very low white belt retention rate). But, two months after my promotion, I had a serious ankle injury that put me out for quite a while. I don't think I trained at all for the first 2 months after my injury, but after that, I would come in about once or twice a month. A month ago, I finally felt well enough to start coming in more regularly.


Last week I noticed sensei John saying things like "when you get to be a green belt..." and "don't worry, your rolls don't have to be perfect for your test", and I got the crazy idea in my head that he was thinking of promoting me. I know he likes to promote in groups, because for some reason we're encouraged to always have someone else near or at the same rank as us, and another white belt, Aaron, is totally ready for his green belt test. He's been training the whole time I haven't, and he looks good.


And then today, before class, he asked me if I knew everything for my test. I stuttered and said I was pretty sure I did. Last week I checked the list, and yes, I do know everything. Our class tonight followed much of the same format as the test, and he paid extra special attention to my blocks, when he usually doesnt (and he said they looked really good). I talked with another classmate, and he said he was pretty sure of an upcoming test, too. Sensei John can be a bit predictable at times, so I'm pretty sure it's going to happen.


But that doesn't mean I think I'm any good! Technically, yes, I know everything I need to, and I think my kata look pretty good, too. But I just feel like I wouldn't deserve the promotion right now, since I haven't been around much lately (at my rank, if he tests you, it's because he wants to promote you, so it's highly unlikely I'd fail). I learn quickly, and even with my ankle the way it is, I have learned to adapt some things, but still... I feel like I should probably wait at least another three or four months...


I have never thought to myself about how much I wanted a black belt, and I really don't think about my training in terms of ranks and promotions. I'm there to learn at whatever pace comes naturally, so I don't mind being a white belt. Of course, I want to learn more techniques, but I just don't feel confident at my current state...


Should I talk to my sensei about this? Would that be inappropriate?


On the plus side, with two stripes I'll be allowed to start learning weapons... And I *have* always been interested in that...

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To be honest at this stage if you know the stuff I wouldn't worry about it too much, it's not the end of the world if you are not perfect in what you are doing. If you know that you are intending to start training seriously again soon then within a while you will feel like you have started to grow into your grade.


If, however, you really strongly feel that you don't want to test then have a quiet word with your Sensei explaining it clearly. I'm sure he will appreciate the maturity you show in your reasons.


Good luck in whatever you decide



Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


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I agree. Trust your instructor to do what's right. You may not be AS ready as someone else, but you have plenty of time to clean it up before the next test.


Now, if you didn't even know all the material, then that's another story.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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One thing you need to keep in mind here, and I always stress this to my own students, is that your sensei knows where you're at in your training better than you do.


He/She sees you in every class, sees how hard you work, knows your strengths and weakness's and what you need improvement on. Trust his/her judgement that you're ready to test.


Myself, as soon as I determine that they are at the level they need to be for their next belt...they have basically passed the test at that point. :karate:

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My thoughts exacly Shorinryu. A good sensei should be looking at the person in addition to the techniques required for each belt level...they know a good student when they see one regardless of what he/she thinks about themself.



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Can't really add anymore than what everyone else has commented on. You have placed your training in the hands of your instructor, so trust that he knows when your are ready to test, and when you are not. Enjoy your training, but don't compare yourself to your other dojo mates because everyone is different :karate: Good luck on your test!


Mind of Mencia

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I think your Sensei was impressed with the fact that you came back. I was playing league football, and i got a pretty good rattling during the game. I was dizzy and couldn't see straight. I said to hell with this and left.


After your injury, it showed a lot of character to come back and keep training. I suggest that you keep training hard (as hard as you can for now) and learning. Work on what you think you need polishing on and you'll get it down.


I joined TSD 1 month before their regular testing. I was told i had the option to test one week before. I buckled down and learned what i needed to learn. During the test, i messed up once or twice... but i had the drive and the enthuisaism, they promoted me and i know am good (not great) at what i am supposed to know...


Good Luck...

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If your instructor feels that you are ready then I would go ahead and test. Your instructor would not set you up for failure so don't worry about your injury. Look at it this way. How far would you be if you didn't get injured? Take the test you have obviously earned it.

What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others. - Confucius

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Besides, if you don't have the technique down the way you want it, there will always be time to improve after your promotion. Just do your best and go along with whatever your sensei tells you.

To condemn the art of another is to condemn your own as well. We all have the same origin.

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