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What weapon do you actually carry?


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I carry nunchakus, I carry a kurambit, I carry knives,daggers, and other various bladed weapons including, throwing knives, razor edged cards... you name it, Ive carried it to town.

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I carry nunchakus, I carry a kurambit, I carry knives,daggers, and other various bladed weapons including, throwing knives, razor edged cards... you name it, Ive carried it to town.

I have got to say though, be careful. I live in Georgia, but am only a few miles from South Carolina (where you are from) and if you pulled out nunchakus or throwing knives and used them, you are going to jail--even if it is self-defense.

There are legit self defense items, such as pepper spray, a registered hand gun, a walking stick/cane, and some tactical knives, but none of the things that you are carrying.

Please be careful. I hate to say it, but only people looking for trouble carry things like nunchuks. Don't be one of those people.


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Yeah it's been over a month since someone posted on this thread, but I had not seen the last couple of pages. Let's get real for a bit shall we?

If you are carrying a bo, jo, katana, tonfa, or other traditional weapon on the street, and you are NOT going to or coming from a martial arts class- ie, you carry these weapons in your normal, daily life- you are a freak. The police where I live will pick you up and at LEAST question you thoroughly not just once, but every single time they see you carrying an obvious weapon like this.

If you are seriously worried about someone with a gun and/or knife threatening/robbing you on a daily basis, you should go soomewhere else. Do not frequent these places, use other ways to get where you are going or MOVE! Living your life in constant danger is no way to live.

If you are threatened by someone with a knife or gun- give the guy what he wants. Nothing you own is worth even the slightest risk to your life. Unless, of course, you believe they are going to hurt or kill you anyway...in which case, you have nothing to lose.

If the situation occurs where a guy has a gun or knife, and you pull out a pair of nunchaku, throwing dagger, GUN of your own- whatever- you stand a good chance of getting killed or hurt anyway. PLUS you also have a good chance of going to jail for excessive use of force, assault/battery, murder, attempted murder, etc YOURSELF! A fight is never over until AFTER the legal trials!

This does not apply to police officers, bounty hunters, bouncers or other people who are in a profession where they may encounter violence at any time. If you are a Sheriff, I fully expect you to carry a pistol, pepper spray, PR-24 etc, and know how to use it. If, however, you are a typical citizen and you feel you need to carry a nunchaku, daggers, razor edged cards, you either need to go somewhere else as soon as is humanly possible or seek therapy.

Finally, is you feel is is NECESSARY to carry a weapon- as a post above said- you are in trouble. It certainly is not necessary- like owning a TV is not necessary. However, I ask you to really think about whether you feel that carrying a weapon is truly for self defense or whether it is just for ego. Maybe it's just to feel safe, and if that is the case- if you really NEED a weapon to feel safe- you should take a good hard look at your life and circumstances.

shi wa hei to de aru

"All are equal in the grave"

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I agree with all points until the last paragraph.

There's nothing wrong with carrying weapons for self-defense, provided the user is responsible and has been trained in the use of the weapon. Criminals have guns and knives, period. If you want to be able to defend yourself against an armed criminal, you need a weapon yourself. If you think you can take on armed assailants with your bare hands, you're fooling yourself. Sure you should practice hand to weapon skills because you might be caught without a weapon, but these skills need to be practiced with the full knowledge that they are last resort and the user will proabably get hurt anyway.

As for people carrying weapons for ego, responsible armed citizens do not go brandishing their weapons all over the place. No one is impresses because no one should know.

Finally, I'd just like to say "Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it."

It's fine if you don't carry a weapon, but you must respect the right of the law abiding citizen to be armed.

If it works, use it!

If not, throw it out!

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I for one, do not carry a weapon with me. Not because I don't like them or am not into them, I just do not need one where I currently live. If the time comes when I feel I needed one, depending on what I thought I may run into, I would either carry a knife, gun, or nunchaku or a combination of those.

I don't think many people that frequent this board carry weapons for ego.... but if they do I agree that is a poor reason.

But it is better to have it and not need it, than to not have it when you need it.

And I just want to jump on the bandwagon and say if you are one of the people who think "the only weapons I need are these four guns (your arms and legs)" you are either joking yourself, or one of the greatest masters of all time, up there with Bruce Lee. Or you could just be in a very safe area.

I have a huge respect for almost everybody in martial arts, but to think you can either take on armed assailants or escape from them every time is just wrong. You don't need to carry a weapon, but you should be prepared to hand over your wallet or run, if you don't carry one, in certain areas at least. Not that that is the wrong decision, because sometimes it probably is the right decision, just go get away as fast as possible.

All the best,


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I carry nunchakus, I carry a kurambit, I carry knives,daggers, and other various bladed weapons including, throwing knives, razor edged cards... you name it, Ive carried it to town.

I have got to say though, be careful. I live in Georgia, but am only a few miles from South Carolina (where you are from) and if you pulled out nunchakus or throwing knives and used them, you are going to jail--even if it is self-defense.

There are legit self defense items, such as pepper spray, a registered hand gun, a walking stick/cane, and some tactical knives, but none of the things that you are carrying.

Please be careful. I hate to say it, but only people looking for trouble carry things like nunchuks. Don't be one of those people.


Ive done my homework :)

"I am your judge, Executioner, jury, Executioner, lawyer, prosecutor, and if necessary... your Executioner"

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Ive done my homework :)

What did you find out about the legality of using nunchucks in a self defense situation in South Carolina? By that, I mean how are the arresting officers going to react after you call them (after you defend yourself) from an attacker?


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Here are your laws as I found them in South Carolina...


Section 16-24-20. (A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person in this state who commits any of the following acts must be punished by a term of imprisonment not exceeding one year:

(1) Manufactures or causes to be manufactured, imports into the state, keeps for sale, or offers or exposes for sale, or who gives, lends, or possesses any cane gun or wallet gun, any undetectable firearm, any firearm which is not immediately recognizable as a firearm, any camouflaging firearm container, any ammunition which contains or consists of any flechette dart, any bullet containing or carrying an explosive agent, any ballistic knife, any multiburst trigger activator, any nunchaku, any short barreled shotgun, any short barreled rifle, any metal knuckles, any belt buckle knife, any leaded cane, any zip gun, any shuriken, any unconventional pistol, any lipstick case knife, any cane sword, any shobi zue, any air gauge knife, any writing pen knife, any metal military practice handgrenade or metal replica handgrenade, or any instrument or weapon of the kind commonly known as a blackjack, slungshot, billy, sandclub, sap, or sandbag.

This does NOT apply to....

(3) The possession of a nunchaku on the premises of a school which holds a regulatory or business license and teaches the arts of self defense.

(4) The manufacture of a nunchaku for sale to, or the sale of a nunchaku to, a school which holds a regulatory or business license and teaches the arts of self defense.

This all was simply copy/pasted from a web page....not just illegal to carry a nunchaku concealed, but illegal to POSESS a nunchaku...

shi wa hei to de aru

"All are equal in the grave"

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