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Anyone go to Rick faye's Minnesota Kali Group?


Because i go to a branch of that called MC Kali group in England.

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One of my hapkido instructors used to go there...he said it was pretty good but the training was kind of hands off. They would show the whole group a move and then just have them work on it for awhile. They have Dan Inosanto up a couple of times a year though I think.

Long Live the Fighters!


Thats the way it is at mine. He will show us a move/drill/technique and then we partner up and practice it. He will watch and if we don't seem to be doin it well he will interupt and go through it with you. But i like it like that because i get to work with a range of people big, small, heavy, light, experienced people and inexperienced people. I also get advice off of the other students.


That's really how we learn Wing Chun, works for me.


Of course we have a small class so we get a lot of attention.

"...or maybe you are carrying a large vicious dog in your pocket." -Scottnshelly


That's how we learn and practice our Hapkido, we are shown the techniques and then we pair off. tufrthanu, what other teaching & practice method would you be talking about?

when you create the world's largest trailer park, you're going to have tornadoes


Well personally I have seen people come from this type of teaching where the instructor shows the class and then has everyone try it...and most people can't figure it out. At our hapkido school we worked out with the instructors...so they told you immediately what you were doing wrong and needed to correct it. I don't mind someone showing the technique then having others try and duplicate it but then you have to go around and further instruct them if they aren't getting it...you don't just say oh well you'll figure it out eventually. The problem I see with teaching two new people a technique and then letting them try it is that niether one has any idea what its supposed to feel like...and since niether one of them has the knowledge necessary to correct improper form you reach an impasse.

Long Live the Fighters!


tufrthanu, I'll agree to an extent. We have our Master instructor demonstrate the hapkido combinations to the class with several black belts. Then we pair off and he and the assistant instructors go from pair to pair and assist the students.

when you create the world's largest trailer park, you're going to have tornadoes


Yeah it's not like he shows us and then goes for a smoke break while we try and work out what he meant :)

"...or maybe you are carrying a large vicious dog in your pocket." -Scottnshelly


Thats how alot of instructors teach.

Long Live the Fighters!


Scary stuff. Have you ever been taught like that? I think I'd probably leave...but then if it happened first time I guess I wouldn't know any better.

"...or maybe you are carrying a large vicious dog in your pocket." -Scottnshelly

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