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The Paranormal


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Well, My grandfather recently died, and we believe that he always puts pennies in odd places so we'll pick them up and think of him...


Is that what you classify as paranormal?

Current: Yellow Belt in GojuRyu. White Belt in Kabudo.

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I've had a few weird things in my life....


Saw a UFO when I was 4, freaked me out because there was a pretty glowing ball of light in the sky (and no it was not the moon, the moon is different) and then it disappeared when I hadn't blinked.


Saw my grandparents, both of whom are dead, when I was 7.


Ran into chills in the warmest part of the house.


Felt constantly watched in some places.


And get a very disturbing feeling, like I'm doing something awfully terribly wrong, something I shouldn't be doing, telling sometheing I oughtn't, every single time I start to talk about any of this. Every single time, I get the most disturbing feeling in the world, that makes me want to delete whatever I typed, and hide, because it's scary. Does anyone else get that feeling, or am I just special?

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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"JKD, are telling the 100% truth?"




(GojuRyu Shawn)


"Well, My grandfather recently died, and we believe that he always puts pennies in odd places so we'll pick them up and think of him...


Is that what you classify as paranormal?"


Aye. I've actually heard of this happening twice before.




"And get a very disturbing feeling, like I'm doing something awfully terribly wrong, something I shouldn't be doing, telling sometheing I oughtn't, every single time I start to talk about any of this. Every single time, I get the most disturbing feeling in the world, that makes me want to delete whatever I typed, and hide, because it's scary. Does anyone else get that feeling, or am I just special?"


That's not strange at all...plenty of people are uncomfortable expressing their feelings about the paranormal. Most of us are taught by society what is acceptable/possible and what is unacceptable/impossible, and many people feel that society will shun them (or worse, lock them up) if they come out with such things. Others simply aren't comfortable because they aren't accustomed to what they are experiencing.


Let me put it another way. Veterans of war in many cases don't want to talk about their traumatic experiences, which is understandable. If you experience something traumatic, be it paranormal or otherwise...then it is also understandable if you don't feel comfortable talking (or in this case typing) about it.

To condemn the art of another is to condemn your own as well. We all have the same origin.

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Well I have a few opinions on these subjects and this seems to be a good place to express them.


Regarding Ouija boards, there is a right way and a wrong way to use them. If you don't perform it in a consecrated area and you don't draw a circle then you are really asking for it. Further more if you don't know specifically who or what you are channeling/contacting you are really rolling the dice. Tarot cards can be used to channel and commutate with the same spirits as a Ouija board, it's just a matter of how you use them.


Regarding EVP, I don't think this is a very difficult concept to grasp. It has been scientifically proven that "chaotic" phenomenon like the movement of free flowing sub atomic particles can be changed simply by observing them. It would make sense that this affect would continue to exist after the body has departed as it seems to be dependent on consciousness. How much of a stretch is it really to believe that such random events can likewise be influenced to send messages. Actually it is my opinion that our consciousness are very capable of affecting otherwise random events. I don't know if anyone has ever known someone with unexplainable bad or good luck, but it is such a real phenomenon that casino's in Vegas invest very large sums of money to track it and control/avoid those who show it.


I do agree with the concept of "if you speak about ghosts they will appear". I think that the spiritual world is less bound by laws governing space and time and that awarenesses can connect directly. Sometimes this is as simple as speaking the name of the deceased. Many older religions have held this to be true.


In regards to aliens, well my first sensei worked for the government during the earlier years of his life as a "weapons retrieval" specialist. He was never very specific about which of the armed forces he worked for only that he was enlisted when he was 17. He didn't speak much of his work except to say that his security clearance was as high as he knew to exist. He said he had a buddy who made a copy of some files for him and because I was an artist he wanted me to come to his house and help him sketch out some of the pictures he had received. These pictures he showed me were very real and detailed. They had various government markings on them. Most of them were pictures taken during an autopsy examination. And they were most definitely not human. Some of them were drawings detailing anatomical structures. There was one picture of a ship in a hanger. Lets just say that any doubt I had about extra terrestrials was satisfied that day.

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.

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Very interesting...


I'm sure letting you view those pictures was risky for your Sensei!

To condemn the art of another is to condemn your own as well. We all have the same origin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can anyone tell me how to determine if one is at a haunted place,and if so, how to deal with whatever "energies" are there.

All opinions are welcome but I would like to hear from the parapsychologists.

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How to handle fear when dealing with spirits.


There have been many times over the last few years where I have had difficulty concerning understanding spirits. From communicating/understanding as to why they are here and how they even manifest themselves and their needs. So often in hindsight I see what the problem was, and normally the problem wasn't them, it was me.

How often are we accepting of the things we do not understand, or have a previous concept of. Concepts that perhaps are based on thought or expectation rather then experience. How do we as humans normally respond to the unknown? Is it embraced and accepted as a new experience and something to look forward to? Or is it feared because it would change what we are comfortable with? What is accepted and what has been taught to us.. Old thoughts and preconceptions do not always go away so easily when they show not to be the way a situation or experience actually is when it does happen or manifest. When the truth of an experience is at odds with the truths we have held.

I have found the biggest block to spirit experiences is fear. Fear is the biggest block for everything in fact, not just spirits. We have been brought up with television ghost movies, paperback ghost stories and the mass marketing of supernatural mumbo jumbo. The majority of these are only for entertainment purposes or to make a fast buck. They are sensationalized, like the Ammityville Horror. They have left us with the idea that spirits are scary! The true stories they have come out with, the ones based on fact are always nasty experiences of possession or terrible haunting situations. People start thinking the only type of spirit is a terrible and frightful spirit come back from the dead because it is not happy and wishes to harm and hurt the living for one reason or another. While these experiences could have happened, and I am not saying they didn't, there is always a balance in things, but they are, sadly, the only spirit interacting with human stories we usually hear about on a mass scale. While many books have come out in the last few years to help with better understanding of the spirit realm and its interaction with us as human spirits, it will still take a long time to get the message out, and change the reactions and misconceptions most have. To remove the fears of having spirit experiences because we "think" they will be harmful or hurtful to us.

How can we change reacting with fear? By changing out thoughts. Spirits are the same as you and I. They feel, they think, they react, they can have intent. They can be happy, sad, silly, playful, angry and afraid. They may feel a need to connect with us on this level. If we can look at a spirit experience as we would an experience we would have with anyone we know, a friend, a person we have just met, an acquaintance, then we wouldn't be as prone to the fear, to the misconceptions. If we can approach a spirit experience with compassion and empathy, rather then suspicion and negativity far more would be accomplished and learned. The key is love. To to want to help, or communicate for the good of the spirit, for the good of ourselves, and to do so with love. To be accepting of an experience for what it is, not what we think it would be or should be.

The spirits that come across as playful or in subtle ways, such as moving things here or there, or using scents are much easier to handle at first as opposed to ones that will emanate greater emotion or sense of presence. How often have you ever felt that you had someone in the room with you? Sensed another presence but weren't sure if you should listen to your instincts because you saw nothing visually. Most folks have experienced that at one time or another. If you react in fear to feeling a strong presence you can shut down the door to learning more, experiencing more concerning the spirit. Concerning other experiences that may come down the road.

Many times folks will tell me they had a bad spirit experience as a child and they feel they are now blocked from having any more experiences, even though they want them and feel they are ready for them. Sometimes when we have a scary experience as a child we will still view it as we did as a child, even though we are older and may react differently today. We have to change how we view what happened and see it now thru the eyes of an adult and let go of the childhood fears. Also we have to remember not all experiences will be the same. While some may be stronger then others, we shouldn't let one experience color all experiences for us. Each spirit is as unique as each person we know. We deal with people differently, using extra patience or extra sensitivity with some more then others. Some friends we have to be strong with while others are our strength. The same is true with spirits.

As you do your best to not allow fear to rule your life and dealings with the living so it should also be when dealing with spirits. Eliminating fear and misunderstandings is imperative to communicating and understanding what is happening. To go thru your fears one by one, looking at them, acknowledging them and letting them go will make room for more positive feelings and experiences, and help your growth on every level of existence, both physical and spiritual. God gives us love and understanding and compassion. The fear is our own, and can only hinder us. Peace and blessings, Diane

read this also

What to do about your problem/household ghost

First of all, be certain you actually have a ghost. There are several pages at our website to explain what is--and is not--a ghost.

You may have a draft that's slamming doors, a loose wire that's making the lights flicker, or an underground stream that causes the house to moan and shift. A recent study in England discovered that some phenomena is actually the result of natural, very low-frequency sounds.

Also, please do not notice "orbs" in your home photos and then decide you must have a ghost. "Orbs" in indoor photos are almost always from reflections and lens flares, unless the photo was taken by a professional.

In other words, don't go looking for ghosts where there aren't any.

If it's a ghost, is it a problem?

If you do have a ghost, be certain that it's a problem.

Even experienced ghost hunters, are startled by ghosts now & then. We also jump when someone steps out of the shadows, when a car runs a red light, and any other time the unexpected happens. We're merely startled. It's not a problem.

Many people feel as if they have something odd and unseen in the house. They don't mind sharing the space with the ghost(s). In fact, the majority of haunted houses are happily co-habited by the living and the spirits.

If the ghost is a problem

If your ghost is a problem, here's what to do. You'll probably want to print out this page, as it offers many solutions. Choose one or two of these remedies. It should not be necessary to use them all.

The simplest solution is also the most reliable:

Speak to the ghost, out loud. Shout, if you feel you must. Explain to your ghost that you live there now and he/she is doing things that bother you. Explain exactly what those things are. Ask the ghost to stop immediately. If you want the ghost to leave altogether, you need to say that.

This usually works. However, some ghosts won't take you seriously, and you may need to remind it to leave you alone several times before it stays away.

Holy Water is another tried-and-true remedy for ghosts.

Respectfully and quietly enter your nearest Catholic Church, carrying a small jar or bottle from home. Somewhere in the public area, there will be a large container of Holy Water, usually stainless steel with a cross and a spigot on it.

Fill your container with Holy Water. It's nice to leave a small donation for this, too. (A dollar or two is customary.)

Upon returning home, pour a liberal amount of the water into a small bowl. Dip your fingers into the water, and stand in any doorway in the house.

Make a broad Sign of the Cross in the doorway, allowing the water to fly off your fingers as you gesture. (If you don't know how to make a Sign of the Cross, ask any Catholic.)

It can be helpful to add an out-loud prayer, such as "I bless this house in the name of Jesus," or, "I banish all evil spirits from this home, in the name of God," or something like that.

(If you feel silly saying this, and can't help laughing as you do it, don't do it. This is not a light or casual ritual.)

Do this in every doorway, interior and exterior. Also do this at every window; don't forget the attic and the basement.

This ritual has been helpful to people ever since water was recognized as something spiritual.

Prayer and religion

Your ancestors, deities, and saints are in the spirit world, as your ghost is. It's logical to ask the help of these friendly spirits.

If you have a shrine--formal or informal (such as a display of photos)--to your ancestors, now would be a good time to have a chat with your favorite deceased ancestor. Explain the situation to him/her, and ask for help.

If you're very upset about your ghost, we recommend the Irish saint, St. Dymphna, who is the patron saint of mental health. She's great for calming situations. However, she's not especially for ghosts. We're not certain that there is a saint for ghosts! *shrug*

We save St. Jude for extreme situations when all else has failed. He's busy enough with others' urgent requests.

Pagans who are comfortable with banishing rituals, may find them helpful with problem spirits.


Don't laugh! Garlic is a tried-and-true repellant for unpleasant spirits of all kinds. Hang one clove (not an entire bulb) in each doorway and window, where you need protection. A clove in your pocket is a good idea, too.

(However, garlic pressed against your skin will give you "garlic breath" after a few hours. Even a clove in your shoe can produce this effect. So, in social situations, be careful where you place your garlic. Or use breath mints.)

If you believe in folk magick, you can create a small pouch with several protection herbs in it, including five-finger grass, cinnamon, and echinacea. However, don't overdo this. The point is to repel ghosts, not drive everyone away from you! *grin*

Along the same lines, hematite is a folk remedy too. Wearing it, or even carrying a piece of this unusually heavy black stone, will--according to legend--absorb evil energy. Of course, this won't get rid of the ghost, just the negative effects of it.

The shoe remedy

This one sounds silly and gets great results: When you go to bed at night, set out the shoes you'll wear in the morning. Place them at the foot of your bed, on the floor, with one shoe pointing one way, and the other shoe pointing the opposite way.

The ghosts get so confused by this, they leave after a few nights.

(If you like this one, scroll down to see the sand remedy.)

Incense and space clearing

Sage incense ("smudge sticks" from the health food store) are used for this, but any incense will work. We favor Nag Champa, but a nice apple pie or vanilla scented incense may be more suitable.

Light the incense and carry it around, making certain that you get the smoke everywhere, particularly inside closets, room corners (use a sturdy chair or ladder for uppermost corners), attics, basements, and so on.

Or, you can ring a bell in every corner, and in every room. Or clap your hands.

There are books specifically explaining a variety of space-clearing techniques.

However, the whole idea is to get the air moving in stale corners where ghosts may be hiding.

If you can't do anything else, vacuum!

Convex mirrors

You'll need one inexpensive convex mirror (from the automotive department of any discount store) for each room that's haunted. You'll need extra mirrors if your windows in the haunted room face more than one direction. That is, if your windows face North and East, you'll need two convex mirrors, regardless of the number of windows you have.

You'll need one more convex mirror if your computer is in a haunted room, and your back is to the door when you're working. If your TV room is haunted and the ghost enters when your back is to the door (watching television), you'll want a mirror in that room, too.

Convex mirrors are usually very small and plastic, with double-stick adhesive tape on the back. They're sold for truckers to place on the outside mirror, to improve their field of vision when they're backing up. At stores such as WalMart, these mirrors cost less than $2 each.

When you get home with your mirrors, select one window in a haunted room. Place the mirror discreetly in a corner, preferably behind a curtain. The mirror should face towards the outside of the house. When a ghost approaches your window from the outside, he sees his own distorted reflection and goes away.

In haunted rooms where you sit with your back to the door, place the mirror so that you will see anyone (or anything) entering the room, without turning your head. (This is also a Feng Shui remedy.)

Flat mirrors

Any cheap mirror, even a plastic one, will work for this. Buy one for each room that is haunted.

Place the mirror at eye level, inside the room that is haunted, against the door. The shiny side of the mirror should face the door itself, not you.

The ghost looks through the door and sees his reflection in the mirror. This scares him away.

We know this one makes no sense... why would a ghost look through a door but not a mirror...?

Nevertheless, this one gets good results.

We recommend placing a photo, poster, or something artistic over the area where the mirror is. Otherwise, your friends will raise an eyebrow when you explain why you have mirrors throughout your house, and all of them face backwards. *grin*

Sand, rice, split peas, etc.

Randomly toss rice, split peas, sand, salt (but not sugar as it leaves a sticky residue), coffee beans or grounds, or anything small and granular, on your kitchen floor when you go to bed at night (if that's when the ghosts are most bothersome).

The ghosts will pause to count the grains of whatever-it-is. They aren't very good at counting, so they have to start over again, repeatedly, or they forget the numbers.

Clean up the mess in the morning, and do the same routine again at night.

After a few nights of this, the ghosts will leave.

One variation of this is to hang a vial or tube of sand in the window of any haunted room. You can use a cheap test tube from a chemistry kit (or a feeding vial for hamsters, for example), or an empty plastic container from beads, a little vitamin jar, and so on.

You can use a thin ribbon and pushpin, to hang it in the window.

Like the grains of rice on the kitchen floor, any entering ghost has to pause to count the sand granules. After a few nights, he'll give up and haunt somewhere else.

These counting remedies come from a variety of cultures, including Irish and Native American, so this may be a reliable way to rid the house of ghosts.

Graveyard dirt

This is an old Voodoo remedy used in a variety of situations.

Take a spoonful of dirt from whichever path is used by most visitors to your house. Usually, this is dirt from under or next to your front door.

Throw the dirt into the nearest cemetery. The spirits will be confused and go there instead of to your house.

DO NOT get this backwards! Graveyard dirt left near your home can produce very unhappy results.

Paint your door red

This is an old Irish tradition: Paint your front door red. Spirits won't enter a home with a red door.

A related tradition is the Irish Sheela-na-gig (regarded by some as vulgar), and other religious and cultural icons placed at a front doorway, for protection.

On many pious Puritan homes of the Colonial era, you'll see a geometric pattern of nails. Whether these church-goers were aware of it or not, the pattern in the door was a protection, according to ancient folklore. (And at a time when nails were difficult to find, it's interesting that the design on the door was such a priority.)

"Hex" signs, also called distelfinks, are popular in the Pennsylvania Dutch region. You can make or buy these signs and use them outside your front door, too.

String hazelnuts at your door

Hazelnuts have been used for protection since ancient times. In our house, we have a string of nine hazelnuts, tied with green ribbon (held in place with discreet dots of hot glue). When we just hung the hazelnuts, they looked... well, odd. *grin*

So we bought a small grapevine wreath at the local crafts supply shop, decorated it with fake ivy, and wove the hazelnuts through the ivy. It looks great.

You'll want one of these at every doorway into your house.

You may want to bless the wreath in a ritual suited to your own religious beliefs, or have your local priest bless it. There's no reason to explain what this is for, except to say it's a "good luck" token for your front and back door, or something like that.

(You'd be amazed at the things that priests are asked to bless. Your wreath won't even raise an eyebrow. Really.)

Hazelnuts are generally available in the autumn, between the middle of October and December. Stock up on them, then, if you might want to make extra wreaths for the protection of family members and friends, to have one for your office, and so on.

They usually cost about $1.99/pound in the bulk section of the produce department. They're large, smooth, brown, and sort of the shape of a large olive, with a white spot on them. Out of their shells, they're called filberts, which may work if you can't get the actual hazelnuts.

We plan to offer these protection wreaths for sale in the Hollow Hill Shop, in the near future.

Sea salt

We have our own "blessed salt" that we use in particularly dangerous hauntings. Ours is specially prepared, but if you have your local Catholic priest bless some sea salt, it will probably work well enough for most hauntings.

Basically, ghosts cannot cross a line of blessed salt, so you can use it to keep a ghost in a particular area, or create a boundary that he/she cannot cross to get to you.

We'll also offer bottles of our own blessed salt, soon. It's powerful stuff, and takes awhile to prepare. We use it only in the most extreme cases, and the average person would never need anything this potent.

If none of these remedies works and you still have a significant, perhaps life-threatening problem, ask a Catholic priest to find out who is authorized to do exorcisms. However, they will perform this rite only if the case is documented and extreme.

Avoid charlatans who carry a Bible or a dowsing wand, and claim to be "ghost busters" for a hefty donation. And watch out for the crazies in this field anyway.

One final note: If you have a ghost, consider documenting it. We have several pages about taking pictures that reveal ghosts.



discuss :o

Peace = happiness = enlightenment = meditation

Paz = felicidad = iluminación =meditación

Kingdom´s Coming

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Very interesting...

I'm sure letting you view those pictures was risky for your Sensei!

My sensei was very sick at the time and he seemed to be of the frame of mind that someone gets when they have a very limited time to live. I lost contact with him about 3 years ago. I doubt he's still alive.

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.

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Well, I'm not sure about ghosts, spirits, etc. but I do know one thing: If there was no other life in the universe it would be a profound waste of space.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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What is so scary is some ghosts and spirits are real pranksters!!!

And the joke´s on you Jack!!! (I hear punches on the wall, shouts, an whipping sounds in front of me, etc)

I tend to agree with the win without fighting,maybe I will try to explore further and make the spirits my allies.Ohh and I also know the place I am at was built on top of a cemetary.

:kaioken: :kaioken: :kaioken: :kaioken: :kaioken: :kaioken:

Peace = happiness = enlightenment = meditation

Paz = felicidad = iluminación =meditación

Kingdom´s Coming

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