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Putting McDojos out of Business

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What the !!!! is a 'Mcdojo'?


"McDojo" is a term used to describe a dojo that is more interested in quantity over quality, while maximizing profit, and has little regard for tradition.


They are quite effective in targeting their audiences, much as I hate to admit.


In that case I am entirely behind the starter of this post and will help him to become rich to put them out of business.


They are a discrace to MA.

The cool summer breeze passes me by.

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I personally dont think it really matters.... others perception (which is what we're really talking bout here) of MA is irrelevant, we all know (esp. from my experience, people on this board) what our training means: if you take away my belt and give me a white belt that doesnt change my ability to defend myself or execute technique - with or without my belt i am at the same level and have the same abilities and mind set.


My only concern is the products of McDojo's go off and get into fights thinking they can handle it and then get injured / killed....

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  • 3 months later...

You know, if someone wants to fork over $100/month, wear a fancy colored uniform, have all the bells and whistles while training, and get a nice patch for being a great person God bless'em.

The people that go to traditional schools, where the Instructor has never been on the cover of a magazine and the only color on the uniform besides white is sweaty gray, know they have something special. Even if you did close all the McDojos, you think the students would actually tolerate that type of training? McDojos exist, like anything else, because there is a market for them.

Queen Padme: "So this is how Democracy dies-with thunderous applause."

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Obi-won Kenobi: "That is the Way of the Sith!"

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My only concern is the products of McDojo's go off and get into fights thinking they can handle it and then get injured / killed....

A good thought but I have seen products of traditional dojo's do the same thing. Ego is not exclusive to the McDojo set.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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I'd like to know who exactly is going to be the "dojo-police"? Who considers themselves knowledgable about all the forms of karate out there to judge which dojo should or should not remain open? And then what? We move on to the McKwoons, the McGyms, the Mc Training Centres? Every MA will have someone, somewhere trying to make a quick buck out of it.

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


Kata, Bunkai, Articles, Reviews, History, Uncovering the Myths, Discussion Forum

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I'd like to know who exactly is going to be the "dojo-police"? Who considers themselves knowledgable about all the forms of karate out there to judge which dojo should or should not remain open? And then what? We move on to the McKwoons, the McGyms, the Mc Training Centres? Every MA will have someone, somewhere trying to make a quick buck out of it.

I like the way you think :brow: :wink: :karate:

To throw a wrench into the "McDojo" issue.....would you say that Nishiyama Sensei, Demura Sensei, Higaonna Sensei, Kobuta Sensei dojos fit the "McDojo" build, because certainly these instructors all have been in magazines, in Hollywood, or seminars. They are all very successful with their dojos. I'm sure they have very good BB, and some mediocre ones too. They probably have a range of students that earned their BB in the shortest amount of time to the longest amount of time. So shouldn't they be include in the closures too :-?

I personally think that your energy is best spent in training yourself, rather than worry about others who go to the defined "McDojo" :wink:


Mind of Mencia

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started training in 1943. Shodan in 1946, age 23 director of the JKA. Nidan in 1948. Sandan in 1950


started in 1942. Shodan in 1944. Nidan at university after WWII, Sandan & Yondan in 1955


started in 1952, was a Sandan in 1956


started in 1954(?), was a yondan in 1964


started in July 1922, received Shodan 12th Aprill 1924

I'd like to see the person that tries to spread the fact that these guys were in a McDojo :D

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


Kata, Bunkai, Articles, Reviews, History, Uncovering the Myths, Discussion Forum

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I wasnt saying it was a matter of ego - just that McBBs are less likely to be able to defend themselves, but may not realise.

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You want to put Mcdojo's out of business? It wont happen over night, but start with yourself.

And I dont mean keep doing what your doing.

I mean Learn the Mcdojo way, and use it for good..then eliminate the bad...and insert the quality.

Go to the seminars, aggressivly prospect students, put money back into advertising, learn to teach all ages by attending MA teaching classes/seminars, Get the red/white/blue paint and go to town. Its all a image. Its a image that Americans like...its flashy, comfortable, rewarding with the stars and whistles...all the "good job johnnys" and positiver reinforcment.

Actually sell the mcdojo image, but this is whats different....

Run the floor like a "good" school. Dont sell out on your students....be there for every correction and to push them hard.

Your style of actually caring about the student and their ability in MA is what makes you better than the mcdojo.

Its just noody ever gets a chance to see it, and you dont let them because you dont want to "look" or "sound" like a mcdojo in advertisments. Thats what people want to see nowdays....the smiling kid in the ad, not the hardcore blackbelt with boxing gloves on.

Use the mcdojo way to advertise and seem like a "big player school". Even use some of the programs and teaching styles...just take out "easy and fast" and insert "hard work and caring".

Use the mcdojo way to let the pubic know your not a "dungeon school" then introduce them to hard work and caring.

They will love you for it and the local Mcdojo will be exposed.

But you cant do it with 20 students..use their best asset...the advertising campaign and "the look".

Its not the art, its the artist.

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