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tonfa kata

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Ok to the guy who asked me to type up a Tonfa kata, I have translated in from video form into simple diagrams, but how do you want me to put it up on here?


Note: I have no scanner, Sorry!

The cool summer breeze passes me by.

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This kata is done with a tonfa in each hand. It is a variation of Matsuhiga no Tonfa that I was taught by my first Shotokan sensei. Enjoy :)


Tasui – the underside of the tonfa


Yoko nage – the upper side of the tonfa


Tsuka – the handle grip


Tsukagashira – the round top of the grip


1. Twirl into Ready stance.


2. You will move from ready stance to left-leg forward zenkutsu-dachi. As you move into the stance though lift up your left knee as though you are doing migari. At the same time your knee reaches its apex, move your arms to your centre (palms toward your face), striking the tasui of your tonfa together. As your front foot lands, take your fists to your hips (palms up | tonfas touching your hips), and strike forward (the end of the tonfa should just be in front of your hips at the strike-point).


3. Look left.


4. Move into kiba-dachi, as you arc your right hand in front (palm facing left). Your left hand stays goes back to your hip during this. After blocking with your right hand, bring it back to your hip.


5. Bring your arms up together, palms facing one another with the tasui facing forward with an uppercut move (strike point is the Yoko nage). Next, bring


your arms to your chest with the tasui parallel to the bottom of your ribs, then strike downward, with yoko nage again.


6. Turn 45 degrees to the right into left-leg forward kokutsu-dachi as you do Chudan-uchi-uke with your left arm. Strike with the right arm's tonfa, spinning it outside-in direction.


7. Same as #6, but turn 90 degrees instead of 45.


8. Look left 45 degrees, to the direction you originally faced in the ready stance.


9. Move Jodan-age-uke, left-leg forward zenkutsu-dachi. Two forward strikes, no spinning.


10. Right arm striking with the tonfa spinning forward, outside-inward direction. Back to your arm using inside-outward direction...then across your chest to the top of your left shoulder, then back.


11. Move slowly backward, into kokutsu-dachi, raising your left arm (upper arm parallel to ground -- forearm perpendicular) and gidan-berai with your right arm.


12. Move super fast backward, into left-leg forward zunkutsu-dachi. As your right leg lands strike downward with the tsukagashira of both tonfas.


13. Turn 90 degrees to the right, repeat arm movements of #11, but use regular speed in zenkutsu-dachi.


14. Assume ready stance, strike left-right straight using yoko naga as the striking point. Next use right arm using spinning figure 8 with the tonfa. Lift your right leg, spin underneath. Spin across chest at chudan level, return to hip and another forward strike with yoko naga (kiai) as the strike point. Repeat with left side, kiai as well.


15. Step forward right leg zenkutsu-dachi, spin right tonfa jodan level then chudan level. Spin left across chest, then down and up to the right shoulder and back to hip.


16. Step forward repeat and then do as #2 but land backward, still in left-leg forward zenkutsu-dachi.


17. Step forward into hangetsu-dachi bringing arms to jodan level with palms forward (two fist distance between fists). Slow, with power and loud exhale, move arms outwird into crescent shape. So now you have two half-moons, with with arms and one with legs. Your fists should be palm forward throughout this move and the thumb no lower than the shoulders at the end of the arc.


18. Bring both tonfa swinging outside-inward chudan level, then back out.


19. Gidan berai with left arm, bringing right arm back (upper arm parallel and forearm perpindicular to ground). Turn 180 degrees, facing the back.


20. Go to kiba-dachi left leg forward (now you're facing the starting point's left side in case you're lost at this point) with yoko nage as strike points, using both tonfas. Kiai.


21. Very powerful move: Use left tonfa to hook and bring in, striking with yoko of right tonfa. Kiai.


22. Look right.


23. Slowler. Move 180 degrees but don't move your head. Move into heisoku-dachi, then gankaku-dachi with right arm up.


24. Yame...at this point it should be about 50-55 seconds.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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