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what to do against a opponet wildly swinging?

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thats pretty much what i was getting at, staying on your centerline is pretty much the most basic idea wing chun, if its left open, just pile drive it through


style:wing chun

Don't try to predict the outcome of a fight. just let nature take its course.

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hmmm there are many ways of takeing down a failing idot indeed


for example you may want to do a side step,but if you opponent is doing like a haymaker sort of punch he may still be able hit you if you are not far enuf away .even tho his punches may still hit you they would be weatherd a %age and less effective however this would not work in a closed space such as a ally or a elevator(this has happend to me once :) )so in a suituation like this you may want to jest take a couple of powerless(due to the rapidness) ineffecctive (due to him missing you because his eyes are closed) punches,take a stable stance take you time to targent a vonerable place (such as a undevoloped tummy)and hit him hard there also jest useing a nice push can probably knock him off balance.


:roll: :D


also for a multipule person fight I rember a tecniuqe my DKF(drunken kung fu) teacher taut me that was made in the menjii era of edo japan for a single officer that was fighting multipule enemys bacsicly he would run while the opponents chased him .his opponents would spread out because of weaght differentes and speed and when they we abould 2 feet at the lest(depending on how you need to bring down an opponent) you would turn quickly and attack a single opponent and if the spread is large mabey anouther and repeat. the usefulness of this tecniuqe that you can take a grupe one on one though it requires you to be able to run fast and have stamina. My DKF teacher called this the foxcatching teckniqe do to what a fox dose to a grupe of roosters following it :) I hope that helps i could contribute more but im pretty god damn lazy now :)


did I lose aney one :-?


excuse any bad spelling errors or grammer because im a bad seppelleer(speller)because i was doing martial arts insted of studying my spelling words in school :bawling:


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How come no one seems to have said step diagonally forwards.


Moving in and punching simultaneously works well because the force of a flailing blow is at the end of his arm, inside has very little power or pressure. It would be like getting hit by a nerf bat. The worst thing is it may take you off balance to keep your weight low and stable. Also just lift an arm to block or ward the blow (you can do this karate style or boxing style - just give them something to hit that is not your face).


You need to punch simultaneously as he punches he will be open and you need to smack him before he uses the other arm.


In blocking id your not just covering, block into the blow (about midway through the forearm where there is less power) with a cutting motion.


Well thats how I do it and it does work

Mind, body and fist. Its all a man truly needs.

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We had two pairs of gloves at the place everyone used to hang out in my town. The majority of the times I went down there, someone would challenge me to a boxing match. So we'd toss on these gloves, tap them, and go at it. The match would last until anyone said it was over. I was an orange belt in Kenpo and and orange belt in Jujitsu aswell at this time. From all the training I did at my dojo, I always did well in these fights. In retrospect, I don't think I actualy ever lost. Most the people I fought were not trained at all, so they would start slow, and after I would dodge/strike they would start wildly swinging. I figured out fast enough, that once you get hit while they are swinging liek that, you tend to get hit a lot more after, and the only defense against being pounded is to pound back. Mostly I would just steb backwards a few times until they would slow down, then I would dodge/strike again. People stopped asking me to box them when I broke someone's nose.

Ju Jitsu


Pressure Point Fighting


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First I would have to assess the level of danger this guy brings. why is he trying to hit me? Is there a chance I can talk him out of it once he stops? Is there anyone around that can get him under control? If it is a serious situation where i have no choice but to defend my self then I am a firm believer in side stepping, body shifting, off setting him. All things lead to ending it quick.

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:argue: This should never happen in a street fight, you have let yourself be pulled into a trap when you could have walked away or attacked if walking was not an option. :bawling: This now be what you will be doing because you left your abilities behind and decided to argue with someone. :x :evil: Do not let these guys beat you before the fight starts. 8) Be this guy he has trained and he knows that if he has to fight it will be either on his terms or at least he will be focused. Leave the other :-? at what just happened. Edited by street fighter


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delli04, what are you going to assess if the guy hits you with a lucky wild swing and drops you, the assessment is over as soon as the guy tries to hit you, you defend if that is your way, mine is to try and destroy at least until the guy stops attacking maybe even further if he pulls a weapon then I can only surmise that he wanted to kill me so I must in good faith inflict much pain to his troubled soul. Wild swingers are dangerous if you just stand there or let them turn you into a wild swinger, move in or move out its simple, but never just stand there or act like you are an airplane like the bone head in front of you. :o the look most have when being attacked. :kaioken: I just like this little guy.


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Is the man who trust his life to his 'Bat' a man when unarmed?


It is ok to use a weapon but not to depend on it.


Is the man who trusts his life to his 'tonfa' a man when unarmed?


It is ok to use a tonfa, but not to depend on it.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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