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what to do against a opponet wildly swinging?

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If only it was one on one. Assume if someone is kicking off on you that they think they can win. They might be wrong but assume (among other things) that it is never one on one. Very few people go out without a few friends and they are more likely to join in if you are rolling around on the floor. A single strike can finish it immediatly, a choke/lock takes time (and then they tend not to be nearly as decisive as in the gym). Ask anyone with experience (ie a doorman) what they would do in a self-defence situation (ie not when working) and I doubt any will say they would choose to go to ground. Look at any reputable self-defence works and they will say pretty much the same thing, that you should know how to ground fight but you should never choose to end up there. Too much can go wrong.


Roy291: Self-defence situations rarely last longer than a couple of seconds from when the first strike is thrown. If its not you who throws it then your chances of winning drop massively and if you just try to cover up until you get the chance to act your chances go through the floor. You have to act quickly and decisively and any tactic involving waiting ups the chances of you getting done over.



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Of coarse I didn't plan on lying on the ground for any length of time, I also have to disagree with anyone that thinks that striking Would be superior than grappling in this one on one situation. It does not take but a few seconds to choke someone out especially if they are in a rage or on drugs, that is the only effective way to end the fight. I would not slug it out with a guy like this as all it takes is 1 haymaker to knock you out. Personally I would go to the ground as that is what works for me. I have never been successful trying to brawl with someone like this. I am assuming that this is on the street and not in a bar. In a bar, I would use the same Tactic whether going to the ground or not. (A clinch is fine with me.) I just think that a Doorman (bouncer) who uses any kind of strike is very unproffesional, especially if they really Injure someone, that could lead to a lawsuit. This is mostly my opinion but A choke has never seriously injured anyone if applied properly.


I would also like to add that I was in this situation once. This was not in a bar actually this was on my private property. One day My 2 children were out playing when a group of skinheads were walking by, I was not close at the time but they started beating the crap outta my children. My wife Ran out and a huge fight was on. by the time I got outside my wife was fighting 3 Men, actually thinking back on it she was not doing bad at all. when I arrived I managed to take the heat off my wife by taking one of the assailants to the ground, I choked him out, I was on my back while his friends were kicking me in the ribs. I would say that 70% of the kicks landed on there friend who was unconciuos as he was my shield. By that time my wife had time to knock out a couple of guys(with a weapon of coarse) I met my wife in Korea she was my Tae Kwan Do Instructor and has her 3rd degree blackbelt. This is one reason that I do not prefer striking and think that grappling in this situation is superior for me. If any of you ran into Mike Tyson on the street and he was in a rage, would you even consider trying to fight him standing up? I wouldn't you must take him out of his element. I no longer fight in MMA tournaments due to my age. (trust me it matters I don't care what anyone says).

The ground is my ocean, I am a shark and you can't swim.

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To each his own but thats what make the world go round, and I agree with at least one maybe more but the fact that you are comfortable with the ground is a good reason to use it, I on the other hand prefer my feet on the ground and let the knees, elbows and head do the talking because that is where I am comfortable. If everyone would try different things and go with whats works for them we would have alot more effective fighters walking the streets, I mean defenders not thugs, they would be more wary of who they jump.


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If some one is swinging wildly I move. Move in , to the side , step or pivot or back . which one depends on the specific situation. Wild punches have a very limited area where they deliver max. power . So which ever movement I choose timing is key.

We are not so much individual beings as individual points of perception within one immense being.

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I agree with taking someone to the ground in that situation, but you don't have to go with him. Throw and stomp that way you are safer if one of his buddies decides to help out his buddy. There are 100's of ways of taking someone to the ground while you remain standing.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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