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Size does not matter

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I think size does make a huge difference. I know smaller people can beat people much bigger then them if they're skilled enough.. But size still is a big factor, at least in sparring. I don't know about actual fights though, since you can do "dirty" stuff and attack to the vital points, but even then i know size must be an advatange. anyway i've never actually been in a real fight.


oh yea there are advantages to being big but there are advantages to being small. And I'm neither big or small..


but other then size there are other advantages too right? Like pain tolerance, that's an important one!

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Size can be beat with techinque, speed, power, heart, etc. However what if size has those weapons as well? Size is the only factor in a fight we can not control ourselves. Sure we can lift weights and eat right but we are only going to grow so tall. So unless we are talking about being a JOCKEY I would say size does matter.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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when we say big, are we talking about bone size and structure or muscle mass? I think muscle size is why the have different wieght classes, not because of how tall or wide a person is.

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Well I will argue that bigger people can take more punishment. But I do understand what you are saying Freestyler....

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Wll thats a given that a person who was way oeverweight and out of shape could not do well agaisnt anyone. But when we are talking about a 240lbs fighter vs a 180lbs fighter chances are the bigger guys will do better if everything else is the same.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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  • 2 months later...

I agree with those who say size doesn't matter it is so true.


Size means shit.You can have a huge body builder type guy,whose really tough,but if he is slow and can't beat you to the punch and his punches are very sloppy or he misses half the time,he's going down regardless of his size.


I have friends who are pretty big and they'll be the first one to say size means crap,that sometimes a small guy is at a better advantage,it just depends on how he fights,whether he knows martial arts or not.


I saw bouncer once who was so short and skinny,looking at him he looked like a wimp and you'd probably wonder how some one like that could be a bouncer,well guess what,at that club a fight broke out and this bouncer took this huge steroid looking guy to the ground as if he was a piece of string,this guys was one tough mother fucker.


You know that saying,never judge a book by its cover,well there is truth to that.


For example if you have a tall guy who is 6"2 ,and only a 180 lbs then you have a guy who is only 5'8 and also slim,the guy who is taller isn't going to necessarily win.The small guy might win.It can go either way.


In a real fight it's not about size or strength it's about being smart,knowing how to defend yourself,being able to beat your opponent to the punch or kick or even throw him to ground and most of all being able to take a punch to the head or body.


You also have to have guts.


If you're huge but aren't quick,can't take a punch to body or head and don't have it in you to fight,it's as simple as this,you'll lose.


Some people regardless of size will suddenly freeze because they just can't fight or can but don't have it in them to do anything.In fact many big guys just talk tough but aren't and take advantage of the fact that most people find them intimidating,when there is no need to.


Another example sometimes if a small guy tells a huge guy off,the big guy right away gets scared because they're not used to having small guys talk to them like that ,it has worked for me.I use my mouth before I use my fists,I will fight only if I really have to.


I told some bouncer who was pissing me off to go f off and said don't even think about touching me,you should have seen the look on his face,he was shocked.This was what he said later,either you're a great fighter or just plain stupid to talk to me like that.So I told him both,only way to find out is by trying something stupid.Who knows he might have been able to kick my but then again maybe couldn't but at least using my brain and mouth worked and stopped him from taking any chance because he realized I wasn't intimitated by his size.Big guys want you to be intimitated and many times people are.


However I do agree that if both guys are extremely good fighters,they're both quick and can both take hard hit and both have it in them to fight chances are the big guy will win at least in close quarter position because he has all that weight coming down on you that can knock you out,but if you can keep him from coming close to begin with you might just win.


Anyway in real fight if I saw I was going to lose against someone regardless of their size, I'll do anything to get away,such as taking his knee caps out.A little hard to fight with a broken knee cap correct? of course.

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You can have a huge body builder type guy,whose really tough,but if he is slow and can't beat you to the punch and his punches are very sloppy or he misses half the time,he's going down regardless of his size.


So, his size and strength is no advantage whatsoever? What if he were half his size, had a third of his strength and was as slow and sloppy technically as he is now, would he be as good/bad as he is now? You really mean that if technique and speed remain constant, having extra strength or extra mass with which to suffocate the guy under you means nothing?

sometimes a small guy is at a better advantage,it just depends on how he fights,whether he knows martial arts or not


Sometimes? Knows martial arts? But that means, all other things aren't staying equal! I thought the whole point was that size and strength can be an advantage all other things remaining equal.

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