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Your greatest achievement in the martial arts?

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One of my greatest achievements was winning 1st place at the NASKA US Open in Orlando, Florida in July of 1999, Executive's Men's Kata Division, My greatest achievement was having that white belt tied around me for the first time in 1993 :D

Best regards,

Jack Makinson

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Easily, my greatest achievement was starting. If you would go back to August 2004 and tell me I was going to join a Shotokan Karate club at college and pass my first belt test in December, I would have LMAO at you... but it is the one thing I am SO glad I started.


A nice second is passing my orange belt test, even though I didn't feel I did well.


Another achievement may be in the works (I hope) :karate: we have our first tournament of the spring next saturday :)

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

- T. S. Eliot

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Going to the Arnold Classics in Columbus, Ohio and Getting 1st in Advanced Male 18-34yrs old open Kata, Open Weapons Forms, Kumite. everything that I entered into :karate:


I'm 5'9 and I had to fight this guy that was probably 6'5 from Africa or somewhere cause he didn't speak english. He was a good fighter but he was easy to get timing down. He liked to throw a jumping sidekick right off the bat and i just blocked turned him and scored on the back.


I was used to getting first on all local tournaments but the Arnold Classic is a the biggest one around my area with 1000's of people there. was really fun.

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I hope that my greatest moments are yet to come, but to date, the greatest achievement/moment for me was hearing several small children shouting yes sir! at the first class of the first day my school opened. I felt like I arrived at the first rest stop on the Martial journey.

"Enemies you threaten make armies. Enemies you destroy make graves."

"Even though you hold a sword over my heart I will not give up."

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As probably many people have said, starting it for me is my greatest achievement. I have yet to take my first tes, end of this month :D, so uptil now its starting it.

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One of the things that made me proud of myself, and the way I am trained in my art, is when; One of my instructors came behind me in class and stuck a rubber knife to my throat and without even having to think I pivoted out to face him and my foot work threw him off balance to his behind. The best thing about this is that I don't even remember what I did exactly, my instinct just made me do it and it was San Soo. That was a great moment for me as a martial artist...

"One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say."

- Will Durant

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Not fighting when I had the opportunity to just walk away. Burns on you for a while but you later realize it was the smart thing to do.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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Beginning with the Martial Arts has been maybe one of the best things happened to me in my life.


One not so glorious moment was when I walked into my purple belt test (hoijeonmoosool). I wasn't taught the technique needed, thanks to the assistant teacher who only did conditioning with us. My real teacher then called me and asked me to come over neverthless. One of the black belts taught me the form I was required in an hour, and I performed it to the grand master. There were a couple of small glinches but he let me pass. It wasn't certaintly flawless performance or my best shot at it but made me real proud, when I got my grasp on the purple belt despite all the difficulties during the past few months.


I quit several months later.


These days I consider that my second greatest achievement has been that after a few years of pause I finally got a grip of myself and dragged my butt onto the MA zone once more, beginning with a completely different and new system to me: Shaolin Kung Fu.

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All my rank exams were the greatest achievements for me as I worked like crazy.


I could do the splits (the ones with one leg in front) after 2 years of being famous for my "stiffness". Even sensei forgot where he was and said something like "oh f..." :D


Another great achievement: having some girls I helped out with katas and kihon take their ranks with stading ovations after threatening them with an unpleasant deatg if they won't test (they were too afraid to test). That was when I tested for 5 kyu. Awfully long and hard exam. I was extatic for having the rank, but my joy got even more "total"when seeing "my girls" with the diploma and that greateful look any teacher lives for ;) The greatest achievent comes from the people you "raise" as students, even if not yet "official"

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