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What weapon do you actually carry?


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I carry my brain - it came with a handy (and not bad looking if I may say so myself) carrying case... :)


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I had a license to carry a concealed firearm (CCF) in Lancaster County but I've not renewed in my new area.

I own a glock-23 (40 cal), a Taurus 38 snubnose, a few knives (nothing special...all like 440 or 420 SS). I actually own nothing in the way of martial arts weapons anymore.

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My mitts and a adaptable weapon called a duc (i think thats how its spelled)

White belt for life

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What you fail to understand is what you fail to see.

The following are my weapons,

steeltoed boots- Hat- Leather normal Belt- Keys- Rings on fingers- Sweeter/jacket- bandana- sunglasses- Newspaper rolled up- sodapop can- fliplighter- book of matches- need I go on....

It is very upsetting to me as a very dedicated martial artist to see the young run off and choose the sword, knife, staff, or nunchucka as thier weapon of choice when going off into the streets.

Why choose something that is Designed to be a weapon when you have so many things that are everyday items which can be turned to weapons by Skill and knowledge.

In a demonstration I did for a police force last year I asked the police to pat me down and strip me of any possiable weapons. They took my keys, bandanna, and said Ok.

When asked to be part of my demonstration I used the officers hat smacked it down over his head stepped around and chocked him with his own tie, then lightly kicked his kidney with my steeltoed boots. When the other officer was asked to come to me, she didn't demonstrate pulling out her sidearm because I didn't have a weapon.

I had a quarter and tapped her lightly on the forehead with it and she went down and that was that. As a Martial Artist we should all learn to literaly become skilled in Deceptive abilities. For those who actualy carried a weapon in the streets you would have been arrested had you been checked by the cops, I will never have to worry bout that issue because my 10+weapons are everyday things.

((((For an exercise our Grandmaster asks our students to pick anything from thier house and bring it to him the next class and he would show atleast 2 ways it could be used to kill a person or break thier bones- This is a great exercise you should all do.......because literaly there is NOTHING that can not be used as a weapon.....Nothing....)))

To become the greatest warrior, one needs to train beyond the physical and into the spiritual becoming supernatural. It is then that the warrior will know that he is indeed not the greatest, but just awakened.


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a blowgun

not great for close in

but perfect for anyone who looks like they might possibly think of comeing close to attacking u... :P

seriously though, i think carrying guns and stuff is crazy

i do like manabimasho's talk about everything as a weapon though

i should put some thought into waht kind of things i encounter on a daily basis, that can be weapons


Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. - Nido Qubein

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well since a concealed knife in canada is illegal i usually just dont bring a weapon at all, i feel comfortable enough using no weapons to defend myself in a real situation

I think generaly alot of people knew that everything is a weapon so i dont include that in my post.... :-?but it is a good point that should be brought up

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst"

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I must admit i envy some of you who live in places where the carrying of weapons is outlawed, i live in a country where gun related crime is very high, illegal firearms are constantly being used and sold on the black market, although there is now a huge drive in the country to rid the streets of illegal firearms, we have just ended an amnesty period the end of last month when illegal firearms could be handed in at any police station nationwide, no questions asked, and whoever brought them in was free of prosecution.

The gun laws have been changed so dramatically here, that carrying or even owning a gun, is more of a hinderance than a bonus, there are hardly any mitigating circumstances for using one legally anymore, the law has become so strict.For example: i catch an intruder in my house, i may not shoot him, if he is unarmed, i am prosecuted, if he has a knife or any thing other than a gun , i may not shoot, i will be prosecuted, if he has a gun, and does not shoot, i may not shoot, i must prove he was going to shoot, if he shoots and hits me i may then shoot, but must be able to prove he shot first, otherwise i am prosecuted, so whats the point of owning a gun if the law prohibits me from using it. Unbelievable i know , but true.

Most times, a gun is more of hinderance in a fight, there is always the chance it may be taken off you and turned against you as well.

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Since there outlawed doesnt mean they arnt their there are guns all over the place and their not legal, but yea i see your point

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst"

William Penn

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a bandanas pretty easy to use as a weapon effectivly if you think about it, you could catch punches if its streched out, choke, wrap, tie together and even blind with it, just gotta have nimble hands, keys are self explanitory, i always have a bandana and keys one me actualy, so im good :)

How many blosom's are on that tree?

It is impossible to count,

The number's continuoulsy change.

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