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Shodan Ho grade....

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Last night my Sensei gave me this grade. It's an in between grade from 1st kyu to 1st degree. I'm technically a black belt but I still have some requirements to earn my 1st degree.


I'm excited and ready to work even harder because I will now compete with the black belts.

"What's your style?"

"My style?"

"You can call it the art of fighting without fighting."

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Thanks guys theres a lot of responsibility with this and I'm proud to take it.

"What's your style?"

"My style?"

"You can call it the art of fighting without fighting."

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I'm a little late but Congratulations! I agree, there are many responsibilities attached to such an honor and I'm glad you recognize that. It proves that you deserve it. Once again, Congrats :D

"Freedom discovers man the moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make."

-Bruce Lee

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We have what we call a probationary BB. I guess it's the same thing. It's a black belt but it's not the real thing. The real one has writing and your name on it, and the curriculum for the real one is harder. But it means that you are REALLY close, and it is an honor. Congrads :)

Laurie F

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We have what we call a probationary BB. I guess it's the same thing. It's a black belt but it's not the real thing. The real one has writing and your name on it, and the curriculum for the real one is harder. But it means that you are REALLY close, and it is an honor. Congrads :)
Same with my style we have one year before we can put the first stripe on.then one more year and you are second degree.I don't know if it the same for you ,but it not a year wasted belive me.I wish to be ther one day.keep going. :o

I don't train for belt color I train to survive on the street

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Don't get me wrong here, I'm not "knocking" this "pre-black belt" or shodan ho thing...but what really puzzles me is this. Why not just test for a black belt, and not this "pre" stuff? What is the purpose of it, other than make you test yet again later on? Do you get charged for the "pre-BB" testing? if so, I'm concerned that it's just another way for the sensei to make more money...either by test fees or the cost of the belt.


What it makes me thing is...are you a black belt...or not? If you're not...then you should be wearing a belt below black...or if you are..then wear a black belt.


It just seems odd to me. When I promote one of my students..they get that belt..period. No "pre-this or that" Either you're that rank...or you're not. Black..or white...no gray areas, which this seems to be to me.


But anyway...congratulations on your promiotion...uhhhh..whatever rank you are?

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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Well, in our school I can't say I'm going to test for this grade my sensei tells us when he feels we are ready.


The reason he gave this grade to me is so when I go to tournaments I compete in the BB division. He wants to see where I'm at in competition against other BB's.


Plus there still are some requirements I have to do before I get the big ceremony and all. There are no fees for testing or at least I paid for. The only extra charges my sensei does is private lessons and if we need to buy gear. My official test for BB does have a fee but that's the only one.


I understand where your coming from but theirs nothing dishonest with what my sensei done. I also do appreciate the concern because what your saying happens a lot and it's sad. But I'm blessed to have an honest sensei who does this for the love of the art. He still has to work a ton of hours for Ford motor company so money from the school isn't a priority.

"What's your style?"

"My style?"

"You can call it the art of fighting without fighting."

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Well, in our school I can't say I'm going to test for this grade my sensei tells us when he feels we are ready.


This is, IMHO, the best. Who knows better where you are in your training than your sensei?

The reason he gave this grade to me is so when I go to tournaments I compete in the BB division. He wants to see where I'm at in competition against other BB's.


Interesting. I don't know about tournaments in your area, but around here, if a person wants to go up a division and compete against higher belts, it's OK if the sensei agrees with it. You can't go down of course. How about wearing a black belt (in appearance only) just for the tournaments then? A drawback...or up here anyway..is that once you show up at a tournament in a black belt, you'd better not come to the next one wearing something lower. We've caught people doing that at our tournaments and made themn compete in black belt divisions..regardless of what they have around their waist. If they don't want to...they don't compete.

Plus there still are some requirements I have to do before I get the big ceremony and all.


So..you've not met the requirements for black belt from your sensei..which takes me back to my origional thoughts. If you're not where you need to be in your sensei's eyes for a black belt..then for me, it makes no sense to give you one.

There are no fees for testing or at least I paid for. The only extra charges my sensei does is private lessons and if we need to buy gear. My official test for BB does have a fee but that's the only one.


OK..that's cool. So your sensei isn't doing it for the test money...that's a good thing! :D




Like I said earlier, I'm not trying to bash this shodan ho thing...I'm just trying to understand the reasoning behind it. Which...I still don't understand by the way! :lol:

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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