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MA Regrets

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What are your biggest regrets with respect to the martial arts, if any? Is there anything you wish you had done differently, or not at all? What would you like to change, given the chance?


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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I have 3 regrets actually.


1. That I didn't go to Okinawa when I was younger and train for a year.


2. That I didn't get to train with Master Kuda Yuichi any more than the two times that I had.


3. That I wouldn't have walked away from a challenge from that loud mouth, TKD black belt bully years ago...and cleaned his clock instead!

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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Yeah, I wish I did a little more research when looking for a MA and not basing it on "Hey, Steven Seagal looks so cool when he does aikido in his movies so that's what I'll do!!" (duh.)


:kaioken: !!!


Even so, it was still interesting, and it gave me a workout. I'll give it that. And, in my defense, i did like the idea of using an opponent's momentum against them. I just didn't know that atemi and groundwork were going to be almost completely neglected, and real-life application was a looooong time off.


I've been out of MA's for a while and would like something like ba gua, or a type of kajukenbo that incorporated IMA (there's one out there, I forget the name) ... heck, I suppose even BJJ. Something that still has the same "gentle" aspect like aikido, but with a little more direct application. Just my $0.02.

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Leaving my TSD dojang :bawling: I had to move, though. If it was possible to take your dojang with you (and all the members and instructor) I would have. Not that my TKD dojang is all that bad ...... I guess I'm still homesick (after three years) LOL.

Laurie F

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I'm pretty new, but the only competition I've been to I did not fight in. A couple of people encouraged me to do so, but I was a white belt at the time and did not want to do it. I watched the 1 fight that was in the category I would have been in. If I had entered I could have got third place as there were only two other people competing. Ah well, next time.

"I think therefore I am" Rene Descartes

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My biggest regret was having to close my dojo due to a hellacious divorce.......but theres always the future.....and another opportunity ahead ! :D


They cant hold a good man down for long ! :wink:

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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Awww! I don't mean to bring everybody down! :( I was just curious.


I guess I regret not starting MA earlier. But in a way, I'm glad things worked out this way. I feel like I'm more mature to appreciate karate the way I do.


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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