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The Paranormal


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No worries, I believe in only what I've seen...I don't believe in "ghosts" but I do believe in "spirits" and "angels"...and I have no idea what to think about UFO'S but from what I've experienced it's pretty real to me..guess it's just one of those things that has to happen to ya.

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Can somebody say "Gishin Anki"? A Japanese saying that means if you speak of ghosts, they will appear. Literally means "fear" and "ghost/demon from the darkness".


I do not believe in any of that paranormal stuff. You know of anything paranormal that I could experience in the Monterey, California area? I have fears like anyone else, I suppose, and it would be interesting to see how I'd react. Not bashing you guys, please don't get the wrong impression.


Not a problem, we hear a lot worse from some blatantly ignorant people :wink: You've stated your opinion on the matter better than most! I suppose it would be hard to believe in the paranormal if you were both raised that way, and heave never experienced it. I understand fully, to a lot of people in a lot of places the paranormal is still considered taboo (a lot of people have experienced things but were afraid to tell anyone due to fear of being sent to a mental home!).


Anyway, I'm not familiar with that area...I'm sure if you did a google search (type in "haunting" or "paranormal" or something like that, along with your town or county) or just asked around you'd find some information.


I can't speak for Paranormal investigators and believers as a whole of course, but myself and my society aren't out to prove anything to those who refuse to open their minds...we're in it to learn some things for ourselves and those interested, to help those who are in fear of hauntings, and in some cases to help the deceased pass on. If someone is adamant that ghosts do not exist, they will believe so no matter what evidence they are shown.


Anyway, heres my take on ghosts and spirits, and how I and some other investigators use the terms anyway. Everything is just theory, we cannot prove anything absolutely...keep this in mind with anything paranormal. When we venture into the "unknown", experimentation is vital. "Ghosts" are not the souls of those that have passed, as is common belief. Ghosts are sort of a constant reenactment of what has passed. They can be tactile, auditory, olfactory...any of the senses really. They often occur roughly at the same time and maybe even on the same date, though they can be random. I would consider coming into contact with a ghost akin to walking into a movie theater as the movie is playing. It doesn't interact with you. It's believed by some that ghosts just die out over time, and that stone structures hold them longer, and can even attract them (I won't go into vortexes right now :D ). Ghosts are common place on battle fields, places of death, or near points of monumental actions. "Spirits" are well...spirits...those that have "died" and remain in our realm (partly at least), for one of any in an array of reasons. Perhaps they have something to say to a loved one, something yet to achieve, or pehaps they seek revenge.


Well, I'll end the rant for now. For anyone who actually bothered to read it, I hope it wasn't too boring! :roll:

To condemn the art of another is to condemn your own as well. We all have the same origin.

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yes finaly I have someone to tell my story to: about 10 to 9 years ago I was about 3 years old when I woke up one nite( at that time I still thought there was a boogyman in my closet so all my lights where on. I decided to go next door to my moms room and sleep next to her in that room because I could always go to sleep faster there. But as soon as was going past the one foot long hallway that seperated us I saw alien :o I swear. And get this he was reading a book, thats right a book. :roll: I did not scream only go over to my moms room and he did not fallow me. ( thankyou Jesus Christ) when I told my mom she kept saying it was probly just a dream, but when I woke up the next morning I was in her room. :o


Also one thing I have learned in my years is that my family has a long line of pyschics ( not carrie pyschics but that's so raven pyschics) When all seem to have this strange abillity to see the future. something just pops into are heads and then that thing happens. :dodgy: Usuly the girls get that abillity but I was lucky, I do not tell my friends for feer that they will think i am nuts I was even a little skeptical about telling you guys :roll:


Also although I have never seen bigfoot or the lock ness monster or the world famouse Jersey devil. I will tell you this, I live in ohio which has the second most haunted house on this planet,I can not remember it's name but I do know it is a castle in down town cleavland where you do not even want to ride your bike next to. :o many grusome deaths have happend there and some bad things have happended to people who lived there.


also has anyone ever heard of the lowa island if so please respond


and also feel free to post me.


Peace :wave: :angel: :D :)

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This is a touchy subject, for many people believe it and others have the scientiffic explanation though many cases are unexplained.


I know the church has priests who specialize on demonology (study of Satan and demons) these are the ones who perform exorcisms on possesed people objects etc.


I had a friend who after a month or so of fooling around with the ouija board, claimed to see faces on the mirror behind him while shaving, a iittle pale girl with pig tails and an old guy with beard, he told me anyone who invokes Satan is sure to die shortly.


This is my experience.

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You're right Gandhi, it is touchy for some, and a lot of people don't want others to know that a paranormal investigation has taken place in their place of residence or workplace.


Whoever you are, or how invincible you may feel: STAY AWAY FROM UIJA BOARDS. They open your home to spirits that you do not know, and that you have no control over. I was at one of Rick Fisher's meetings, and one of his members, a Medium (her work is amazing), spoke of how when she was in college her and a group of friends were playing with one of the boards. From then on, they saw a pair of red eyes in the vent from the basement.


Out of time for now, will comment later...

To condemn the art of another is to condemn your own as well. We all have the same origin.

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The Ouija board is a tool for communication, nothing more. The spirits are already there, they need no "gate". To say that it is bad is the same as saying that Tarot cards are bad. They are just a tool that one uses for a designated purpose. How is a talking board any different than audio recording yourself asking various questions and listening for EVP answers?


As for paranormal/occult experiences, yes I have had quite a few...enough to know that it is real. Do some Google searchs for paranormal stuff in your area Shorin. You might be surprised how many things pop up.



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I respect your opinion, but I'll take the word of experienced people in the field. In EVP, you ask a question and in rare cases, you will receive an answer, being of various degerees. Tarot cards are merely a way of charting how the person thinks...they read off their own fortune, while the card handler well...handles the cards.


A Uoija board however, is a form of divination in which the spirit(if you're lucky) or other worldly entity has you entirely open to it. Many users of the Ouija board have been harassed afterwards; have seen unsettling things.


EVP is a form of contact in that, if an evil spirit is not present, it will not appear (unless you are in the presence of a vortex). The board however, seems to open a gateway of sorts.


As a side note, pretty much any demonologist will tell you that Ouija boards can open the doors to demonic possession.


And what is you use the board in attempt to contact a deceased loved one? There is in this case that a mischevious spirit can answer in your loved one's place, lie or say harsh things, and only harm you emotionally.


Anyway, if you choose to use the Ouija board, so be it...at least you've been warned.


As I said, nothing in the fields is ultimately proven, we don't know how many unexplained things work. I do know however, that in using a Ouija board you are taking a risk that just isn't worth it.

To condemn the art of another is to condemn your own as well. We all have the same origin.

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You are correct. But you have no idea what my credentials are.


Most demonologists are coming from a predisposed Christian paradigm, they are not coming from a non-biased frame of mind.


As far as warnings....yeah. I have used the Ouija board and many other versions of it. I have used pendulums and have worked within the field of Goetia. Beleive what you want, but the entities need no "gate/door". They exist all around you. You communicate with them on a subconscious level everyday. With a divination device, however, we may bypass the blinders that we have up and communicate.


I am not bashing your belief, only offering the opinion whose life is based on what you term paranormal.


Sisu in Kaos---Joshua

There are no limits.

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You are right...ther don't need a gate or door, but Ouija is a very personal form of contact...I'm sure you've had some good results with it, but the corpereal user is certainly not in control of the situation, and cannot determine if the information given to them is misleading or not


I'm not endorsing all of the views of the demonologists...but in spite of miscomings and biase, they have done some good research nonetheless.


Do you really think that the average Joe should be dabbling with the Ouija board for a good time? Or that it should be in the hands of children so Parker Bros. can make a quick buck? Yes, I'm sure there have been positive reults with the board, and negative as well. Best that people at least know the dangers before getting involved with it.


Biased on what I term paranormal? So you're saying that you yourself can fully explain the intrcacacies of life after death? Of realms unknown? Of the creation of existance? Of aliens and UFOs? Of yetis perhaps?


If you can, then by all means I am biased! If not, then I am simply looking for the truth for personal enjoyment; trying not to make too many assumptions without the use of my equipment :) And I assure you, the latter is quite true.


Anyway, we'll just have to agree to disagree in the case of the Ouija board...care to share any of the research you've conducted/ communications made?

To condemn the art of another is to condemn your own as well. We all have the same origin.

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I agree with Jeet Kune do on this because of what I have been told from other people I know.


One person I was talking to once said that when her mother was in college she could not wait untill after school so she could go into her room and use the Uoija board normaly she would just ask it quistions like on what will be on her finals but she later said that when she would use it the house kept making noises but she did not pay attention to it, it also got very cold but she knew she had no heeting so she thought it was that. :o


Then one day she had just taken it out and put her hands on it when it started to move. SHe did not even ask it anything but still said " WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" Not just that but when this one kid I knew was on the phone wityh me one day I had a really BAD feeling all of a sudden, like something bad was going to happen. All of a sudden my friend stopped talking and said I have to go. the next day when I asked why he said that when he was on the board he asked it what was in the future and said " DEATH" :( :(


A few weeks later are teacher had said that he had died over spring break. When asked why the teacher said it was unknown they tested him many times and they could not find a single reason.


So next time you use a board daienwolf why don't you look around very closely at your surroundings and see if anything strange or unusel happens. :o :o


PEACE :karate: :wink: :roll: :) :oops: :D


P.S. Remember, unless you talking to Jesus then you can't be sure it is a good spirit :angel: - my knew ketch frase

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