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Most Embarressing MA Moment!

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So what was your most embarressing MA moment? Here's mine.


I was a new Black Belt and we went to visit one of our sister schools and practice with them. The school I was training with was small. Maybe 12 students at best. This school was part of the local church and had about 60 students at the time.


So I was at the front of the class practicing jump spin crescent kicks. Now, I am lucky in that I was always able to get high in the air and I have long legs which make my kicks look good. So I was asked to come in front of a strange class and demonstrate this kick by my instructor who then proceeded to tell the class how great my kicks are, how they all need to pay attention to what I was doing, how she wishes that everybody could have kicks that looked this nice, etc. Then she looks at me and quietly says "Don't screw up".


Did I mention that my instructor has a really wicked sense of humor? :)


Anyway, I get ready, and I start my kick.


The world goes into slow motion.


I feel myself jumping higher then I can ever remember, I can feel my body rotating around to execute the kick. I'm bringing my leg up to snap around. I can feel that I didn't jump straight up and I am going at an angle. I know that there is no way to recover from this. I know, not suspect, but KNOW that I am going to fall on my butt, if I'm lucky....... by the way, all this went through my mind before I even started to come down. :)


Well, gravity had it's way with me ( as much as I hoping that I would just keep going up and leave this planet all together ) and down I came. hard. at an angle. still spinning. I proceeded to spin my way across the front of the class, arms flailing, until I managed to fall on my butt ( as I predicted ) hard. ( you could hear the oooooo's from the class )


I looked up to see what my instructor was going to say to me and she didn't say a word. She was laughing way to hard for her to say anything for at least 5 minutes. When she finally stopped laughing and composed herself she told the class that she set me up. The lesson here was that you need to learn to work past distractions, and that just because you have a Black Belt doesn't mean you have nothing left to learn. She also picked me for this little demo because she knew I would be a good sport and that I can do the technique well. ( which she had me get back up and do a series of kicks and techniques to prove it ). "Although" she said "he exceeded my expectations for just how bad someone could mess up a kick"


I still laugh about it when I think back. My old instructor still ribs me about it when we talk :)


OK, now, let's here some others ( I have more myself :) )


"A Black Belt Is A White Belt That Never Quit"

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I have a tie between two.


When I was fairly new to TKD my wife and I had a sitter come in and watch the kids that summer. One day this young girl decided to be ambitious and do our laundry. She started a small load which included my only gui and some other whites, and a few of my kid's red shirts. You guessed it. I went to class that night in a pink gui. How embarrassing!


The other one was when I was running late to class and quickly pulled my gui out the dryer, put it on and took off to class. I had just recently been promoted to 1st dan, so the instructor asked me to warm up the class. I went in front of my peers and wanted to look good, so I had the class do some front kicks. As I demostraited a strong front snap kick a pair of women's panties came flying out of my pants leg right across the front of the dogang!! I hate static electricity! :o

when you create the world's largest trailer park, you're going to have tornadoes

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we were running in class and we run along the mat there is a corner tha sitcks out and a heavy bag hanging infront of it and there is about a 2 foot gap and I run in between the bag and the corner and the toe of my shoe hit the ground and i triped and fell face first into the bag. :D

The right to keep and bear Arms.

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I have a tie between two.


I went to class that night in a pink gui. How embarrassing!

This kid in one of my classes sweats alot and he always has to wash his uniform and sash. on our uniforms(kung fu uniform) there is red stitching around it and he washed so much the red blended and he has a pink uniform now and his gold sash faded yellow.

The right to keep and bear Arms.

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Back in my Shotokan days, I'd say being heckled (in a friendly manner) by fellow yudansha, when wearing my new Shureido uniform.


For those of you who are unfamiliar with Shureido uniforms, they're made of some of the finest cotton canvas material, and that Shureido puts out one heck of a nice product. However, due to the nature of the #10 cotton canvas material they use, it's actually slightly blue tinted (which fades to a nice white after several washings).


When I got the package, the lights in my place weren't doing too well, and I really couldn't see the bluish tinge of the fabric when I put it in the washing machine for its initial wash.


I got to the tailor, and unfortunately, the lights weren't quite working well there either, so I had no idea it had its "robin egg" color when she was taking the measurements.


Anyways, when I came back for the uniform, she had neatly packed it back in a box, and since I was in a hurry, I didn't open the box, and instead took her word for the fact that it was hemmed properly (which it was; she did excellent hemming work).


When I got to the dojo, I changed into the uniform (unfortunately, the dojo's changing area was also poorly lit), and came out onto the dojo floor for the advanced class, a few minutes early, to stretch out. Much to my surprise, I saw that my uniform was slightly blue!


I tried to pretend nothing was different, but there were bits and pieces of snickering and chuckling. Then as I was finishing my stretching, Sensei came out on the floor and was standing over me.


Initially, he was frowning, and trying to use his "something is wrong" voice, telling me that only plain, WHITE cotton gi's were allowed on the floor, until he couldn't maintain the facade, and started chuckling himself. He then asked in a friendly tone:


"Shureido gi?"


After I told him that it was a new Shureido gi, he explained to me that it's to be expected, and that after a few washings, the blue color would go away.

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I had one when I was a brown belt. I was sparring. My dobok (gi) pants were a bit long. As I was moving, someone stepped on my pant leg as I went to move back (or kick ... one of the two). Needless to say, my butt was showing off to everyone behind me. I had undies on, but it still made me sooooooooo red :o ........... :blush: I grabbed my pants and yanked them up and continued sparring like nothing happened LOL .... NOT LOL

Laurie F

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I don't think mine is that good compared to the panties one, but I was in a tournament one time, doing a sai kata, and I flipped them up (note: slippery hands and sais are not a good mixture) and the sai in my right hand when flying right past a judge and landed about a foot behind him...I went over, picked it up, and asked to start again..ugh...maybe a rosin bag would help next time.

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I'm leading the class in qi gong warm up. The exercise is called 'golden turtles' without getting too technical, the position is very similar to what a downhill skier looks like at the final stretch of a race. Now during qi gong training the room is a silent as a library. This exercise is pretty tough on the legs & back, so it takes all your concentration to endure/hold the posture for the alloted time. So much concentration that I let one 'slip'............ it was loud & long. :oops:

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That's great one KF Dude! I don't know about the rest fo you out there but I've ummmmm "slipped" myself on more than one occassion.... although not when the class was completely quiet :)


"A Black Belt Is A White Belt That Never Quit"

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