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I teach Combative Sciences and I teach/study GoJu, American Kenpo, JKD. The following is a description of Combative Sciences as it appears on my CS website.

Combative Sciences- the study and implementation of the psychological and bio-mechanical dynamics of the human body as it applies to combat and survival.

Above is a basic, simple definition of CS. This is not just another eclectic or esoteric martial art claiming to have the ultimate truth in combat. The role and purpose of CS is an inward study and understanding of our potential as well as our developmental capacity. It is through this intricate study of our body mechanics and psychological attributes that we will discover our personal truth within the realm of self defense and preservation. Limitations are not imposed on anyone, rather we want everyone to shatter all self imposed boundaries and limitations so that they can discover their own creative and expressive self. Within the CS philosophy there is no such thing as reaching potential only increasing potential.

Technical mastery is not the goal of CS. We seek to master, if there is such a thing, our entire lives. Every thing has a process and self-preservation is a vital part of the process of life. Everyone has different physical, emotional, and psychological attributes. With this being the case, everyone is taught as a unique individual. Most will learn the same techniques and strategies, however, the manner in which they are performed or applied to various situations will be expressed differently by different individuals. There is no one truth or way to do something. Biomechanical principles are deeply studied in Combative Sciences. The reason for this, is once we understand the principles of movement, speed, power, structure, etc, then the techniques to implement them will be universal in application.

Within the paradigm of the martial arts there are many similarities in each style or system. However, most martial arts styles are based on traditional techniques dating back hundreds of years. These techniques were effective at one time. As the times change we must progress in every way to renew our understanding and to increase our potential. Most styles teach fifteen to one hundred different responses to one stimulus. By doing this it lengthens reaction time, which in turn increases the chance of being hurt. To reduce reactions to a minimum we have to effectively eliminate choice reaction.

In other words we need one answer for many questions or attacks, this is called fistic law. (not to be confused with Kenpo or law of the fist)

Combative Sciences adapts to everyone, regardless of height, strength or speed. It is designed to maximize your physical and mental attributes in the shortest amount of time. By far one of the most important responsibilities in our lives is the survival and protection of our loved ones. This in fact, is a duty not a choice.

With Combative Sciences you are able to find the best way for you as an individual to defend yourself. No one is like you, except you.

The Components of Combative Sciences

The training methodology of CS is a 4-stage system:

1. Technique

2. Attributes

3. Strategy

4. Situational Assault

Hand to hand techniques as well as different types of weapons are taught in CS. Hand to hand combat requires that you develop an efficient, effective anatomical arsenal.

The defensive tactics and tools we utilize are simple and direct. Our defensive tactics are based on being active rather than passive. By being active you execute your techniques in such a way that you are placed in an advantageous position. Two vital components of our defensive and offensive tactics are distancing and timing. Without these two components no strategy or tool will work effectively.

Our approach to hand to hand combat and weapons training is unique in that we develop core body mechanics and specific bio-motor abilities that facilitate optimum efficiency and maximum safety.

It is essential to develop a combat mentality so that you can successfully implement all of your training. In order to survive in todays world you must be willing to do what is necessary to ensure your survival. When a criminal chooses you as his target he has decided that he can control, manipulate, and overpower you any way he pleases. These individuals will not care if you have a family to support or if you are a corporate executive that contributes to charity.

You must decide how much you value your life and the life of those you love. Those who rape, murder, and assault people know of the consequences and could care less. They derive pleasure from pain and suffering. Therefore, they have willingly signed their own life away in attempting to take another human life. You and everyone else has the right to fight for your life at all costs.

During a violent altercation the only thoughts that should exist are to SURVIVE. Survival should be your only objective! If you dwell on why the person is doing this to you or if it is really happening then you are not focused on surviving and may become another statistic.

There is nothing enjoyable about having to injure or possibly kill another human being. Criminals that prey on people only understand on thing, violence. Your desire to survive has to be greater than the criminals desire to harm or kill you.

Many combat instructors believe in the concept that everyone has a killer instinct. Although everyone is capable of a violent act including killing there is no specific instinct to kill exclusively. Everyone on the planet does in fact have survival instincts contrary to what many people believe. If you want protection from those who would victimize you then you must cultivate and use your survival instincts.

I have heard people say that protection is a police officers job. Unfortunately there isn't a police officer at every corner, dark alley, parking garage, or at your front porch. The police do their best but your first line of defense is yourself.

It isn't enough for a combat athlete to have physical techniques and movements. Without the strategies and tactics to implement those tools your ability to protect yourself will be greatly diminished. Strategies and tactics are the when and where of combat.

Strategies are your plans, tactics are what you use to implement your strategy.

Strategies and tactics have many variations as it applies to combat. Knowledge and understanding of these variations is necessary for the combat athlete to intelligently adapt and manipulate his or her tools regardless of the situation. In order to properly function under stress, we need to acknowledge the possibility and probability of unforeseen occurrences at any time or place. Unexpected things do happen to everyone.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are not the victim of a surprise assault. This is easy to say and put into writing, however, it is very difficult when your attention, thoughts, and emotions are dispersed all over the place. This makes the cues and signals of a possible assault or threat hard to recognize through all of the clutter.

Within Combative Sciences we teach all aspects of Awareness:

- Self Awareness

- Environmental Awareness

- Home

- Workplace

- Car

- Public Transportation

- Street

There cannot be a lapse of awareness if you are to act with any kind of immediacy. Do not confuse this with paranoia, the mind must not become complacent in any situation. Knowing this and understanding when, where, and how to act or not to act is very important.

No matter how things seem, common sense, intuition, and awareness will let you know whether to enter a place or area. It is far more effective to leave at the possibility of danger than to chance it. Proper awareness of internal and external events develops proper strategy.

A combat athlete is not only aware of changes in condition, he or she creates and causes change as well. To change outward occurrences and situations we must change our actions and mentality based on awareness.

The single most important benefit of truly knowing your physiological and psychological tools is continued survival.

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gzk, where do you train?

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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Looks pretty decent. I see lots of discussion of life skills and cutting edge self-defense techniques, with no actual styles mentioned. Any idea why they don't list the styles they train - is it shootfighting and BJJ?

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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Looks pretty decent. I see lots of discussion of life skills and cutting edge self-defense techniques, with no actual styles mentioned. Any idea why they don't list the styles they train - is it shootfighting and BJJ?

Yeah, shootfighting and BJJ. It's mentioned toward the bottom of the "What We Teach" page. The website needs a revamp, I think.

Battling biomechanical dyslexia since 2007

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The website needs a revamp, I think.

I agree. Here's the website of the place I train. Not that it's any great website, but it clearly discusses the styles. IMO, those who are looking for a specific type of training want detailed information. Generic platitudes are neither required nor desired for those interested in serious training.


Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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Sweet place there, Baron. Looks like they offer quite a bit.

A question for Jame Bullock: So, is the Combat Sciences that you teach basically a methodolgy of strategies and tactics used to implement your Kenpo and other styles training?

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Hey Bushidoman,

CS is a realistic training system / and a combative system. By this I mean it can be used to realistically implement the techniques from any system or style. With the drills and scenarios I use it will show what really works within a given style. It is also a combative system that has specific techniques and tools very similar to JKD and what Hock does. I have four specific programs I teach.

Combative Sciences which is the h2h, clinch, and ground fighting program.

Offensive Combatives which is designed to teach fundamental and vital personal protection skills in a short amount of time. I usually teach this program to police, military and so on.

Situational Assault is the stylistic enhancement program designed to to be used with any system or style to bring out the techniques that will really work under combative stress.

And last is the Mixed Martial Arts sport program...

If you are interested at looking at the site the address is..


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Nickname for Kajukenbo is the "art of dirty street fighting"

Practice consists of eyestrikes, throat strikes, groin shots, elbow breaks, knee breaks............Multiple strikes, throw to ground, and finish opponent.

It was an art that was formed by five masters of five different styles and was often put to the test in the rough neighborhood of Kalihi in Hawaii.


Grappling and some takedown work


Sport/art of takedowns and some grappling work

Seiei Kan

Much like shotokan

You suck-train harder.......................Don't block with your face

A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.

-Lao Tzu

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